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Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :

Production Number: 011
Original Airdate: 11.28.01

When the Enterprise comes in contact with an alien vessel transporting stargazers to observe a spectacular stellar event, Archer invites them aboard the ship not realizing that Silik, a Suliban enemy, is among them. Archer quickly realizes that Silik is engaged in a nefarious time-travelling mission and must stop him before he can tamper with the course of history.

Dum Dum Dummmmm....

Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
More serious spoilers upcoming, BTW. (that is to say, plot-twist-messing-up spoilers rather than UPN summary type Diet Coke spoilers.)
As for those of you who were speculating that this alleged counterspy aboard Enterprise that's supposedly appearing in this episode would be a non-regular, here's the guest cast list:
John Fleck as Silik
Matt Winston as Daniels
Michael O'Hagan as Captain Fraddock
Joseph Hindy as Prah Mantoos
Leonard Kelly-Young as Sonsorra

(interesting how FutureGuy was skipped from the press release)
Now, the only guest actor who's really got any kind of big-name experience (aside from Fleck) is O'Hagan, who's been a fixture in a pile of British cop shows. But judging by the name, I'd say he's the captain of this ship of pilgrim stargazers. "Prah Mantoos" doesn't sound too human, and Google could find any "Sonsorra"s in the world. If it the spy isn't a regular, I'd have to make my guess Mr. Winston. The third possibility, of course, is having the counterspy not being seen in the episode and it being left somewhat mysterious who it is.

Oh, and script credit for the ep. is to the two Seven Days transplantees, Beck and Finch. Looks like Braga has some backup time-travel fetishests on staff...

Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
No offense, The_Tom (my favorite verb), but, uh ... (and I may be alone in saying this), but what "plot-twist-messing-up spoilers" were you warning us about? I was expecting something like "Avery Brooks makes a camero as a young Lieutenant (jg) Ben Sisko sent to save Archer's life ..." or something along those lines.
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
I imagine there is no shortage of people out there who don't want to know about the spy.
Posted by David Templar (Member # 580) on :
Of course not, they'll want the moody music and extra long close up of a seemingly harmless alien character to tip them off.

"It's that music again, you just KNOW that that guy is up to no good!"

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