Various Trek news sources are reporting that this year's season will be trimmed by two episodes. Thoughts?
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
It's been established that UPN is trimming ALL it's shows back to 24 episodes and it is more an indicator of the network's financial troubles than anything to do with Enterprise.
There is also a rumor of Enterprise being moved to Friday night, but Paramount is flatly denying that.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
I'm just hoping that the OTHER part of the rumor is true, about them giving serious thought to ending the series after the fourth season. Voyager basically got a blank check to run for seven seasons and pretty much fell apart in the last few years... I'd like to see them have the guts to end Enterprise before it finishes circling the drain, too.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Fuck that: Enterprise is three times the series Voyager was at it's best.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
"I'd like to see them have the guts to end Enterprise before it finishes circling the drain..."
Though to what extent that decision would be motivated by ENTs dramatic shortcomings rather than its financial inadequacy is open for debate.
[ December 11, 2003, 04:29 PM: Message edited by: Cartman ]
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
I wonder how long they intend to stretch out the Xindi arc, as well as trying to maintain the Temporal Cold War (God, I hate that term - you fuck with reality itself, and it's not considered an overt act of open war?) arc, within a seven-year framework. . .
Posted by J (Member # 608) on :
quote:Originally posted by Jason Abbadon: Enterprise is three times the series Voyager was at it's best.
Ok, so if Voyager was hugging the toilet, puking your guts out like it was the worst hang-over of your life and feeling the full effects of dysentery--- while at the same time swelling from the mix of bee stings and poison ivy [both of which you're allergic too]...
and Enterprise is three times better... what is one-third of the above. Worst hang-over of the year, feeling the effects of eating extremely rich chocolate cake after showing off your piggish-self at the buffet--- while at the same time wishing you had avoided that cloud of mosquitoes.
Giving that one is bad, even if the other is three times better... that doesn't make it good. Voyager sucked, Enterprise doesn't do any better, and even if it did three times better than Voyager that doesn't help it either.
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
Colourfully-articulated personal opinion is personal opinion nonetheless.
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
quote:Originally posted by J: Ok, so if Voyager was hugging the toilet, puking your guts out like it was the worst hang-over of your life and feeling the full effects of dysentery--- while at the same time swelling from the mix of bee stings and poison ivy [both of which you're allergic too]...
You never really got into Party of Five did you?
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Enterprise has had at least as good a first two seasons as TNG (far better in my opinion) and has had moments aproaching (sometimes equal to) Deep Space Nine.
I know it's supposedly fun to bash Enterprise, but I at least look forward to the new episodes whereas I missed many Voyager episodes between second and fourth season that I have never had the urge to go back and watch.
Posted by leuckinc (Member # 729) on :
Hey I like Enterprise. It is the only show (besides the simpsions) that my family gets together to watch.
Posted by Alshrim Dax (Member # 258) on :
And here again - the debate is reiterated! Having watched Star Trek since the original, and following each and ever star trek series that followed ... Voyager, in my opinion, is the worst of them all.
Enterprise is good - TNG was awesome after season 3 - and DS9 was fab after season 2 ! Voyager never really seemed to get out of Season 1 jitters! There were some inspired episodes.. but i never liked any of the relationships in Voyager... Janeway always fought with 7of9 - 7of9 rebelled, Chakotay took Janeway's side, but falls in love with 7of9 in the last few episodes.. Paris is a playboy that falls in love with a klingon woman.. Harry never gets laid... Tuvok is a woosy.. neelix was useless..
Nothing seemed to fit in allof that.. anyways.. i digress... we have had this discussion before.. and we all have our opinions *(tho' mine was nowhere near as colorful as the one expressed above)*
One of the major reasons people don't like Ent. is cuz of it's continuity issues - which i ignore alot of the time - i watch it for the sheer entertainment value of the show - and have learn to just accept what i see and enjoy it. Granted there have been some 'not-so-good' episodes.. but on the whole.. it's exceeded my expectations.
That being said!!! - cuz now we're off topic in a way...
I hope Ent. fullfills 7 seasons - and it sucks that we're gonna be short two eps...
They should make a 3 hour episode and use that in the off-season to quench our thirst!! - span the 3 hour ep of a three-day mini-series type special..
Tho' I doubt the networks would go for it.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
I can live without the two episodes if those episodes were to involve the crew devolving into lizzards, Neandertals, Transwarp salamanders or the ship becoming some library's recollection of an aincent city.
So mabye it's not such a bad thing after all.
Posted by Dukhat (Member # 341) on :
Hmm. When I first heard this rumor, I thought that perhaps ENT was cutting the two eps so that they'd have more money to put into making the remaining episodes of the season better-than-average. If what Jason is saying is true, then that's sadly not the case. Oh, well.
And for my VOY opinion, the show had great potential, and its first two seasons, even with goofiness like the Kazon-Ogla, were pretty good. After that, however, it went downhill.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Chakotay took Janeway's side, but falls in love with 7of9 in the last few episodes
That implies plural. It came out of nowhere in the last ep, IIRC.
Posted by Krenim (Member # 22) on :
Almost. It sort of started in "Human Error," although for most of that episode it was a Holo-Chakotay.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
quote:Originally posted by Dukhat: Hmm. When I first heard this rumor, I thought that perhaps ENT was cutting the two eps so that they'd have more money to put into making the remaining episodes of the season better-than-average.
I really doubt that the one thing Trek needs in order to make better episodes is more money.
Posted by J (Member # 608) on :
DS9 is obviously the best Trek... strange because it was on a station. TNG is probably a real close #2 [episodes in the first two seasons bring it down]. TOS, forgetting it's 60s-ness, is probably third. And I can't distinguish between ENT and VOY on a level of which is better.
And yes, my opinion is my opinion.
As for Party of 5, I wouldn't know. I never really watched the show when it was on, I only know enough to recognized some of the actors and a little of the plot.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
quote:Originally posted by J: DS9 is obviously the best Trek... strange because it was on a station.
DS9 was so good because it concentrated on personal interactions and how the characters coped with events far beoyend their ability to personally affect. It's why war epics are so dramatic but the old formula of a crew exploring in a ship is so tired. They can always just leave a bad situation by warping away on a starship but when the whole quadrant's circling the bowl, theres nowhere to go.
Besides, the characters got a chance to develop gradually each episode and we didint have to be force-fed entire episodes of "all Worf and Alexander" or "all Troi and her mom" or whatever.
Personally, I much prefer TNG's first and second season to it's sixth and seventh. Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
I liked Voyager. There I said it. Enterprise is getting better.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
"Personally, I much prefer TNG's first and second season to it's sixth and seventh. "
You are a madman. Shades of Grey! Haven! Skin of Evil! You don't seriously prefer THAT drek to episodes like Preemptive Strike, Chain of Command and Gambit, do you? EH?
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Well, no,...... but episodes of the crew devolving into monsters, space librarys making the ship and Data into a god and temple, Bev Crusher's scottish ghost story romance, anything with Alexander, Troi's long forgotten dead sister, and the episode with Worf teaching that klingon preison camp Ti-Chi all fall into my "never again" category even moreso than Skin of Evil (but possibly not as much as The Child or Shades Of Crap). Besides, I liked Pulaski more than Crusher. She's not good looking, but when she has a line, she sounds smart whereas bev has the worst Trek doctor line ever- "He's exhausted!" in BOBW when Picard is trying to tell Data how to stop the Borg. I hate her for that alone....
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
quote:Originally posted by Jason Abbadon: Well, no,...... but episodes of the crew devolving into monsters, space librarys making the ship and Data into a god and temple, Bev Crusher's scottish ghost story romance, anything with Alexander, Troi's long forgotten dead sister, and the episode with Worf teaching that klingon preison camp Ti-Chi all fall into my "never again" category
All those bar one are from season 7 though, which really was much worse than season 6. Although yeah, Birthright part II sucks big smelly eggs. (I quite liked "Genesis" though).
Even in amoungst the drek of season 7 though, there were still gems like "Parallels" and "The Pegasus". Which were both quality, and way better than anything season 2 produced. Apart from "Q Who". And maybe "Times Squared".
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
So mainly. season 7 sucked it hard. Season one and two both blew if judged together but had a couple of high points themselves: "Q Who?", "The Defector" and "Consparicy" are all personal favorites...(although The Defector might have been season three?). Season six had the horrible two parter with Picard and Riker on that Priate ship.....the horror... And it also had Descent witch officially started the Borg on the path to becoming the pussies they were in Voyager.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Season SEVEN had "the horrible two parter with Picard and Riker on that Pirate ship."
The second season had some gems - "Measure of a Man", for one ...
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Remind me never to buy season seven of TNG on DVD.
Measure of a Man" was compelling (havent seen that one in a while). Even the first Moriaty episode -in season two- is worth watching (although not as often as Spike TV plays it). Can you imagine DR. Crusher in that episode instead of Pulaski? It would have completely sucked.
Seasons 3-5 seem to be the best. One disappointing thing: Picard ditched that cool uniform jacket he wore in Darmok after just a few episodes. It made his uniform look...well...more like a uniform!
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Wha'chou talkin'? He wore that cool jacket on and off through the rest of the series!
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
And a season 7 box set would be worth it for The Pegasus", "Parallels", "All Good Things", "Preemptive Strike", and for the fact that Picard gets chatted up by a man.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mark Nguyen: Wha'chou talkin'? He wore that cool jacket on and off through the rest of the series!
DId he? I cant recall him using it but a few times...and then with no rhyme or reason. I like it: it was imposing.
As to the season seven good episodes: I have em' all on video already. Not worth $100 for better picture clarity on three episodes.
Paticularly when I'm only up to season five of DS9...
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"I cant recall him using it but a few times...and then with no rhyme or reason."
Well, it wasn't his real uniform. It seemed to be more of an informal thing for when he felt like "dressing down".
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
It was kinda a precursor to the DS9 uniforms.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Oh, hell, whenever he wore that uniform you knew he was going to end up stuck on a planet somewhere.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Hmm... okay, you can now get CDs burned (or is it pressed?) with any given songs you want on 'em, instead of having to buy the entire CD. Think we'll ever see the day we can get DVDs with certain episodes and not others? i.e. the four or five good S7 eps?
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
Probably, but not for a little while. I imagine we'll eventually see the same sort of thing that some music companies are now doing; online databases of films/TV shows which can be downloaded for a fee and then burned onto a disc. Of course, that leads to all sorts of problems with people putting up pirate copies that can be downloaded for free, but I'm sure TPTB will find a way around that.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
Not true, Lee. He wore it for the second time ever in "Disaster", where he spent most of the episode in a turbolift.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
quote:Originally posted by Omega: Hmm... okay, you can now get CDs burned (or is it pressed?) with any given songs you want on 'em, instead of having to buy the entire CD. Think we'll ever see the day we can get DVDs with certain episodes and not others? i.e. the four or five good S7 eps?
Ask your local illegal software dealer (aka the Internet).
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
He was still wearing it in season 7. Off the top of my head, I remember him wearing it in "Attached" (because he takes the jacket part off at one point). I suspect he wore it in "Parallels", but I'm not sure. And there's almost certainly more.
I also agree that it appeared to be a more casual uniform, except that in Attached, he was wearing it to go to a formal UFP membership meeting.
Possibly it was just a perk all Captain's got. Like the waistcoat for the FC uniforms that seemed to also be Captain-only.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Damn, forgot the <facetious></facetious> tags. . . It just seemed that whenever he wore that getup, something like that would happen.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Being trapped in an turbolift is similar to being trapped on a planet, I suppose.
quote:Originally posted by Jason Abbadon: It was kinda a precursor to the DS9 uniforms.
Er, how? The DS9 uniforms were jumpsuits, whereas this was a shirt + jacket. Unless you mean the FC uniforms, but even then the only similarity is that it had bumpy shoulders.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
They just (the FC versions, I think of as more DS9) just split at the collar in a way that invokes the jacket uniform. To me anyway.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
You are rubbish. Did Picard ever do up that jacket? And why did he wear it on planets. Doesn't he know that rain ruins suede?
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Well, they both involved a non-departmental blue-grey-ish color as well...
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
quote:Originally posted by PsyLiam: You are rubbish. Did Picard ever do up that jacket? And why did he wear it on planets. Doesn't he know that rain ruins suede?
That's where the joys of Replicators come in: just recycle the old one and tell the computer to make you a new one! I'd never wear the same clothes twice!
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
That jacket could be done up - however I only remember it being done up once, when he goes to meet the dying Sarek in "Unification Part I". Other than that, I take it to be no different than the hip green uniforms that Kirk wore on and off in alternation with the more standard uniform, since the first TOS season. Or, for that matter, the bomber jackets that he and Scotty wore in a couple of the movies, or any of the endless variations seen in TMP.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Did McCoy get special permission from Admiral Nogura in TMP for the size of his lapels? Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
That was an official variant. You see, in emergency situations the med teams need to get to response areas as fast as possible, and these aerodynamic wings would help them arrive faster.