T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 411
quote: Learn of the Season’s First UPN Crossover!! I am – Hercules!! Does “Special Unit 2” cross over with “Smackdown!”?? No!! Does “Buffy” cross over with “The Hughleys”?? Absolutely not!! Does “Enterprise” cross over with … “Roswell”?? It does! In “Roswell’s” fourth UPN episode, authored by Russel Friend & Garrett Lerner and titled “Secrets and Lies,” teen alien Max Evans will find himself in Hollywood, investigating the death of a guy we’ll see shooting at Michael in the Oct. 9 UPN premiere. This suspicious demise will lead Max to probe the Paramount Pictures archives (!) in search of proof connecting the present-day murder to one from the past at the hands of the same alien. This proof, says Liz, can be found in the dailies of a Paramount science fiction feature titled “They Are Among Us.” How does Max get on the Paramount lot? A talent agent he meets at the murdered man’s funeral puts Max up for an “Enterprise” audition. Who is Max auditioning with? “Enterprise” star Scott Bakula. Who is directing the “Enterprise” episode? “Star Trek” vet and “Roswell” executive producer Jonathan Frakes. (Behind the scenes, Frakes is also directing this episode of “Roswell.” For which “Enterprise” role is Max auditioning? An alien. Specifically “Korgan of the Bantoo,” who suspects Capt. Archer has invaded his sector of space to steal dilithium crystals. The audition doesn’t go particularly well: Frakes tells Max he’s not very convincing playing an extraterrestrial. The pitiless irony!
Well, it might be fun ... [ August 27, 2001: Message edited by: MeGotBeer ]
Member # 670
At least its a believable crossover, not some trans dimentional rift or time travel hokiness. Still shouldn't be done though.
Member # 29
The worst this crossover could do is show that Enterprise and Roswell don't exist in the same universe. ::shrug::I don't see anything wrong with this so long as the events and characters in the Roswell episode don't actually make it into an episode of Enterprise.
Member # 44
Yeah, I see no harm in this. It couldn't be worse than having the X-men and Star Trek universes cross over - using actual characters in both! Arggh!
Ryan McReynolds
Member # 28
This isn't even a crossover at all. It's a crossover between Roswell and the real world Paramount lot, not a crossover between Roswell and Enterprise. A crossover, by definition, would presuppose that both series' are "real."
Member # 144
It actually sounds funny. I wonder if Liz will be hit on by guys on the lot? And besides, any crossover would be with Buffy and Angel anyway.
Tech Sergeant Chen
Member # 350
It doesn't sound bad, as long as they play it straight and avoid any "wink, wink, nudge, nudge" cuteness. Max should be suitably hammy or wooden as he auditions. It's almost enough to make me watch Roswell.This could be a lot worse. It could be like the Jason Alexander ego-fest of a couple of years ago. Still trying to get the bad taste out of my mouth.
The Red Admiral
Member # 602
Roswell and Trek cannot be of the same universe anyway, not unless Max is a descendant of Quark, or even Odo...but having said that, didn't Roswell indeed have a shapeshifter character... Lol
Member # 245
But Star Trek the universe and Star Trek the TV show cannot exist simultaneously, either. So if there is an "Enterprise" audition in "Roswell", then this is simply proof that we are *not* mixing two fictional universes. Timo Saloniemi
Member # 4
Johny Frakes has confirmed this, but Scott Bakula will not be seen in the Roswell episode.
Member # 709
So the Hughleys arent going to be on Trek, right?
Member # 38
No. But watch for a crossover with the late, great, Homeboys in Outer Space in May Sweeps.And FutureGuy is Shasta McNasty.
Member # 709
I thought that Homeboys in Outer Space WAS canon already.. wasnt that Scotty?