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Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
So, this takes place a week after "Fight or Flight" ... although I'm confused about the time period (someone says they're 3-weeks out in the beginning, then Tucker says 6 ... maybe they meant 3-weeks since the last planet?)

Nice crewmen ranks ... they can be hard to see. I though Ethan was a Lieutenant at first.

Looks like Mayweather went through an ion storm on board the freighter ... from the context of the conversation with Tucker, it doesn't sound like it happened on Enterprise.

I love that yellow volleyball. I hope we get to see Enterprise's recreation facilities at some point.

For some reason, I was expecting a bigger landing party ... they finally find another world, and they only bring down three extra science officers? And no security people? Even if there aren't any "humanoid" life forms, security men might be handy against large mammals ...

[ October 10, 2001: Message edited by: Malnurtured Snay ]

Posted by OnToMars (Member # 621) on :
Fucking Orlando Magic...fucking preemting it to Saturady...fucking hell...

::continues mumbling::

Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Trip Trips!
aah.. good episode, a lot more that the first 15 minutes made me expect.

I'm reminded of the scene in Galaxy Quest.. 'Dont open the door! Can we breathe?! Is there air? Did you think we should check first?!'
It should be a natural assumption that a lush earthlike planet will have evolved its own ecosystem of toxins, pharmaceuticals, diseases and parasites that may not be compatible with our biology, no matter how Earth-LIKE they are. I hope that the crew remembers this.

Im glad that writers and SFX guys are finally making use of their LSD experiences.

Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
Jeff: That was a water polo ball, if the comment about "I wish Enterprise had a pool" didn't make that abundantly clear.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Water polo, of course, essentially being volleyball in water. Besides, don't they both use the exact same ball?

[ October 10, 2001: Message edited by: Malnurtured Snay ]

Posted by TheF0rce (Member # 533) on :
Meaning they don't have a pool and why would they?

Anyway, i find the episode alright, i feel the away missions unrealistic, but hey kirk brought his senior officers and himself into every dangerouse trip But still, the captain personaly flying the shuttle into a dangerous storm to rescue the 4 of them? Doesn't anyone else have a shuttle permit?

I liked the transporter merging the leaves into the guy[crewman]. Good reminder to us that the transporter tech. is still very unsafe. The guy managed to live...blah.

And as mentioned above, their actions were very reckless, just becuase it looked like Earth doesn't mean it was Earth. The guy who smelled the flowers really should have died.[but if they did behave like good little vulcans, there won't be a story].

Last is, why couldn't they beam the team from the caves, when they could beam a guy in the middle of a storm and transport medicine into the caves themselves?

[ October 10, 2001: Message edited by: TheF0rce ]

Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
No. Water polo balls are yellow and plasticky to the touch, IIRC. Volleyballs are white and foamy-squishy to the touch.
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
The F0rce: I think the general idea was that the they didn't want to stick bits of cave into everyone else.

On another note, it looks like that the End Credits are very much tune-of-the-week now. This week's was rather good.

[ October 10, 2001: Message edited by: The_Tom ]

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Fucking Orlando Magic...fucking preemting it to Saturady...fucking hell..."

Saturday is the regularly scheduled day for it here. And, so far, only the premiere was shown on time (7p.m., I think it was). Last week's was at 4p.m., and this week's is at 10p.m., both because of hockey games.

So quit whining. :-Þ

Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
I thought it was alright. I really liked that scene in the tent with the scorpion-like thing.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
The thing about the transporter is that it couldn't reach very deep into the cave, and the crew wasn't exactly open to suggestion.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Is it just me, or is the Transporter located in an alcove off a corridor?
Posted by Dukhat (Member # 341) on :
Instead of "Trip," Charlie Tucker's nickname should be "Sunofabitch." That seems to be his stereotyped good ol' boy tagline.

If Mayweather meant to say "DY 500," then he's being consistent with the three known DY 500 ships when Tucker says they've been withdrawn decades ago.

Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
It seems odd that just the DY-500 class ships would be removed from service as a whole, but the DY-430 SS Urusei Yatsura would be beginning a mission 5 years before ENT in 2146 and the DY-245 SS Hatteras would still be operating in 2187.
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
Well, no moreso than the 747 being an older aircraft than the 717 and 737.
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
Originally posted by Malnurtured Snay:
Water polo, of course, essentially being volleyball in water. Besides, don't they both use the exact same ball?

Different ball and a very different game. It's a lot closer to soccer than to volley ball (or polo for that matter). Incidentally, a 2 meter man (I assume we're talking about a hole man (Prolly good that Archer didn't call him that. He might get hte wrong idea.)) is a player who sits in front of the goal and essentially gets fouled (read: drowned) the whole game by the defensive hole. Players in this position more or less control the offensive action and generally have a lot of endurance, speed and cunning. In this sense, I believe Archer's comment was a compliment.

Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I really liked this episode too. Of course, I joked with Mr. Christopher last night that this would be Enterprise's "Halloween Episode."

It's really hard to see the enlisted rank insignia. But I think Chris's initial comments on them are largely correct. They seem to be two pins: one is triangular (maybe arrow-ish) and the second is a block with squiggles on it. Definitely hard to see, though.

It's nice to see just how limited the technology in use is. The sensors didn't pick up the toxic pollens coming in from the mountains; the transporter fuses the hapless crewmen with debris. Nice touches. I'm very glad that they didn't just allow the crewman to die. The start of TNG had Dr. Crusher losing almost every patient that came into sickbay. He suffered complications, but he didn't have to die. Nice.

I like the fallibility of the characters that came out here. Tucker is so resentful of the Vulcans that he almost kills T'Pol. Phlox seems to be an excellent doctor, but did you check out the remorse on his face and in his voice when he realizes he may have cost Novakovich his life? It's also nice to see that not all of humanity is so hateful of the Vulcans. We see that at least Cutler was attempting to open a dialog with T'Pol.

I really liked the scene when they first arrived on the planet and Porthos is the first one out of the shuttlepod. Reminded me of all the jokes from The Original Series about the lack of bathroom. To paraphrase David Gerrold, "They're on a five year mission. Isn't that a long time to hold it?"

One thing I didn't like was Archer attempting to take the shuttle pod down there to rescue his crewmates in the storm. Then again, that's a complaint I've had with all of the series (putting the senior officers in constant danger). Another thing is that, yeah, the landing team was a bit understaffed and underequipped. I don't recall anyone down there having a phase pistol strapped to their sides when they were exploring. I'd also bet that a landing mission would have used more than one time and explore different parts of the planet. Of course, I realize that this was sacrificed in favor of dramatic effect.

Overall, I really liked this episode. Quite enjoyable, in my opinion.

Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
He suffered complications, but he didn't have to die. Nice.

I suppose they can't really afford to kill any of the Red Shirts (or Red Stripes) on a ship of only a hundred or so crewmen.

Another thing is that, yeah, the landing team was a bit understaffed and underequipped. I don't recall anyone down there having a phase pistol strapped to their sides when they were exploring. I'd also bet that a landing mission would have used more than one time and explore different parts of the planet. Of course, I realize that this was sacrificed in favor of dramatic effect.

Hey, YOU may have seen a lot of away missions, but the ENT crew has never done anything like that . I only hope they will *learn* from their 'mistakes'.

Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
A little tidbit on "Minshara-Class".

I noticed that it is Sato who translates that term to the rest of the crew as "suitable for humanoid life". Could 'Minshara' be the Vulcan word for 'humanoid'?
(note: Dutch word for human is 'mens', German word is 'Mensch', so there are some vague links to the word 'minshara')

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