Yes, time, temporal reality, and time travel. (playing Ocarina of Time reminded me that time travel was going on in Star Trek, so I decided to post about it...)
My current understanding is that they are doing lots of time travel in this new series. The question is: Is time travel "real"?
If it is "real" then the travellers are truly, dearly, going backward in time (or forward) and can alter the future or past. If my more rational theory is correct, then they are entering parallel universes that are more (or less) temporally advanced then the "real" one.
Considering how seriously the temporal organization took the paradoxes, I am afraid that they think time travel is "real." I do, however, have a new theory which may be able to support them despite the paradox.
Specifically, going back in time is a reversal absolute. If one goes back, then you might imagine oneself in a protective "bubble" watching events go in reverse until the designated time frame ocurrs. This makes time travel extremely powerful, because it is the only thing by which THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE IS AFFECTED!
So, in essence, my concept for "real" time travel is not so much you going back in time, but rather, causing time to flow backward (or forward faster) while you are not affected by the results.
That seems (to me) to be more rational than simply "going back in time." However, unfortunately, this means that if someone goes back in time to kill you before you are born (and he is destined to succeed) then you cannot go back to prevent him because you are already dead.
How annoying. What's everyone else's opinion about this?
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
No one actually on Enterprise (the vehicle, and who was supposed to be) has done any time travel aside from the usual one second per second postive motion.
Anyway, uh, beyond that I'm a little confused as to what you're getting at. The Time Travel Problem, if there is one, is that moving backwards in time does not seem to be absolutely outlawed by the laws of physics, but it is outlawed by the laws of common sense. Toss causality out the window and you just make a lot of people mad.
So to preserve the one people have gone looking for ways the other might prevent traveling backwards through time. And one of these possibilities is, as I think you mention, that the universe gets split into an infinite multitude of parallel universes whenever anything happens, including the visits of future tourists or what have you.
Of course, that's dependant upon there actually being multiple universes, an interpretation that is not universally accepted.
So, anyway, the fact that causality does seem to exist suggests that there is some limiting factor on screwing around with time, but as to what that is, nobody's quite sure yet.
Now, if you're talking specifically about Star Trek, well, we've seen lots of different kinds of time travel, and thus the powers that be have a large bag of precidents to pull from.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
I conclusively proved that time travel would never be possible to me during my lifetime when i wrote a note to myself telling myself to go back in time to March 15, 1995 and visit myself. I never showed up.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
So you were the crazy stranger running around screaming "GIVE ME MY NAME BACK YOU BITCH MIB!" ?
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
The travel-back-in-time ep is a certainty; I'll bet whey won't be able to resist going forward to some familiar period of Trek, to say nothing of travelling to the time(s) of the various interstellar meddlers.
Posted by Proteus (Member # 212) on :
quote:Originally posted by CaptainMike: I conclusively proved that time travel would never be possible to me during my lifetime when i wrote a note to myself telling myself to go back in time to March 15, 1995 and visit myself. I never showed up.
So... stupid....
THe note was obviously lost, or you realized that traveling back would be a mistake... hehehe
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
I still have the note, and regardless I have the date, time and place memorized.
The only other thing that would affect it is me somehow deciding not to travel back in time. But after seven years, my resolve remains true.. i would leave my life behind in a second to go back. I think I'd have a good time reliving the 90s.
So either time travel will remain impossible, or i will find some purpose in my life that i dont want to give up just to go back in time and ogle my former life.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Of course, that only applies over the duration of your life, which could be anything. You might die tomorrow, and time travel might be developed on Thursday.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Or armed soldiers might shoot you as you try and infiltrate the time-machine complex.
Why don't you leave a note to your grandkids?
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
my grandkids are probably gonna be ungrateful snots, too busy listening to new-new-wave music and protesting world war III while smoking jex and wearing their pants inside out. damn punks. they probly wont listen to me when i tell them about soylent green either. thank god for suicide booths!
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
and plugging their damn heads into the mentalnet BBS.. why, back in my day we had to type out our messages with our hands, and i didnt hear no one complaining...
Posted by Fedaykin Supastar (Member # 704) on :
whats the point of travelling thru time when u could always get hit by a bus, tomorrow, later today (or is that earlier today) or even yesterday (or was that happening next week)....ack u can never tell what happens next!
Posted by OnToMars (Member # 621) on :
Fuckin' A, what a bitch...There must be an easier way...
Accoriding to my Engineering Physics major (which is about one step down from Astrophysics)friend was telling some of us about this very topic the other day.
If you were to buid a time machine, then once completed, traveled back in time to meet yourself building the machine, you wouldn't find anybody.
As a result of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, you would alter that which you are observing, which is the universe at a specific point in time. By observing the universe, you alter it, and thus end up observing an alternate universe instead.
So, if you went back and killed your grandfather, you'd be fine, there would be no paradox. You would still be alive, because in YOU'RE universe, nobody killed your grandfather. The past, in that regard, is unalterable (and therotically, in the future). You just have one less duplicate self in the multiverse.
And Infinity - 1 = Infinity
Posted by Chris StarShade (Member # 786) on :
I believe I mentioned that possibility.
Time travel would then, in effect, just be shifting to an alternate universe where time started before or after time in your original universe.
Unfortunately, we'd either have to be in the middle of such universes, or suffer Infinite Regression to allow that kind of time travel to happen...
Posted by Saiyanman Benjita (Member # 122) on :
*blink* *blink* woah... Spinning... The room...
Yeah, there hasn't been one real precident in the Star Trek "Universe", has there? (You'll forgive me for not quoting ep. titles. It's late and I'm not that good at remembering more than the general idea).
You've got moving backwards in time (USS Enterprise NCC 1701- No bloody A, B, C, or D) where the clock is spinning backwards. I don't think this one's really a precident, just a prop showing the viewers what's happening without out and saying "Captain, we're moving backwards in time." (Oh wait...).
Then there's Warp 10 slingshot around the sun. Wait, Warp 10's not possible, is it? Especially not in a Klingon Bird of Prey. Wouldn't Warp 10 send you into an infinite loop (read "Vendetta")
There's the episode where Enterprise encounters thousands, hundreds of thousands of "itself"s. The theory that has been mentioned previously in this thread.
Still another is the field emitted by the Borg in First Contact. Of course, if they could do that in the beginning, why didn't they? Of course the answer is probably that technology would be better now than it was then. What was this, revenge? I thought revenge was a human emotion and thus irrelevant. This is a discussion for another day.
Was this the same field used in Endgame? I don't know, but there's that.
There's many more, but I can't think of them (or missed those eps. Shows what kind of Trekker I am )
When Trunks returns to his future after giving Goku the medicine, how does he return to his own future and not the one of the line he altered? Not only that, but he does it again after Cell is defeated, causing another shift in Earth's history. Could it be possible to jump from one reality to another, like when Kirk and co. jump to the "evil" Enterprise?
In "Time Cop" where they say the same matter can't occupy the same space, why does the Senator disintigrate when he touches his counterpart. Wouldn't they be safe unless the exact atoms in the exact cells touch on each body (ex. finger to finger)?
And then there's Back to the Future II... Um, I think I'll withdraw from that one.
It could also be possible that all of the above are possible. Since we only see time as a linear constant (stupid human four-dimension thinking), we can't visualize what is happening whenever time is altered. It is possible that an infinite number of universes exist. If so, how do we determine which is the correct universe? We can't, and unfortunately Star Trek can't show them all (Except the Enterprise copies episode).
It could aslo be possible that I'm babbling on and on and need to sleep. Can anyone find my car so I can go home? I think it's parked five seconds in the future.
[ April 11, 2002, 20:18: Message edited by: Saiyanman Benjita ]
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
First time I seen a DBZ name on this board...
In my own opinion if you think about it, time is a human concept of us measuring events on how long it took to do something. Its the same thing with emptiness, emptiness can not be a color, sound or anything because otherwise you would be adding a human quality to it.
There are theories out there that if we could capture the light somehow travling through space at one point and make is 3D we could see the past.
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
Well, kinda splitting hairs here.....but you're always looking at the past no matter what direction or what light you're looking at. Sure, the effect is more pronounced if you're looking at a star or something, but're always out of date.
There's no need to:
quote:capture the light somehow travling through space at one point and make is 3D[sic.] reply to the earlier post, there are plenty more examples, the Guardian of Forever, hitting a black hole, (using a sling-shot doesn't need warp 10), a Nexus, hitching a ride on the Relativity, getting stuck in a time loop and continuously getting blown up, going through a time warp and losing your head to Samuel Clemens, the possibilities are endless....(in Star Trek )
[ April 12, 2002, 14:02: Message edited by: Mucus ]
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
Technically, Mucus, you wrong. If you think about it, light is not instant, it does travel at a fixed speed which can be pulled or pushed form the original path by gravity or electromagentic fields, nuclear fields (3 of 4 known forces in the universe) which could bring the starts off by a few degrees. If we travel faster than light and somehow find where the light is form lets 1923, somehow stretch it and make it 3D.
But yes you are correct that when you look at me, you see a .0000000000000000000000001 of a second earlier than where I am.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Ok, I call foul.
Posted by Saiyanman Benjita (Member # 122) on :
I've been around for 3 years and this is the first time you've seen me? Wow. I'm touched (in the head).
Sol - Foul to what? Hope it's not me.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Foul to the lengthy collection of science-sounding terms just above you there, actually.
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
What science sounding terms??
Posted by Saiyanman Benjita (Member # 122) on :
Um, how do you stretch light and make it 3D?
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Actually, I've only just noticed you're using the technically accurate but incredibley anal translation of "Vegeta". At least, I think you are. I've no idea where than "n" has come from.
You do have a Mojo quote in your sig though, so I'll let you off.
Carry on.
[ April 21, 2002, 18:26: Message edited by: PsyLiam ]
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Is it possible, in Japanese, to have an 'n' in the middle of a word not followed by a vowel? My understanding of Japanese word structure is limited...
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I'm not sure. From a tecnical point of view, accouting for the fact that certain letters do not exist in Japanese, "Bejita" would be an accurate translation of the characters name. However, since it's suppossed to be a pun on the English word "vegetable", then "Vegeta" is much closer to what the author had intended.
Posted by Saiyanman Benjita (Member # 122) on :
TSN - Yes, it is. The 'n' is the only letter in the kana alphabet that does not have a vowel sound to it. There is also use of the double consanant such as 'ss' 'tt', etc., where the double consanants are followed by a vowel.
The writing of Vegeta in Japanese is Be-ji-ta(Be- since there is historically no 'v' sound). Adding the 'n' isn't that hard. With my real name being Benjamin (Ben, Benji to some), the nickname makes more sense (and less like I'm trying to be Japanese anime anal)...
I've had this nickname for 5 years now and this is the first time I've seen anyone question it in this way? Could it be DBZ's getting too big?
[ April 24, 2002, 05:02: Message edited by: Saiyanman Benjita ]
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Well, I knew that 'n' was the only consonant than can appear w/o a following vowel (but there are "n + vowel" characters, too), but I wasn't sure whether it could show up in the middle of a word. For some reason, I thought it only came at the end.
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
Well, thats the problem Benjita that scientists don;t know how to make light physical. But it is possbile to see into the past through that light. Think about it, light travels very fast but not fast enough where is it instantenous travel, from point A to point B right? So the stars you see are the light from X amount years ago. Now we do have telescopes powerful enough to view some stars close up. Now within a few hundred years, we'll have telescopes powerful enough to see surfaces of planets.
Oh and Benjita, Bejita, Begeta, and so on are all correct. Though Vegeta is the real correct sounding name.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Yes, yes, that's all very nice except that when you start talking about "making light physical" you're just spewing out nonsense.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
its all done with mirrors
Posted by Saiyanman Benjita (Member # 122) on :
Benjita is not "correct" when referring to Vegeta; I just assumed it as a nickname.
The 'n' consanent can go anywhere in a word except the beginning. That is all.
Well I understand the "time" property of light and how it shows a glimpse of the past, but I'm just not sure what you mean by making light "physical".
[ April 24, 2002, 18:31: Message edited by: Saiyanman Benjita ]
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I'm interested in all this, really.
So, Benny, how do you refer to the character on DBZ? As Bejita, or Vegeta?
And what do you call the little sometimes bald monk guy?
(Really, the only spelling that has ever annoyed me is "Gokou", because it's quite plainly not pronounced like that in any way at all. No. Oh, and "Buruma", because not only does that ignore the pun, it ignores the fact that she has her name, written in English, on most of her clothes).
So, light eh? Wow.
Posted by Saiyanman Benjita (Member # 122) on :
K, It is written Be-ji-i-ta, as referred during the Saiya-man saga tournament (Yes, I can read Kana). However, it is pronounced Vegeta (Vejiita, Vejeta, etc.). There has never been a 'N' in the word. Anyone who dropped the 'N' in referring to Vegeta is wrong. I just added that to make it more resemble my name (Ben, Benjamin, Benji, etc.).
Krillin is written Ku-ri-ri-n. In Japan, it's pronounced much the same, as 'R' and 'L' fall under the same letter. It translates as an 'r' (RA, RI, RU, RE, RO). The sound, however sounds like an 'L' with an 'R' sound mixed in (Hard to describe in writing). On his hat in Frieza (Fu-ri-i-za, BTW) saga, it is written as "KUILIN".
Bulma is written in Katakana as Bu-ru-ma. It is pronounced much the same way, as 'RU' is one of the 'U' sounds that doesn't silence the 'U' (the 'U's that are silenced follow 'KU' 'SU' and 'TSU'). On all her clothes, it is written as "Bulma", so the English translation is correct, and the 'u' isn't necessary.
Gokou is just wrong. The case where his name is written, it's either Go-ku (In kana), or Gokuu (In the eposode where he and Piccolo go to driving school and Piccolo's wearing the hat with "GOKUU" on it). "Gokou" would make it seem his name is pronounced "Gokoo" (where the double "OO" means a long "O" {like in boat} and not an "U" sound).
Personally, I have no qualm with the English translation. They're very accurate, while making it easier for our pronounciation. Rather than calling her "Buh-ruu-maa", which wouldn't roll quite well, "Bulma" is easy to say, write, and associate with Bloomers.
The problem I have is with the people who write the Japanese words wrong and yell at the English speakers that they should refer to them in the Japanese. They need to fix their writing before they start bashing others. It's like my wife trying to correct her mother's English when she keeps saying "It needs washed." "The cat needs smacked.", etc. (If you don't know what's wrong in those sentences, ask.)
In summation, I normally use the English translations/spellings. Mostly because I play the game, and I deal with mostly English watching viewers. However, I've slipped and said/written the Japanese translations. However when you're referring to DBZ, they aren't that different. Not like saying "Kasumi" when referring to Pok�mon. People look at me weird, and I explain. It's Misty, but when referring to the comics, I use Kasumi, because she's a very different character in the comics (sexier, less merciful in battle, and slightly older).
On a side note: Yes there is a Kana for 'V', but it's very rarely used (It's a 'U' with quote marks {called dakuten in Japanese}, followed by a small Katakana of the vowel to follow). The 'B' symbols are more widely recognized, as they have been used for that sound far more and longer than the Kana for 'V'
[ April 27, 2002, 10:15: Message edited by: Saiyanman Benjita ]
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
I generally don't use Japanese names because I don't know how to spell them. But I understand what they mean.
As for the physical light, it was a theory once written in I think Popular Mechanics a few years back that I still remember.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I tend to stick to the Viz translations myself, for no real reason at all. To be honest, "Krillen" is a lot easier to say that "Kuririn".
Still, people do take their anality a bit too far. I've seen Picollo written as "Picorro" on a couple of web-sites. And it was written that way once on the show too, but give Toryama a break, eh? English isn't his first language, and the show's already drowning in English puns.
Posted by Saiyanman Benjita (Member # 122) on :
Yes, there are people who are far too anal. They take everything literally, though very little translates directly. Japanese language is infinitely different from English language. There are syllables that can't be directly translated, so the languages have to go with the closest thing possible. Anyone who says that "Pikorro" is the right way to say it and flames horribly anyone who doesn't agree (Yes, I've met those. Just want to shoot them sometimes...), doesn't think for a second (Lessee... Japanese gang names.... Tamubooriinu {Tambourine}, Duraamu {Drum}, Pianoo {Piano}, Pikorro {Piccolo} Isn't the pun obvious?). They need to reach up their ass and remove the offending object.
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
Yes, I have seen that many times. Also I am labeled as a Dubbie because I like to use dubbed names more than subbed names. What also kills me is that most people hate dubbed because it shows less blood and less curse words. Which to me is total bs right there.
Posted by Saiyanman Benjita (Member # 122) on :
Less blood makes it more viewable by the younger children (not 4-5, but more 8-10). Of course, they could watch it with the blood, but as a parent and former child (duh.), I don't see the blood as necessary. If you do, then childrens afternoon programming isn't for you. Watch Adult Swim (I watch that, too). It's pretty good, and less edited.
As for the cursing, cursing isn't necessary in any form. Anyone who views a show as lesser just because a few profanities are deleted or replaced is missing the point of the show.
The real value of the show isn't in the blood, curse words, or nudity. As long as the point of the show is unchanged, I have no problem. Who really cares if you don't get to see Sailor Venus' nipple outline while she transforms? It doesn't matter!
[ April 28, 2002, 13:57: Message edited by: Saiyanman Benjita ]
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Breast outline. I don't think the SM girls ever had nipple outlines.
I don't mind if swearing is absent, although I do hate "heck" and "darn". They sound pathetic and forced in life threatening situations. If you don't want to swear, think of different ways of saying things. Even "Curse you" sounds a lot stronger than "darn you".
As for the blood, hmm. The thing is, it IS a really violent show, and taking the blood out makes it seem a bit strange and empty. The fact that people are getting hurt drives the drama, and removing that can badly hurt the show itself. Yamcha getting impaled by the androids for instance just looked awful on TV, as it barely made sense.
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
Well, ithey did air two versions of it on CN. One was the shitty version which is the cut version and the uncut version. Uncut is far better in the way that you see what can't be seen on the cut version. Such as blood, impaled people, cut up people, broken arms, dead people, etc.
Not as violent as subbed or pure Japanese, it does not enitrely subtract from the plot as much as the cut version does.
Of course you have those who need to complain about everything that is wrong in life, and will hate even uncut. He/She will raise hell in proclaiming this opinion. Trust me, I seen it happen many times.
Then its the issue with filler, which is in a whole another league altogether with haters and non-haters...
Posted by Fedaykin Supastar (Member # 704) on :
hehe well to a throw a spanner into the works, i dont like Japanese animation at all. HAH (i dunno if its ok to say this but) i did enjoy that anime film "Venus Wars" its supposed to be a classic - i hear
[ May 05, 2002, 07:57: Message edited by: Fedaykin Supastar ]
Posted by Saiyanman Benjita (Member # 122) on :
well, everyone's entitled to their own opinions.
As far as SM, I think someone noticed a nipple outline that was left unedited in SMS. I haven't noticed it yet...