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Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
Okay, new poll.

How many episodes until:
- Cptn. Archer gets his shirt torn off
- He gets some green pussy
- (any other hackneyed ideas from TOS/Galaxy Quest?)

Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on : dad told me that green pussy was a BAD thing.
Posted by Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
I think as soon as the klingons start their attack runs his first officer's face will turn green, him being a pussy and all.
This will make the captain look more brave, and that is always good.

I think Archer will "end-up-in-sickbay-involuntarily-whilst-squirming-and-trying-to-walk-away-with-crutch-made-of-bridge-railing-insisting-that-he's-fine" in the very first episode, but that's just a wild guess.

Posted by Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
But they probably just had first aid kits in those days, real men tend to their wounds with one hand whilst giving orders with the other.
You know, pointing with the entire hand, "you go there, you sit there, fly thataway, shoot at that blobby thing and can someone fasten this gauss I have on the shoulder, it's not doing any damn good as it is now. Give me more bourbon and call me daddy, you shithead!!!"
Posted by MIB (Member # 426) on :
LMAO! I think Archer will get his shirt torn off, Kirk style, in the very first episode!
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I'm going to have to agree w/ MIB on that. But I don't think he'll get laid 'til at least halfway through the first season... :-)
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
Have you seen the actor who's playing Archer? The is hairy as hell, (I shouldn't be saying anything either for tht matter) If he takes his shirt off, ratings will go down just because of that!
Posted by Reginald Barclay (Member # 594) on :
Forget TOS clich�s. The question is how many episodes before we get the Braga reset button? That is, an episode progresses then is cancelled by time travel at the climax.
Posted by Reginald Barclay (Member # 594) on :

[ May 31, 2001: Message edited by: Reginald Barclay ]

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Ratings might go DOWN if he cuts his 'hair' a la "Felicity"!
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Nice to see we're still gonna get double posts. . .
Posted by MIB (Member # 426) on :
[QUOTE]Forget TOS clich�s. The question is how many episodes before we get the Braga reset button? That is, an episode progresses then is cancelled by time travel at the climax.[END QUOTE]

ohhhh. That's a tough one. hmmmm. In all honesty I don't think Braga is going to pull all that time paradox garbage untill the first half of the second season.

Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
I wonder if Braga is going to bring in the Enterprise from the 22nd century to the 25th century and then give him a new ship. How long will that be?
Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
Couldn't tell ya, fella - but I think we can guarantee a visit from the 29th century.
Posted by Reginald Barclay (Member # 594) on :
Originally posted by MIB:

In all honesty I don't think Braga is going to pull all that time paradox garbage untill the first half of the second season.

Really? I don't think he'd be able to resist for much more than a half season. It's his favorite deus ex machina. I say episode unlucky 13. Want to start a pool here on what episode you think it'll be? Pity we can't actually bet some money, but we can look back at the thread once it happens and see who "wins" the pool.

What you have to remember is that this is B&B, and they don't care about TOS, so they won't have the shirtless captain. Honestly, did we get shirtless Picard, Sisko or Janeway? (Although I bet a few viewers wouldn't have minded the last.) Why use really old hackneyed ideas when they have their own hackneyed ideas?

BTW, I think the line from Galaxy Quest was "I see you manage to get your shirt off."

[ June 01, 2001: Message edited by: Reginald Barclay ]

Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
I hope they can at least maitain some internal continuity for some seasons, like Voyager tended to do in the first two or so.

And I guess it will take about three seasons until we see 24th century CGI models in the far background.

Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
*rolls eyes*
If what writing staffs did on one series was identically carried over when they started on another, then Voyager would have been like TNG.

So if B&B don't pay homage to hackneyed 60s elements like ripped shirts, they're dishonouring Gene? Please. We (thankfully) didn't see too much of Kirk's chest in the films, did we? And we did see Picard sans shirt several times, FWIW.

Posted by Reginald Barclay (Member # 594) on :
Voyager wasn't more like TNG because Braga's power grew gradually. He used his temporal reset button as a writer several times in TNG, starting with "Cause and Effect" and ending with "All Good Things..." By Voyager, he became the predominant writer and later co-executive producer. And guess what? He used his reset button whenever he got the chance. See Year of Hell, Future's End, Timeless and Endgame, for example.

You're mistaken. I don't worship at the shrine of Roddenberry. He was badly overrated and stole credit from others, both subtly and aggressively. I'm just saying these guys have as big egos as he did and would rather use their own gimmicks rather than his.

I don't remember ever seeing a barechested Picard. In a tank top, yes, but never barechested. Ditto with Janeway, although as I wrote, I'm sure a few guys would have tuned in to see her barechested.

[ June 01, 2001: Message edited by: Reginald Barclay ]

Posted by Jeff Kardde (Member # 411) on :
Shirtless Janeway? Perish the thought.

And, IIRC, Picard was pretty damn close to shirtless (if not actually) in "Captain's Holiday."

A Ron Moore ep, actually.

Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
We've also apparently forgotten that Picard was the only captain to appear buck-ass naked.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
And "Tapestry", when he wakes up in bed next to Q. I'm pretty sure he was shirtless then.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
Wasn't Kirk nekkid, too, in "What Little Girls Are Made Of"?


Posted by Reginald Barclay (Member # 594) on :
"Captain's Holiday?" Mmmmm. I'd like to see barechested Vash. Now that you mention it, I guess Picard was barechested in the climax of BoBW. Although they gave equal time to Deanna in Menage a Troi.
Posted by TrekkiEternal (Member # 615) on :
Haha, my friend is actually watching to see Cpt. Archer minus his shirt. I was going to post a link she gave me, but I can't find it.

Anyone wonder what the "uniforms" are going to look like?

� TrekkiEternal

"Hi, excuse me, I was your lover in a past life and now it's my job to protect you and the entire universe."
"Oh, ok."

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