T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 217
Vulcans, like humans, refer to their ships, for the most part, as she. Look at the list of canonical names.(Surak) T'Mur T'Pau T'Plana'Hath T'Vran This combination of letters (T'x) has been conclusively proven to be one of the ways in which female names of this species are given. The name Surak for ships is very common, both in Starfleet and the Vulcan National Fleets.
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411
Uh, that only proves they name their ship after women (duh!)Even if a ship is named "George Washington", for example, the crew still refers to the ship as a "she" or "her". The name of the ship is irrelevent. I mean, hell, three Star Trek series have ships named after a business venture!
Member # 31
Besides, I'm sure Vulcans would do the logical thing and refer to a ship as "it".
Member # 245
Or then they want their language to be precise, and have invented a big cascade of genders: male sentient, female sentient, neutered sentient, male nonsentient, female nonsentient, neutered nonsentient, inanimate object named after male sentient, inanimate object named after female sentient, inanimate object named after neutered sentient, inanimate object named after inanimate object... You get the idea. Timo Saloniemi