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Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Well I used to do a LOT of this sorta stuff - but I stopped doing it for some reason. Probably too busy. Maybe the novelty wore off. Anyway on a whim I did one last night...


What do you think?

Gone are the days where I try and make out that it's a "real" cap - I think it's better to have 'what ifs'. And this picture of Sisko in a non-typical window fit. [Big Grin]

I'm quite pleased with the result. Maybe the Enterprise needs to be in shadow a bit more with probably some spotlights on it - but I think it works. And it's nice to see the Enterprise near something more 'real' like the Spacedock to ground it a bit more in reality. I don't know about anyone else but I find it hard to picture the Enterprise-Nil as a 'real' thing - not the movie Enterprise-Nil - that's is very easy. There is something so 'real' about it. Even with the recreations of the TOS Enterprise in DS9, Enterprise and TOS-R I still find it hard to get a scale or a 'real' feeling from it. Do you think it is the curvy nature of it's hull? Or the lack of texture?

Anyway - comments are welcome. [Big Grin]

Others join it - post your own Trek-photoshopping 'attempts' and 'what ifs'.

Posted by Pensive's Wetness (Member # 1203) on :
"That's No Moon..."

"Gods, they're letting the junior SWO's fly the ship again"

"Wow. This Plasma TV is the shit..."

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