T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 709
Well, we've been bitching in circles all week, and its been getting pointless. I'm glad we are going to have a new episode tonight. ($orry if i spoiled it for the people who werent expecting a second episode!)[ October 03, 2001: Message edited by: CaptainMike ]
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411
So now we'll be able to do more bitching! YAY!
Member # 709
I suggest the following topics $ $$ $ >1) The design of NX-01 >2) The design of whatever ship they find >3) The rank pins >4) the spacesuits >5) The way Sato is written >6) The way T'Pol dresses and is written >7) The ratio of action sequences to character and plot development. >8) The use of shuttles and docking type stuff AND I HAVENT EVEN SEEN IT!!!!!!!
Aban Rune
Member # 226
I'm confused. If the show is such dreck...why are you watching it again?
Member # 709
I actually am not that pissed with the show anymore. I liked it. I wasnt happy with the way it was made. I'm pissed with TPTB at Paramount, and the things that go into making it.. buts its a Star Trek show, and i will always give Star Trek my full attention.. I've just seen several independant threads running around in circles with no real resolution in sight, but a second episode just might help some people find some peace.Or bitch some more, like Snay suggested
Member # 144
Maybe we should start giving out baby bottles before the show airs.