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Posted by koy'peled Oy'tio (Member # 796) on :
I have been watching enterprise now for about what is it now? It has almost been a season now, 4 months anyway it is obvious…Enterprise is here to stay. This is good because personally I think the series kicks a*s and all around I would like to take a minute to reflect, on the episodes on the technology and the characters, it is finally becoming a routine every Wednesday eight o’clock. It is really nice to come home after whatever I’ve been doing all day ex. (School, work etc…) and I would just like what everyone thinks of the series so far.

random image of the ENT (linked because it's really huge and makes the thread look bad)

[ March 22, 2002, 20:24: Message edited by: TSN ]
Posted by Flower Man (Member # 780) on :
IMHO, it is still touch and go with Enterprise. Enterprise had a few good episode, but it also had plenty of bad ones. Overall, if you can believe it, I'm still undecided on whether Enterprise, as a series, is good or not.

As for the image; Did you make it? If so, it really kicks ass.

[nitpick]There is one thing kind of wierd about it, though. The movement streaks in the image is making the Enterprise look as if it were moving at warp speed in reverse.[/nitpick]
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
The problem with me is that I when i watch the show I do not nitpick and criticize everything I see on the show. Thats what some of you are doing to the show. Of course if you are going to watch the show like that, you are going to find lots of things that are wrong.

If I do that, i can find millions of things wrong with TNG, TOS, DS9 and other shows.

Why can't people just sit down and enjoy the show regardless if there is a slight problem in the show, that makes harcore Trekkeies (Trekkers), go crazy and beat people up because of that.
Posted by koy'peled Oy'tio (Member # 796) on :
no i didnt make it i found it at Lcarscom there are abunch more there if you like them.

[ March 22, 2002, 08:56: Message edited by: koy'peled Oy'tio ]
Posted by U//Magnus (Member # 239) on :
"that makes harcore Trekkeies [sic] (Trekkers), go crazy and beat people up"

We'd be hard-pressed to actually find a Trekkie that could actually do physical damage to another human being, let alone be physically imposing.
Posted by Dukhat (Member # 341) on :
To answer Koy'peled's question: I'm not saying that I dislike Enterprise. However, IMHO, the show (at least so far) doesn't really seem to be much different than if Voyager had an 8th season. Other than the fact that there's a different ship, a different crew, & a different time period, it's pretty much the same show. The technology is pretty much the same. The plot is pretty much the same. The aliens are pretty much the same. The writing is pretty much the same. Even some of the characters are pretty much the same. But if you think it kicks ass, that's great. I just don't particularly think so.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I can understand not liking Enterprise for any number of reasons. But I really can't see the argument that it's "just like" Voyager. The show, to me, feels completely different from previous Treks, and it seems obvious to me that the powers that be are approaching the thing from a slightly different angle.

Anyway, personally, I think Enterprise is having one of the strongest first seasons of any Trek incarnation, apart from TOS. As of yet there has been nothing like a "Code of Honor" or a "If Wishes Were Horses" (It's Rumplestiltskin! In space! You see?!), or an "Eye of the Needle." I'm not saying that the show is flawless or beyond criticism, and I can see why someone would despise it terribly and want to see everyone responsible torn apart by wild beasts or convention-goers. But not if those flaws include "a number of terrible episodes," which I've simply not seen.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Welcome to the clubhouse, koy'peled Oy'tio.

Wow, that's a... big... picture. It's nice though.

On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd give Enterprise's first season so far about midway between a B- and a B (ha ha! I make a fooley!).

Seriously, I think the season has been fairly solid. So far, only one episode has come up that I haven't liked, and that was "Shadows of P'Jem." The other episodes have ranged from about average to good. My favorite episode so far this season is a toss-up between "Dear Doctor" and "Shuttlepod One." Both were very heavy character episodes that were simply terrific, in my opinion.

I have to disagree that this is Voyager's 8th season. There are so many differences present. Enterprise seemed to have brought a good deal of focus back onto the characters instead of just the technology (which always seemed, to me at least, to be a focus of Voyager). The character development has been good. The relationship between Archer, T'Pol, and Tucker is improving, but it's moving at a slow and steady pace. It's not the bam! we're there development that we saw between Paris and Neelix. Plus, the secondary characters of the cast are getting some good attention. Hoshi Sato and Phlox has gotten a lot of good bits this season, but Mayweather and Reed could use some more.

I don't see anything bad about the writing of the show. I think that on the whole it's been fairly good. Plus, the writers are making a conscious effort to not make the stories so technobabble weighty. Plus, they are maintaining a good continuity with the rest of the series. We've only had one continuity blunder this season (that I know of), and this is a conflict with Voyager. And I think that they are respecting and protecting the integrity of The Original Series (although I have no doubt someone is going to jump in here and tell me off for saying so).

I think Enterprise has done really well for a series that has seemed to have a opposition from a loud subset of fandom and for tackling the task of fitting into the beginning of a scheme set in place by four other series. Of couse, I don't think that Enterprise is flawless either. I'd like to see more work done with the temporal cold war. For a central theme, it's been pretty well ignored. I also think they need to reign in the trend of casting the Vulcans in such a bad light. That is some tinkering I could do without.

But overall, I like the first season of Enterprise.
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
I didn't think that I liked Enterprise much. Then I started watching some of the reruns of TNG on TNN. They had quite a few stinkers for all the good stuff they did do. Now, I can sense that there is some kind of undercurrent happening in Enterprise, and that kind of excites me, but we'll see how it turns out. Does anyone know how it's doing numbers-wise? I know that I try to watch it whenever it comes on, but after a couple of episodes my friends don't watch it anymore.

If nothing else I do totally love the effects and props and costumes. They make me drools with envy. The characters? Not so much. I'm a big fan of TOS, so I'm biased, but overall, I'm finding Archer to be a little too soft for my tastes. He's a bit too nice without being nearly as interesting as Picard. I loved in an early episode of DS9 where Sisko slugs Q right in the face. It let us know we were going to have another brawler. I found that I liked his character a lot more after that. Maybe Archer just need s to beat more people up.

I definitely think it's got potential. It's gonna have to work pretty hard to be my fav, but I'll still watch it.
Posted by Alshrim (Member # 258) on :
Well.. I've absolutely ENJOYED the heck out of Enterprise.

I watch the show for what it is... Sci-Fi at it's best, IMHO..

The writting is good.. the effect are great... The moods for the stories are great..

It was like I said when Enterprise was still just about to come out .. and everyone said the writting would be crap... I thought.. maybe they would be inspired... The vision was new - and their own..

I think this is a great ST series...
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
March 11-17:

Alias 6.8 (I don't actually watch this show, and I know it has spies and things that don't scream out SF, but it's been getting into all sorts of strange prophecy/fate of the world kind of things lately, no? Anyway, it's the highest rated show that could possible fit within the net of "speculative fiction.")

The X-Files 4.8

Smallville 3.8

Dark Angel 3.5

Futurama 3.5

Buffy 3.2

Charmed 3.1 (Eh...most SF lists I see include this. Witches, and so forth! I guess.)

"Futurama 2" 2.6 (A repeat, I'm guessing, or something.)

Enterprise 2.5

Sabrina The Teenage Witch 2.4 (More witches! This is still on?)

Then there are some fantasy type things on PAX which round out the extreme bottom of the barrel, but the less said about PAX the better.
Posted by U//Magnus (Member # 239) on :
Ugh. WB.
Posted by targetemployee (Member # 217) on :
I haven't watched 'Enterprise' in weeks, and I find that I don't miss the show.
Posted by koy'peled Oy'tio (Member # 796) on :
you better watch what you say around the young ones

[ March 23, 2002, 10:18: Message edited by: koy'peled Oy'tio ]
Posted by The Defiant (Member # 818) on :
To resurrect a dead topic...

I wasn't alive when TOS aired, sp I can't say.

TNG was waaaaaaaaaaay out there when it aired. But it was really good.

DS9 was different, but was lacking something, the fact that they really went nowhere got it down.

Voyager started out good, but was reduced to udder crap (cough*seven*hack.Gack.*Borg*cough)

Enterprise is a lot different. But has the Voyager feel to it. Maybe it's the patent pending BremanBraga Effect.

I don't know. Why did I post this?
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
Because you're in rather desperate need of love and attention? Failing that, you just like it when UM makes you feel silly.
Posted by The Ulcer Mongoose (Member # 239) on :
*stumbles, dies*
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
You liked that, huh? [Big Grin]
Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
I loved Enterprise. I suppose I'm not as deep a Star Trek fan as I used to be- I no longer care about ship designs and fan-fiction and conventions- but I do know a good show when I see it. Enterprise as a show on its own has good plot and great character development. Who cares if it doesn't fit what trekkie nerds believe is proper way Star Trek should be? Its only the first season, and we're seeing a side of Star Trek history that no one has seen before, so how can anyone really know how it is supposed to be?

My $.02
Posted by koy'peled Oy'tio (Member # 796) on :
watch the N word
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I think that, so far, I'm sort of between camps. We stopped getting it in my little village, so I've had to wait for tapes. I went through T'Pol withdrawl for a couple weeks, but other than that, I didn't miss it terribly.

On the other hand, I find a couple things they're doing with it to be very nice. They're perhaps even learning from a couple instances of ball dropping with Voyager. They've got a couple of on going story lines that are nice. The Temporal Cold War is good and plays nicely with the fact that noone really seems to believe time travel is possible yet. I really hope they don't wrap it up next season.

Voyager started out with some on-going things, but pretty much dropped them.

DS9 did the best with continuing plots and connecting threads, and is, incedently, my favorite of the 5 series.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
koy, someone said 'Nee!'??
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
Koy tries to be funny. Koy needs to leave. Yes.
Posted by The Defiant (Member # 818) on :
No he don't. Koy makes good topics, unlike me...
Koy also has intellect to add to discussions, and doesn't flame or bash people like a couple people. Except for that on kinda thing back a little. But that's over. Koy, even though he can bee a little off sometimes, is a good friend and a potentially very valuable member of Flare, like Bernd or somebody. But we are all off sometimes.
So leave Koy alone and focus your bashing and flaming and insults at me.

[ June 03, 2002, 18:26: Message edited by: The Defiant ]
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
****off thread
mmmm, it was a snay poke, a slight jab.... IF he were to call koy MIB, jr. then he'd be slamming him...

Lighten up man, stop drawing attention with the self pity bs, and drive on....
on thread***

I agree with the thread title, although I missed a lot when I was in exile... I'll catch the reruns this summer, if the VCR and I ever start getting along....
Posted by The Ulcer Mongoose (Member # 239) on :
Why do not the both of them in becoming quiet with their mouths of speak?

That good would be, yes.
Posted by The Defiant (Member # 818) on :
To get back to the orignal topic:

I am glad that Enterprise is getting less of the 'Voyager Effect' and is developing a style of it's own. The one problem with DS9's first season was that it tried to mimic the TNG style.
Enterprise, now having seen Shockwave, is now offically ahead of Voyager, and if the Temporal Cold War goes right, it will beat DS9. But it can't beat TNG or TOS, of course.
If Ent. pulls off a storyline while outside exploring space, then I know it will last seven seasons.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Originally posted by The Defiant:
To get back to the orignal topic:

The one problem with DS9's first season was that it tried to mimic the TNG style.

First off, DS9's first season didn't copy TNG at all. In fact, they made a vast departure. They focused on internal crew conflicts. The plot lines tended to be more political, focusing on Bajor and the internal struggles there as well as on the exploration of the Gamma Quadrant. They had a few continuing plot lines throughout the season which is something TNG didn't pick up until later in its run. From the very beginning, DS9 was set up as more of a local story than TNG.

Secondly, how can Enterprise end up better than DS9 but not TNG when DS9's "problem" was mimicing TNG?
Posted by The Defiant (Member # 818) on :
First off, I always felt that the early early episodes of DS9 trited to mimic TNG.
After DS9 took a life of it's own, it got worse.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
How exactly do you feel that DS9 tried to mimic TNG in it's early seasons? And how do you feel it got worse? Examples help discussion.
Posted by Fedaykin Supastar (Member # 704) on :
is it just me (probly is), but when Koy' and Defiant post - its like listening to someone who doesnt talk in complete sentence and one word comes to your mind "BLAH"....

neways, i would like to have jumped on the enterprise band wagon, lol, i have not even seen broken out in Asia and jetting out of ausralia the week b4 broken bow aired. oh well, i've kept clear of the spoilers. but with all the other trek, i didnt mind watching it ages after evryone else had seen it.

my PoV.

Posted by The Defiant (Member # 818) on :
Sorry, wrong topic.

How many times does that happen?

-----On a related note-----
Originally posted by Fedaykin Supastar:
is it just me (probly is), but when Koy' and Defiant post - its like listening to someone who doesnt talk in complete sentence and one word comes to your mind "BLAH"....

Since I can't PM you because the thing don't want to show up:

This might just be me, but...

It's the same with you.

[ June 04, 2002, 08:07: Message edited by: The Defiant ]
Posted by The Ulcer Mongoose (Member # 239) on :
Point for Defiant. Boom.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
After reading 'Gettin' comfy with Enterprise' for so long, I'm wondering if the next thread will be 'Making a move of Enterprise' or 'Gettin to second base with Enterprise.' Me, I just watch it when i can.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Defiant's not going to answer my question about DS9, is he?

[ June 05, 2002, 04:55: Message edited by: Aban Rune ]
Posted by The Defiant (Member # 818) on :
Whichun? Whar is it?
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Originally posted by Aban Rune:
How exactly do you feel that DS9 tried to mimic TNG in it's early seasons? And how do you feel it got worse? Examples help discussion.

Posted by The Defiant (Member # 818) on :
Oh, let's change that a little: I just got the feeling that it tried to outdo TNG too much in early seasons. The whole war arc ruined me. It was all to ratings bent for me. It would have been better if they saw ships going into battle and said 'Wul, I knu a Lt. McFish on that ship.' Only to be destroyed a few seconds later.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Well, the only thing I understand about that is that you're saying DS9 tried to outdo TNG early on and that the War Arc ruined it for you.

If you didn't like the war arc, I guess that's your opinion. Several people didn't. But the War arc wasn't early on. And how does DS9 trying to be better than TNG make it a bad show?

DS9 gave us a new look at Starfleet and at a different situation for SF officers to be in. Simply reating "it sucked" really does nothing for me.

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