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Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
From (please consider this a rumor, it is not yet officially confirmed!):

"Just a bit more for you and your readers on the new series' first episode. Klingon ship crash lands on earth and "we" try to help them get home... Something doesn't go as planned and the feud begins.... Oh yeah, and the Klingons WILL have bumpy heads. (Reasoning is that if Gene Roddenberry had had the $'s they would have started out with bumpy heads..)"

"I don't poke my head into business world too much. All I care about is making the show. And naked stuff."

- Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer


Posted by The Talented Mr. Gurgeh (Member # 318) on :
In the TNG ep First Contact Picard mentions this incident with the Klingons. This is set soon after the First Contact movie then? I'm actually beginning to like the sound of this new series, I like the whole first contact idea.

"If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen"
Samuel Adams


Posted by Prakesh (Member # 265) on :

I'll accept the whole bumpy head theory. Let all Klingons have bumpy heads and let us all forget what Worf said in DS9!!!!

Hab SoSlI' Quch!

(Although the smooth looks of Kang and co did have something...)

Posted by J (Member # 608) on :
They can't use Klingons in the 22nd century! TOS "Day of the Dove" Bones said that the *Federation* didn't meet the Klingons until 2218, 100 years after the setting that Enterprise is supposed to occur in.
Posted by Waka (Member # 36) on :
TOS had some issues with dates anyway, like Kirk placing the series in the 2100s ("Space Seed" and others).
Posted by NightWing (Member # 4) on :
Yeah, sometimes I think of TOS as being non-canon
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :

As for the Cling-ons: Bones said *hostilities* went back to 2118.
Could be interpreted in different ways.

Posted by J (Member # 608) on :
Bones said that when first contact was made in 2218 that they didn't turn out well. Later in one of the movies, Spock said that hostilities broke out after this period.

The two dates go together. And you must accept some time period for TOS. I accept 2260's, and the rest I chalk up to bad records [as of Spock from "Balance of Terror"] or misinformation [as of Kirk's Corbomite Device(s) and tactics].

Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
Bones said that when first contact was made in 2218 that they didn't turn out well

Can someone please just check the friggin' episode for the exact line? It seems like everyone remembers differently.

Spock's line in TUC was "nearly 90 years of unremitting hostility" or something to that effect. Which means hostilty began sometime after 2203, but almost certainly earlier than 2218.

And Spock's a better historian than Bones. Wasn't there a "dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a historian" at some point in TOS, anyway?

[ May 28, 2001: Message edited by: The_Tom ]

Posted by Eclipse (Member # 472) on :
Actually, the "Doctor �Historian" line was Bashir's.
Posted by MIB (Member # 426) on :
[QUOTE]Yeah, sometimes I think of TOS as being non-canon[END QUOTE]

You too huh? I do that ALOT! Sometimes, I really don't know who's worse in continuity. TOS or Voyager. Although, TOS never did have an episode called Threshold.

Actually. I just make believe that that entire episode was just a f**ked up dream Tom Paris had, and that Threshold never showed him waking up before the episode ended.

Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
From a comic I once read: Klingons used to remove the part of the spine that wrapped around the skull to become more "pleasing" with thier appearance. Klingons are ashamed that they were so sensitive about this after they stopped removing them, so they dont talk about it much. Perhaps there was a point in time before they removed them when they didnt? I bet they will come up with a creative way of explaining this in Enterprise.
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
I bet they won't

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