OK, I just finished watching Vox Sola from last night.
I missed the first bit - up to where the Crewman Kelly? Contacts Archer to tell him about the creature in the cargo bay.
(I think I've just worked out a boo boo... Trip and Archer go to the Cargo bay in their civilian clothes, but at the end when they are let go they are in their uniforms... aren't they?)
I LOVED this episode and here are some undigested thoughts:
The Music... The music in this episode WAS BRILLIANT. If there is anyone here from the people who make the show PLEASE PLEASE get back that composer from that episode..
I was worried about earlier in the year when I heard Malcolm was the first to make a forcefield. I saw the episode and it was TOTALLY fine. It was VERY plausible. He didn't make it from scratch, it had been worked at, at Starfleet for a few years and he was ironing out kinks. It was an EM forcefield - which I gather would end up being different from later forcefields. That was cool.
Some more names for crewmembers. Again if there is anyone from the show reading this BRING BACK extras and named crewmen/women. I mean there is only 80 people of this ship, and we have at least had 12 so far named.
Are they maybe developing a sorta story line for Travis!?!?! Good. I really liked his scene on the bridge where he talks to the Creestarens SP? It was really well done. Sorta nervous, but ultimately professional and confident, they didn't make him a bumbling fool.
T'Pol and BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL Hoshi. We haven't had and Hoshi for a few episodes - and she saves the day. Oh great scenes with them both.
The 'first contact' scene was REALLY REALLY good. REALLY good.
Camera on Malcolm (not wanting to put down the forcefield)... then to Phlox monitoring the creature and the crewmen (all his patients) ((OH loved the scene with him and Malcolm in sickbay and when he was examining the little tendril... "that's enough of that" very Dr. Phlox)) then the camera to Hoshi doing her magic. Then to T'Pol. GREAT scene loved that bit.
Then the communication with it. Very haunting... suspensfull too, when it didn't answer straight back.
BEAUTIFUL parting shot on that planet. Very nice.
Down points: no Porthos. Trip's annoying yelling. The trip/Archer bit in the creature about the waterpolo finals... bit forced. Nice - and apt - and needed but a bit forced. I guess Trip was staying true to character.
Interesting Aliens. Itruiging concept - I've often though - it's funny how EATING is a social event but when it comes out the other end... is very private! LOL!
Overall a FANTASTIC episode of Enterprise. One of the top 3 episodes.
That, Cold Front and Dear Doctor. Three episodes true to good TREK.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Those private eating aliens were Kreetassans, and they're Alien-of-the-Week in some new Season 2 episode.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Trip and Archer go to the Cargo bay in their civilian clothes, but at the end when they are let go they are in their uniforms... aren't they?"
I don't think so. I think someone mentioned this back when the episode first aired, too.
Posted by Ryan McReynolds (Member # 28) on :
I mostly agree with this review... when the show first aired, I remember saying something about how it just "felt right." It's not the most exciting or deep show, but it's Star Trek doing what it should. We need more like that.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
The ending was nice.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
This is easily my favorite episode from Enterprise's first season. I wholeheartedly agree with almost everything you've said, especially the music. That is some of the finest music I've heard in a Trek series in quite some time.
My only real quabble with this episode is the tension between T'Pol and Hoshi. If I recall my own review from when the episode first aired, I believe I pointed out that this turn in their relationship seemed to be a hard 180 from "Sleeping Dogs." Something off-screen may have precipitated the renewed tension, but it just felt to me that the writers got a bit lazy in this regard.
Still, it's a good episode.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Agreed with the Tension bit - although I did miss half of Sleeping Dogs (bloody sport finishing early) So what was the T'Pol/Hoshi bit in that episode?
But yeah the Tension between the two seem to come from no-where. Maybe it was the fact that She told Hoshi 'no' at first - when she had the idea to translate.
Then second - as Hoshi said T'Pol was double checking everything she did. And well, giving T'Pol benefit of the doubt - she was right - she was just doing her job, but maybe just a little too well!?!
I liked the possible continuity (possible just happened again) like at the end of "Fight or Flight" where Hoshi is successful and T'Pol congratulates her or something doesn't she - and I think Hoshi must have said 'thankyou' back in Vulcan.
I was just thinking about the line in Vox Sola "you speak English" - and T'Pol's line from an earlier episode "I agreed to speak English on this ship"... I would like to see some of these Aliens who 'decode' English - possibly without a UT to pronounce things a little differently like with an accent - maybe a little more than just the Ferengi "Hoo-mun". What do you think?
Or maybe them getting English but turning around the Grammar.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Spoilers for "Sleeping Dogs" below. You have been warned...
The deal with Hoshi and T'Pol in "Sleeping Dogs" is that their relationship seemed to warm up a good degree by the end of the episode. They were in a rough spot, they confided in each other, and they shared a wonderfully relaxing period in the decomtamination sauna (like many porno plots go, I'm sure).
So, "Sleeping Dogs" left us with Hoshi and T'Pol of friendlier terms, sorta like the ending to "Broken Bow" as you said but much deeper. In "Vox Sola," it seems like the past warming of their relationship ("Broken Bow," "Fight or Flight," and "Sleeping Dogs") goes out the window to intentionally create some conflict between the rescuers. In many times during this episode, I think the writers gave T'Pol dialogue that was much harsher than it needed to be.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Maybe the pressure of the situation was showing on T'Pol - although I'm sure they didn't write that nuance in there (which is a shame) (cause it would have been a little more character development).
So yeah maybe it was the tense situation. (but yeah the writers probably didn't write it that way intentionally).
I remember now the end scene in the decom room... but well... sharing a Sauna wouldn't change someone over night.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Maybe they just had some bad sex the night before.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Or it was just the wrong time of the month. Or seven months, or however long Vulcans take...
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
On a more serious note, surely T'Pol's attitude here was directly as a result of her warming to Hoshi. I mean, she says as much. It's just that being friends with a Vulcan, or at least this particular Vulcan, means that they become more frank and less tactful (less observant of the social structures that are set up between strangers, let's say).