I just picked up the new Enterprise add recently at Trektoday.com or Trekweb.
I have to say one thing, so far so good. I like the music and everything does seem fresh. Download and see for yourselves.
Now im waiting to see if it holds up.
[ July 19, 2001: Message edited by: Kosa ]
Posted by Jernau Morat Gurgeh (Member # 318) on :
Yeah, I like it. It looks like it's going to tie the Star Trek reality a bit closer to ours, so it doesn't seem so distant.
Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
Off to Enterprise.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
I saw the Enterprise commercial, with Bakula looking up at the sky right? I'm rather interested in this series more. I was never one of those people that cried out "This is the end of Trek!" sure I don't like that it's not as consistant as I wish, but that's not gonna stop me from watching it or enjoying it.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
I think lots of people fell victim to the cool music they played during the promo, and fast/slow video tricks. I'm playing the Devil's Advocate here, but had they not used anything like that, it'd be a notably average promo. Just imagine the promo to the Voyager title theme - you'll see what I mean.
Now, if they use that kind of music in the actual show, THAT would really impress me.
Posted by Stingray (Member # 621) on :
Actually, I rather disliked the music. Thought it was the worst element of the promo and could have elicited the same emotional responce with a better choice.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
What was the music like? (For some reason, I'm hoping it's similar to the music used on one of CN's Powerpuff Girl adverts, but that might be weird. "Let Me Entertain You", which is currently being used on a Dexter ad would be cool though.)
Posted by Jeff The Card (Member # 411) on :
Same type of music you'd hear in a cheap porno flick.
Not that I would know.
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
Liam: Kinda Creed/Bush sounding alternative shtuff from a band called "The Calling." I think the song's title was "Wherever you will go" or something to that effect.
Posted by Jernau Morat Gurgeh (Member # 318) on :
Yeah, I didn't like the choice of music for the ad. It kind of reminded me of when they played "Song 2" by Blur in the Starship Troopers ads. I think that that sort of music, ie. contemporary pop/rock, doesn't fit well with Star Trek, and makes the whole thing seem blatantly commercial, like a "summer box-office" movie.
The music is supposed to sound like Generations from waht I heard. I also heard it will be a bit more electronic and upbeat, sort of tecnho-ish. I really hope so. I love the way trek music has been, but techno is always a welcome change.
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
The Generations thing comes from an "internal use only" promo sent out to the UPN stations that someone saw, and apparently it was just scored with the straight Dennic McCarthy Generations theme.
The only thing we know about the theme/incidental music is that they're going to try to work in a bit more "contemporary" sounding stuff. Whether that'll be tossing in some electric guitar or switching to shit electronica like B5 had is anyone's guess.
I'd just love to hear Apocalyptica do a Trek theme .
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Most bizarre thing I've ever seen was Pale Rider done to the Channel 4 news theme. . .
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I dunno. I liked B5's music, but I can't see it working for Star Trek.
OTOH, Trek TV music is usually pretty boring. It's not awful by any means, but it hardly sets the imagination on fire. Wandering chords, with no danger of a tune ever emerging. The few times they did although the music guys to use "themes", it sounded really good. Tin Man, BOBW, and Call To Arms all had really good soundtracks. But 90% of Trek music is exactly the same, and it's very, very dull.
Techno would be awful though. Awful.
Posted by Stingray (Member # 621) on :
Techno = Trek = Shit
Music from STVI = VERY good
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
And the music to Star Trek VI was largely based off of Holst's The Planets. The most telling part is the opening sequence -- sounds way too similar to Mars, Bringer of War. But I'll agree, I liked the ST6 music.
Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
ST6, Generations, First Contact and ST2 and 3 were the best. I do own all the soundtracks...but those are my faves
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
There's a reason that ST VI sounds like The Planets. Originally, Meyer wanted to score the film with Holst's music. But they couldn't afford the rights (which is a good thing, I think). The low amount of money available probably explains why they got a relative "unknown" to do the music. I imagine Meyer told Chris Eithingy to make it sound like the planets. And he did a good job overall.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I do agree that Cliff Eidelman did an excellent job. That's one of my favorite soundtracks.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
The music.. I like Blur - Song 2. Creed on the other hand I hate and all the other depressing crap songs my radio station refers as 'MopeRock'.
The preview itself I liked. It got me interested in Enterprise, kind of the whole point. Aside from the ripped off Akira design, or a few other visual inconsistancies I won't let that stop me from enjoying it.
Posted by Ryan McReynolds (Member # 28) on :
I'd like to see a "Zimmer-like" soundtrack for Enterprise as opposed to as "Williams-like" soundrtack, if that makes sense. Listen to the soundtracts to Crimson Tide (one of my favorite soundtracks) or The Rock and compare with Star Wars or any Trek movie to see what I'm talking about. Still classical, still orchestral, but with a more modern beat and drum line. I think it would fit both the era and the thematic ideas associated with a more dangerous, unproven time of exploration.
Posted by Kosa (Member # 650) on :
Probably my favourite StarTrek music comes from First Contact
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
If you really want to hear Holst, listen to the pre-battle leadup in "Sacrifice of Angels."
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
The only technoTrek music I can think of is Generations and Star Trek 4 opening music. Now Trek4 is shit music.
I think they need to change the music slightly but not to the point where you think that UPN is trying to bring in a younger crowd (which it is) See where I live UPN is viewed as a BET type network, just doesn't blantly tell you that's all. See if Trek was on any other real networkds like CBS, NBC, FOX or whatnot Trek could have a better ratings but it will be hard pressed to keep it like that though.
Its not 'the end of Star Trek' until they start having a 'babe of the week' type episode. That worked for TOS but now, its viewed as trash now.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Actually, I'd give Trek a season on a major network. It would be cancelled after that. Two, at the most.
Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
I hate it really. In TOS we got those nice mini skirts and all sorts of exotic alien costumes.
now we live in the wonderfully political correctness driven world where tight outfits (that cover everything) are so WRONG..
People are blinded by it, its just really sad.
Posted by TLE (Member # 280) on :
I'm going to go give it a chance, but I won't watch it as a Star Trek series. I'll watch it as a new sci-fi one instead. Like Farscape or Babylon 5. I downloaded the promo and took some shots off it to get a better idea on it too, I need more though.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
quote: I'm going to go give it a chance, but I won't watch it as a Star Trek series.
What does that even mean?
Posted by TLE (Member # 280) on :
It means I don't see it as being apart of the Star Trek universe. It looks nothing like Trek at all from the promo I've seen. Instead of thinking of it as being another segment of Star Trek, I'll consider it to be something new and different from that whole franchise.
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
Um, why?
Posted by TLE (Member # 280) on :
It doesn't look like Trek. They aren't wearing PJ's with red, gold, blue, spouting Treknobabble, the Captain isn't hitting on women left and right, there was no annoying child prodigy, I saw no dying red shirted ensigns, no bumpy-forehead alien of the week, they had a vocal music track for the show (and decent at that), and the number one clue this isn't your average Star Trek: The Captain has hair!
Posted by Kosa (Member # 650) on :
So you can get all that from watching a promo from a show that will most likely go for many years? For all we know, Enterprise could slip back into the mould of what we consider the Star Trek norm after a few episodes.
Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
I think he was being fasci...facsi... sarcastic.
Posted by Dr. Obvious (Member # 271) on :
I am defenatly feeling much better about this show now with this Promo , the music is cool its very "Creed" like and its current. The show doesnt look like trek its like a modern Scifi Show , very current and down to earth , I think this is what Star Trek needed , this promo has defenatly lifted my hopes for the show and i cant wait for September this can be in my opinion a new breeze for Network SciFi's Sails.
Posted by Ryan McReynolds (Member # 28) on :
quote:Originally posted by Dr. Obvious: I am defenatly feeling much better about this show now with this Promo , the music is cool its very "Creed" like and its current.
That is not the show's theme, nor is it incidental music from the show itself. Networks use pop music all the time for promos; we're just not accustomed to see it done with Star Trek. One promo comes out and all of a sudden everyone acts like Enterprise is going to have a rock theme. It's not.
Posted by Dr. Obvious (Member # 271) on :
Oh Of Course Not I know that , but what I'm saying is that the producers to appear to be taking the "Less Star Trek and More Modern" route.
The Theme may not be like the one in the promo but I'm sure wit wont be like the VOY or Ds9 Themes. They're probley going to take a more contemporary route with the theme and the in show music.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
The local network that was showing TNG here used to do its promos set to, I think, Depeche Mode. It was odd.
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
"Reach out and touch space?"
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Over here, Sky did crazy adverts. The most memorable one was that their promo for season 7 of TNG had the song "Dedicated follower of fashion".
And ended with Riker's line to Worf "You look good in a dress". Nice. Not as good as Cartoon Network, the undisputed masters of the cool advert (their survivor piss-take is priceless), but Sky did several good Trek adverts. That I've completely forgotten. Although I'm pretty sure they used Robbie Williams "Let Me Entertain you" for DS9 once...
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Eh. We've had TNG promos set to the finale of the 1812 Overture here. On each "cannon blast," the Enterprise would fire photon torpedoes. It was kinda amusing.