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Posted by Pensive's Wetness (Member # 1203) on :
how long until ENT's forum is locked for posterity?

and for that matter, for the forums created for the previous series (i know of only Voyager's existance, unsure if Flare was aaround long enough to have forum posts dedicated to the other shows) how long after the series ended before the forums was locked for that series of topics? exactly how do we access them?

...and was that last glorious post, Really bashing her Bun?

/me backs away from the potential train wreck...

[Big Grin]
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
The Voyager forum was not closed until May 2002, a year after the show ended.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
And the topics, as were any that survived from DS9, were merged in to the General Trek forum, I believe.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
It's unlikely anything is going to happen to the Enterprise forum until the rest of the world catches up on the episodes. I'm not sure how far ahead on Enterprise the States were compared to everyone else; isn't the UK still in season three? Anyway, letting everyone else catch up was the point in not closing the Voyager or Deep Space Nine forums right away. Give everyone else the opportunity to comment in older threads or post new ones.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I've proposed, I think, that we use the release date for the last Enterprise DVD set in most major markets as a guide. (In the U.S. that's somewhere in Novemeber.)

But yeah, the forum doesn't get locked so much as folded into General Trek.
Posted by The Ginger Beacon (Member # 1585) on :
UK ENT roundup:

Azati Prime and Damage (about 5 eps more to go in series 3 after that) were on today on channel 4 (terestrial). On Sky, Observer effect was the last one to play, I think.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Terrestrial = network, so give a lazy and not especially accurate translation. Sky = digital.
Posted by Marauth (Member # 1320) on :
Saying Sky = digital is somewhat akin to saying Micro$oft = computer, or Ford = car, it's a little bit misleading as Sky aren't exactly dominant either, though everyone else carries the standard Sky channels on their networks.

I don't see why we have to be so far behind the yanks with programing, and film, and music, and games, etc.
Posted by The Ginger Beacon (Member # 1585) on :
Sorry, I was being a bit generic. My mum has Sky, so thats my benchmark. What I ment was on the Murdock money grabbing bastard channel Sky1, Observer effect was the last one to play, I think.

(being poor and studenty, I have to make do with 'free'view. Bloody government making us switch.)
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I don't see why we have to be so far behind the yanks with programing, and film, and music, and games, etc."

Well, I know you got "Battlestar Galactica" and the second half of the first season of "Stargate: Atlantis" before we did a few months back.

I don't know about music and games, but I'm pretty sure that, when film release dates differ between the US and UK, it's only by a couple of days, yes?

[ May 24, 2005, 03:02 PM: Message edited by: TSN ]
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Usually. Although there are exceptions where we have to wait a couple of months. Because we're part of Europe and we get thrown in with them for the purposes of international distribution. So with Video Games they can't just give us the US version, they have to translate it and then give us the version that has French, Italian etc on.

It's to do with money allocation for advertising and, er, stuff. Of course, with the dollar being so piss poor at the moment you can quite happily import stuff and still have it cost less than if you bought it new over here.

Originally posted by Marauth:
Saying Sky = digital is somewhat akin to saying Micro$oft = computer

1/ "Micro$oft". You lose 5 billion points.

it's a little bit misleading as Sky aren't exactly dominant either.

No-one says "Have you got digital?" They say "Have you got Sky?" I gain 5 billion points.

End result:
Liam = 72 trillion points.
Marauth = loser.

Win for the champion!
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by The Ginger Beacon:
(being poor and studenty, I have to make do with 'free'view. Bloody government making us switch.)

You haven't got to switch for another 5 years, have you? Besides, don't you want your TV programs to be a bit wider? Eh? Eh?

(I always had Sky when I was a student. Of course, I was ridiculously poor and kept having to borrow money, but damnit, I needed my late night repeats of Cheers.)
Posted by The Ginger Beacon (Member # 1585) on :
Originally posted by PsyLiam:
Originally posted by The Ginger Beacon:
(being poor and studenty, I have to make do with 'free'view. Bloody government making us switch.)

You haven't got to switch for another 5 years, have you?
Thats not the point. Damn you evil Blair monkey minion.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Presumably you'll have graduated by then, anyway. Stupid posh Howard-loving student-type.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
I'm pretty sure that when I graduate, erh, some number of years from now, the only digital TV transmissions here will be the ones from stupid British channels beaming across the stupid ocean mocking us with stupid British programs in stupid high-resolution stupidness.

Posted by Marauth (Member # 1320) on :
I refer to digital rather than Sky and Liam anyone who 1. is a Blair monkey and 2. awards themselves points on the internet is no champion.

Cartman can't people in Canada just get American channels? I mean they are right next to each other, even if both countries are gigantic.

With a lot of DVD releases we don't get them for months after region 1, for example we only just got the third part of the Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex series and we don't get the fourth part till june; America has already had part 4 for several months I believe. And we don't even get different languages to justify us having to wait for being in Europe, just the original Japanese and the English dub, obviously there are many examples of us being close to the region 1 release but never on time with them.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by Marauth:
Cartman can't people in Canada just get American channels? I mean they are right next to each other, even if both countries are gigantic.

The same way you settle down every night to watch Irish channels?

That, combined with your use of Ghost in the Shell as an example of a standard UK/US DVD release means that you have now lost so many points that the game is well and truelly over for you, my friend.

(People who say "digital" instead of "Sky" are like people who correct others for saying "hoover" instead of "vacuum cleaner".)
Posted by Marauth (Member # 1320) on :
Not Irish, at least not that I'm aware of but we do get welsh tv through Sky digital for some reason, I'm sure we never asked for it. Plus in Sicily our digital TV, can't recall what company it is there, lets us pick up channels from pretty much the whole of Europe and the med, I think we even get Al Jazeera through that.

And again whats this fixation of yours with scoring points against someone you've never even met in a discussion over the 'net about regional differences in entertainment product releases?
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
In Canada we get some US channels on basic cable. With digital cable/satellite service, we get two versions of those channels, one for each coast. But Canada and the US have different specialty digital channels, I think. I know we don't get Sci-Fi, which is annoying.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"And again whats this fixation of yours with scoring points against someone you've never even met in a discussion over the 'net about regional differences in entertainment product releases?"

What's with your fixation with not understanding the concept of sarcasm?

"Cartman can't people in Canada just get American channels? I mean they are right next to each other, even if both countries are gigantic."

Some can. But, then, as Cartman mentioned, he doesn't live in Canada.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Researchers Pinpoint Brain's Sarcasm Sensor
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by TSN:
"Cartman can't people in Canada just get American channels? I mean they are right next to each other, even if both countries are gigantic."

Some can. But, then, as Cartman mentioned, he doesn't live in Canada.

And, as I mentioned, you can't get Irish TV. So why do you expect that Canadians should be able to get US TV?
Originally posted by Marauth:
And again whats this fixation of yours with scoring points against someone you've never even met in a discussion over the 'net about regional differences in entertainment product releases?

Because it's what all the cool kids are doing.

And I voted Liberal Democrat.
Posted by The Ginger Beacon (Member # 1585) on :
(Shhhh...It's supposed to be a secret ballot).

Anybody who lives in Kent upto East Anglia (strange uncharted bits of the UK, look them up, they're real) can get Dutch TV if they have a signal booster. Trouble is, its in Dutch (well, duh).

Funny thing is, because the French use SECAM rather than PAL, you can't pick up froggy TV.
Posted by Marauth (Member # 1320) on :
Yep, according to the Israelis I'm brain-damaged. And so is anyone else like me who voted Lib-Dem.

I may have to look into a signal booster, living halfway as I do between these strange places you call 'Kent' and 'East Anglia' I wonder if we can get some dutch pron here...
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
mmm... Dutch pron

Originally posted by Marauth:
Not Irish, at least not that I'm aware of but we do get welsh tv through Sky digital for some reason,

I realise it's slightly embarassing and we don't usually like to talk about it, but Wales is actually part of the UK, ie the country you (and I) live in. SO getting regional channels is not all that surprising.

Also, I'm sure that DVDs now have fewer European language options on them than they used to.

I always had Sky when I was a student
For some reason, my college won't allow people to have TVs. So I'm getting through a lot of DVDs.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I assume you mean that you watch them on your computer? You should get a TV tuner card. And a set of rabbit-ears, unless you can somehow get cable or a satellite receiver in there without their noticing.

Say, speaking of that... Does the BBC make you pay a license fee for a TV tuner in your PC?
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
You require a TV licence if you have the equipment available to pick up TV signals and use it, so yeah, you would have to.

Waith: Your college won't let you have TVs? Wow. That' Why on earth not?
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
In theory my Freeview box arrives today. Mind you, it's coming via Parcelfuckers, so all bets are off.
Posted by The Ginger Beacon (Member # 1585) on :
You won't get the box. Just a card that says nobody was in when they called, and a time on that card which coincides with when you and ten other people were outside the front of your house for some time before and after.

PS Anybody else suspect that E4 becoming available on freeview and what's the Big Bother (sic) starting on channel 4 not be a coincidence?
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :

No, they left it with the next-door neighbours, but didn't leave me a card to say they had. I've now got it wired in, and connected to the stereo too.
Posted by DoughBoy05 (Member # 1417) on :
I live in Canada and if I want to watch a show from ANY country, we here in Canada have a great resource available to us called the I-N-T-E-R-N-E-T. Its really quite revolutionary, I almost feel sorry for you all, not having access to this I-N-T-E-R-N-E-T must make your lives seem very pathetic. And thanks to our Canadian Government charging us a special hidden tax on any blank CD or DVD we buy its legal and hence guilt free to download whatever we want! [Smile]
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
You know, not everyone accesses the I-N-T-E-R-N-E-T by means of a B-R-O-A-D-B-A-N-D C-O-N-N-E-C-T-I-O-N, so they may not be able to D-O-W-N-L-O-A-D a huge F-I-L-E like a T-V S-H-O-W with any S-O-R-T of R-E-A-S-O-N-A-B-L-E S-P-E-E-D.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I'd like to solve the puzzle.
Posted by Pensive's Wetness (Member # 1203) on :
Originally posted by Sol System:
I'd like to solve the puzzle.

Alex? can i have a U?
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
You lose 50,000 points for mixing up "Jeopardy" and "Wheel of Fortune". And you didn't phrase the response in the form of a question.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Um... Yes he did, though.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
No no, you're supposed to phrase it like "What is..." or "Who is..." and so forth. [Razz]
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
The rule is just that it has to be a question. Every once in a while, they'll have one where the correct response is, itself, a question, so those additions are unnecessary.
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
Originally posted by PsyLiam:
Waith: Your college won't let you have TVs? Wow. That' Why on earth not?

Not totally sure. I think it's partly due to the difficulty of making sure everyone in college accomodation has a liscence. And partly to make sure we work more (it doesn't) and aren't distracted. My college (Christ's, Cambridge) is traditionally one of the more academic. It's all a bit silly really, but there we go. At least the bar doesn't close at 8 any more.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
How old are the residence halls that you're living in? It could also be a simple matter of the wiring in the building not being able to handle the load.

The first dorm I lived in at school was built in 1950, and the maintenance men would freely tell you that the building should be gutted and rebuilt. The wiring in it was designed to handle radios, lamps, clocks, and that sort of small 1950s appliance. Tripped circuit breakers were common now that the wiring had to support mini-fridges, microwaves, computers, televisions, and the like. In my room, we had to shut off everything and unplug the fridge in order to use the microwave (and even that couldn't be used for longer than 5 minutes) without tripping the breaker.
Posted by The Ginger Beacon (Member # 1585) on :
Christ's College has been in the same place since the mid 1400's I think. It might be more to do with the buildings being listed rather than unable to take to load. Or those Cambridge masters might just be fun squashing bastards.
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
Chrit's is 500 years old this year, and does indeed have some lovely old buildings from that period. Unfortunately, I live in a giant concrete typewriter from the 1960s.
Posted by The Ginger Beacon (Member # 1585) on :
Bad luck. Whats the deal then? Are they just old fashioned enough to think that people go to univeristy to lock themselves in their room with their books for 3+ years?
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I suppose they're assuming that you should move out after the first year, like real university students.
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
Well, there is a tv room. With one tv. It's not like watching tv is the only thing to do anyway; there's the whole social life thing...

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