Hi Guys and Gals With all of the rumors of Enterprise being decommission here soon does anybody thinks or know if another network may pick up Enterprise or is it done for good? Thanks ;-)
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Pwesty ... rumors of a Trek being cancelled have persisted for all seven years of Voyager, every current season of Enterprise, and there was quite a bit of talk that DS9 was going to be canned after its 6th. I wouldn't pay them too much mind.
That out of the way, do you really think Paramount is going to allow another network to potentially profit from the Star Trek franchise? Yes or no, eh?
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
There hasn't been a cancellation of a Star Trek series since 1974 and I highly doubt they will break that precedent with Enterprise, especially seeing as how it's turning out to be a better series than Voyager.
BTW, where exactly do these "rumors" originate? I haven't heard anything about any prospective cancellation apart from those TrekBBS topics with titles like "ENT Needs To Be Cancelled!"
-MMoM Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
I think like the rumours that abounded with Voyager - if UPN folded or it was cancelled - Paramount would produce it in syndication like TNG and DS9.
Posted by deadcujo (Member # 13) on :
Let's not forget that Smackdown consistently gets better ratings than Enterprise. I think the only show with lower ratings on UPN is The Parkers.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
I'd add something here, but the effort of trying to be heard over all the fanboys with their hands over their ears screaming "ENTERPRISE WON'T BE CANCELLED IT WON'T IT WON'T IT WON'T IT WON'T IT WON'T WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" is more than I can be bothered with. . .
Posted by Futurama Guy (Member # 968) on :
Wasn't expecting much out of this topic judging on the quality spelling in the title...
...oh and the poster.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I think it's a new being, personally.
Paramount and UPN are the same thing. So even if UPN went away, Enterprise could still be made. Enterprise is also one of the only shows UPN has got. So, I doubt it's going anywhere.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
It could've been a good 2001: A Space Odysey thread title though.
...not that I'm anyone to point out spelling errors. Posted by J (Member # 608) on :
UPN the network probably won't fold, it's got enough market to survive if they play their cards right. In ten years they may be like FOX is today, once FOX replaces one of the big three [who knows which one that will be... perhaps NBC or ABC].
UPN might decide to drop ENT from it's lineup--- they'd move it first of course, then kill it completely. But Paramount wouldn't let it end there, the show would either go to another network [maybe Spike would take it, cable run Trek would be a new thing, although we've seen everything they can show on cable!] or would get shuffled to syndication [isn't it already in syndication or does every UPN affiliate replay ENT on sunday? And don't some non-UPN stations carry it where there is no UPN station?].
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Making ENT on a syndication budget? I shudder.
Posted by Proteus (Member # 212) on :
Take all the good things about voyager, and all the good things about Deep Space Nine's middle-years, and you get Ent. I doubt they will cancel it, they are just starting to get the ball rolling.
quote:Originally posted by Lee: I'd add something here, but the effort of trying to be heard over all the fanboys with their hands over their ears screaming "ENTERPRISE WON'T BE CANCELLED IT WON'T IT WON'T IT WON'T IT WON'T IT WON'T WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" is more than I can be bothered with. . .
Your like, 12 right?
Posted by Futurama Guy (Member # 968) on :
quote:Originally posted by J: [isn't it already in syndication or does every UPN affiliate replay ENT on Sunday? And don't some non-UPN stations carry it where there is no UPN station?].
Well since you asked, where I live now in Michigan and there is a local UPN station, Enterprise is on the [I think] standard Wed @ 8pm (or Saturday @ 7pm, if preempted) and then again on Sunday @ 7p (or 8p?).
Where I originally come from, 100 miles north of here and well out of UPN�s mighty 20-mile range , the local FOX affiliate runs some UPN shows from 11pm to 2am - in which case they run Enterprise Friday night at 11pm and then again Saturday at 7pm.
That schedule goes back to the beginning of Voyager which I think the local FOX carried itself as its own show and up until a few months ago carried in syndication.
Since I moved to college a few years ago, and before the local UPN station was established here, The PAX Channel carried Voyager (rather than FOX). PAX was also the WB for part of the day as well.
Posted by MrNeutron (Member # 524) on :
It's you're, you godawful little cooze.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Nice one UM. 8)
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Fuck, I caught that too but would doubtlessly burst into flames of hipocracy if I pointed out the error!
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Hypocrisy. 8)
No, don't worry about it, you're just acclimatised. Proteus is such a retard, if you tried to focus on every error in his posts, your head would explode. . .
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Hipocracy: the government of the horse, by the horse, and for the horse.
Okay, that would be "hippo-", I know, but bear with me.
And it's "Odyssey", by the way.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
"Okay, that would be "hippo-..."
Erm... wouldn't that be a government of rhinoceri?
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
No, it'd be a government of hippopotami.
So would their Pledge of Allegiance be the Hippocratic Oath? 8)
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
D'oh. That's what I get for trying to outnix Nix. But he slipped up too, dammit! B)
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Hippo-" means "horse". "Hippopotamus" means "river-horse".
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mark Nguyen: Making ENT on a syndication budget? I shudder.
Well TNG and DS9 were made on a syndication budget... or were you being sarcastic?
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
quote:Originally posted by Lee: No, it'd be a government of hippopotami.
So would their Pledge of Allegiance be the Hippocratic Oath? 8)
"Stop it please! Remember you hippopotamus oath!"
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Did you just call Lee fat?
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
That's hardly likely with Tim in the room, surely?
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
That was just mean spirited. I cant believe how cruel everyone here is! Boo Hoo!
That's my "newbie" inpression for the week. Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
You forgot to mention how you've been a member of every other discussion board on the web except this one for years. . .
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :