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Posted by Commander Dan (Member # 558) on :
In the most recent issue of the Star Trek Communicator, a new interview with Rick Berman has been published. The first statement by the interviewer is something to the effect of:

“The current buzz about Enterprise has been very positive.”

After reading this, I suddenly found myself aghast! The buzz surrounding Enterprise has been positive? At best, I have thought it to be somewhat controversial, at least amongst Star Trek fans. Trying to be objective, I began to think, “Maybe it has been generally positive.” “Maybe the fans that are quite reserved about the new show are in the minority.”

So, I have decided to conduct a little informal, totally unscientific, bulletin board poll. I would be curious to get a general sense of how other fans feel about the show, based on the information that is known about Enterprise thus far.


I have set-up the following rating/ranking guide for your convenience:

1. Enterprise looks to be a fantastic new Star Trek show! Possibly the best Trek ever! I am totally hyped! Berman and Braga are doing a fabulous job! (most excited)

2. While I have a few reservations about how Berman and Braga are producing Enterprise, I am fairly enthused about this newest incarnation of Trek. (somewhat excited)

3. While I am not really that excited about Enterprise, I am not necessarily uninterested either. Some things about the show I like, some I do not. I think I will just have to wait and see... (neutral)

4. Enterprise might turn out to be O.K., but I am not optimistic. Berman and Braga have disenfranchised several fans by screwing-up several aspects of this new Trek series. (somewhat disappointed)

5. With its pathetic “Akiraprise” design and its potential for continuity errors, Enterprise looks to be total disaster! Berman and Braga are obviously idiots! (most disappointed)


Please try to choose the number that most closely relates how you currently feel about Enterprise. Additional comments are obviously welcome.


[ August 23, 2001: Message edited by: Commander Dan ]

Posted by Mr. Christopher (Member # 71) on :
Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
6. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst.
Posted by Obi Juan (Member # 90) on :
My feelings tend to vary from 2 to 5.

I think that a prequel was the logical next step for the franchise. It is, in theory, a great idea. But I honestly don't think Berman and Braga are the ones to pull it off. Even if they don't manage to slaughter continuity a little more with each episode, I fear that this show has little chance of escaping the Voyager pit of mediocrity.

Unlike most people, I don't blame Voyager on Berman or Braga. At least not the really big problems. Berman also produced TNG and DS9 and neither of them took the "too frightened to be good" attitude. I personally think it’s a UPN thing. The network suits are convinced that their flagship will only fly if it conforms to certain network TV practices.

I see no reason why Enterprise won't be tied down by the same attitude. So it will probably suck.

That being said, I will give it a fair chance—even if it doesn't look promising to begin with. None of the modern Trek series have started out well, and only Voyager never managed to get better. In the early days, I never expect TNG to turn into the wonderful show that it was (or DS9 either for that matter). So I'll watch Enterprise.

For a while anyway.

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Somewhere between 2 and 4. (No, that wouldn't be 3. 3 is totally unrelated.)
Posted by TheF0rce (Member # 533) on :
3 or 4

but i'm guessing we are in the minority

there are alot of people out there who believes voy are better than tng.

Posted by Obi Juan (Member # 90) on :
Not according to the ratings.
Posted by Stingray (Member # 621) on :
Yep, somewhere between and

Something along the lines of <=\

Posted by David Templar (Member # 580) on :
I would say ~4.
Posted by Dukhat (Member # 341) on :
“The current buzz about Enterprise has been very positive.”

Of course he's going to say that. Just as Lucas most likely has a ton of yes-men telling him how great he is and how wonderful his franchise is doing, Berman's "buzz" is probably coming from the people actually working on the show. I'm sure he hasn't heard shit from people like us.

Somewhere between 2 & 4 (and I don't mean 3 )

Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
I'll say two and they're probably talking about the entertainment community.
Posted by The Red Admiral (Member # 602) on :
I have been and always will be enthused about any new Star Trek project, and I do have certain reservations, mixed though with excitement.

I have to say number 2.

Posted by Obi Juan (Member # 90) on :
I have been and always will be enthused about any new Star Trek project

Me too. I can help being enthused about this one. But this is also the first one (since TNG) that I am worried will suck (though I had no doubt whatsoever that Voyager would be a great show--so you can see how well my uncanny powers of prediction really work).

[ August 23, 2001: Message edited by: Obi Juan ]

Posted by The Red Admiral (Member # 602) on :
Yes, I too feared TNG. I first read about it in the newspaper in 1986 and was utterly mortified, I just didn't think it could work with a new crew, Gene Roddenberry or not. I was also distressed that it meant an end to the original crew, believing there would be no more movies for them. It really felt like the end of era. Oh boy was I spectacularly wrong, it just shows....
Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
Are you joking when you say VOY is a great show? I hope you are.
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
1.5 to 3.0

But my feelings about Doomsayers still hover around 99.99

If anything, it'll be the Doomsayers who kill the show, as they killed Voyager. Bad buzz = bad ratings = poor timeslot, poor viewability, too much writer/plot shuffling, desperate attempts to attract nontraditional viewers, etc. = further bad buzz, repeat.

[ August 23, 2001: Message edited by: First of Two ]

Posted by Obi Juan (Member # 90) on :
Are you joking when you say VOY is a great show? I hope you are.

I said I had no doubt whatsoever that it would be a great show [before it aired]. Obviously I can't predict worth a shit.

Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
I am some what excited about Enterprise but I'm worried about continuity.
Posted by Ryan McReynolds (Member # 28) on :
Keep in mind, of course, that we at Flare (as mostly tech fans) are not at all a representative sample of Star Trek fans. Many of us have reservations about the ship or the technology that most fans, frankly, don't give a rat's ass about. As I've mentioned before, the more non-specific Trek sites, like TrekWeb.COM, consistently show roughly 80% approval of Enterprise in their multi-thousand respondent polls. In other words, most of the early buzz on Enterprise is, in fact, positive. Rick Berman was right on.

Oh, and I'm at about a 1.5. I have no problem with anything I've seen so far, but I think the stakes are high and the temptation to eventually screw things up higher still.

Posted by Tech Sergeant Chen (Member # 350) on :
Where Brannon Braga is concerned, it's much more than a temptation. It's an inevitability. He's God's gift to Trek, don't you know? The jury is still out as to who had the bigger ego, him or Roddenberry.
Posted by The Red Admiral (Member # 602) on :
Roddenberry I'd say, but he had every right as Trek was his baby.
Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
i liked voyager alot

I feel somewhere inbetween 1 and 2 for Enterprise

Posted by The Red Admiral (Member # 602) on :
I was fair fan of Voyager, even though it had its very bad periods, it also had its highs, particularly during the 4th season. But I still don't think it ever equalled the same level of consistent quality achieved by TNG, or DS9 for that matter.
Posted by HappyTarget (Member # 670) on :
mostly. While some things seem to TNG eraish, the overall idea appeals to me. Here's to hoping the stories are well written!
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
Man... I haven't posted in a while....

I personally felt that I needed to stay neutral because the way TNG went after the bashing loyal fans gave it before it premiered, it seems to be the same here. However I hate the design of the Enterprise, its totally unorginal, its only there to ctach the viewer's eye. It is eye candy.

Other than that I am hoping that UPN shuts down and some large station like CBS, NBC, ABC, etc would buy the show. The concept is good, the station its on sucks, and the ship sucks, 1 for 3 is ok.

Posted by MeGotBeer (Member # 411) on :
However I hate the design of the Enterprise, its totally unorginal,

By that logic, you should hate the design of any starship that borrows the configuration of stardrive hull, neck, saucer, and two nacelles. Think about what you type before you type it.

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
"Where Brannon Braga is concerned, it's much more than a temptation. It's an inevitability. He's God's gift to Trek, don't you know?"

Because Braga ruined TNG, didn't he.

Oh wait...

"However I hate the design of the Enterprise, its totally unorginal, its only there to ctach the viewer's eye. It is eye candy."

My god! How dare they make a ship that's designed to be visually appealing and catch the viewers eye! Of all the henious crimes, this is more henious that Bill S. Preston doing a very henious thing.

Posted by Obi Juan (Member # 90) on :
The easiest way to achieve a convincing precessor to make a ship predating the E-nil is to go with a completely different design. Add to this the fact that their were many rumors early on that Eaves was working on a ship so radically different that everyone would be shocked and horrified.

Instead they played it safe with some eye candy that very much resembles a very popular design.

Posted by MeGotBeer (Member # 411) on :
You need to read The_Tom's "Car Trek" topic (in the Enterprise forum), and quit your bitching.
Posted by Alshrim Dax (Member # 258) on :
I'm a definate 2.

I'm looking forward to this one. We have to stop looking at it as a step backward ... and look at it as a step forward from where we are now in 2001..

The reference to the Akira Class Ship is driving me nuts... I know it looks like it .. but heck,, why can't we look at it as the Akira class ship was inspired by the FIRST Enterprise... *Shrugs*

And who knows.. maybe Braga and Berman had their career changing inspiration for this ... I think they'll do fine.. cuz they don't have to COMPLETELY follow someone else's vision! The critics can't say.. That's not what Gene wanted!! Cuz for the most part .. what happened after the Initial First Contact has not QUITE been written. WE have vague dates.. so .. let them fill the blanks with their own version of history before the FEDERATION came into play.

This is their vision this time .. TOS was Gene's vision of Earth as a Eutopia at peace with the universe .. Well.. that Eutopia doesn't exist .. and this gives them a lot of creative freedom.

I'm looking forward to Sept. 26th!

[ September 07, 2001: Message edited by: Alshrim Dax ]

Posted by Michael_T (Member # 144) on :
I think all of us are waiting for Sept. 26, even myself. But unlike you Dax, I have more fear than hope about this new series. I just can't shake off the feeling that something will go wrong with either continuity or something else that would further make the Trek timeline and history corrupted. Still, I'm forcing myself to at least wait and see the show before I have any real opinion about how much damage there will be. And I still don't like how the ship looks... where's the secondary hull?
Posted by Dukhat (Member # 341) on :
Michael_T: Apparently there is no secondary hull. Herman Zimmerman confirmed this in an interview.
Posted by MeGotBeer (Member # 411) on :
And any/everyone who said/says that the Akira- was an Andorian design is going to be rather irritated. Uh.
Posted by Phycro Onyx (Member # 579) on :
2/3 somewhere in there evry news so far that i have heard is good but is very easy to turn around into not so good so thats where i stand i think
Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
you guys just dont get it. Most of trek's viewers arnt continuity obsessed. They know know what an Intepid Class starship is, they know what Voyager is. Its those sort of fans that really keep the Trek phenomona alive.

If continuity does get screwed over, Enterprise will still go on. and you will hate it.

Posted by Obi Juan (Member # 90) on :
You need to read The_Tom's "Car Trek" topic (in the Enterprise forum), and quit your bitching.

I have to love the Akiraprise because you do?
I don't fucking think so. You're the one who needs to stop bitching.

And its beside the point that I actually like the design (for the most part). I would have found radically different designs (both interior and exterior) much more convincing for something that is suppose to pre-date the TOS Movies by 130 years and TNG by 220.

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Er, and which set do you think isn't different enough? The bridge? What were you looking for, two guys with abacuses (abacus? abaci?) sitting on deck chairs? So far we've got an engineering set that looks like nothing else on TV, a sickbay that resembles some sort of Soviet dream of medical efficiency, and some other rooms we've barely glimpsed.
Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
Even if I'm alone with my opinion:


Posted by Dennistn (Member # 386) on :
I fall somewhere between 4 and 5 , depending on the latest news and pics I see. I guess I usually feel and would guess the future for the series is uncertain at best.

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