Now I'm impressed. Of the few ENT episodes I've watched this is the best. I only wish they would have shown both parts in one night.
First off, I love that they changed the intro clips and music. Then beginning with the events of First Contact, but without E-E crew reassuring the Vulcan's were not an invasion force.
Also, I think it's cool how it resolved what happened to the original Defiant after it disappeared. The only thing that seems odd, in the original MU episode and DS9 ones, it traveled dimensions but not time. In either case, this seems to require I edit the USS Defiant entry on my Constitution-class page. Can't wait to see it in action next week.
And lastly, T'Pol and Hoshi in their uniforms. Posted by TheWoozle (Member # 929) on :
One thing that comes to mind is the Voyager episode where they discover a 'tiny' wormhole and transmit a message to a Romulan ship, only to discover that the other end is in the past. Time in the star trek universe(s) is fairly fluid.
Posted by Captain Boh (Member # 1282) on :
Where was that theme music last season? It would have been way more appropreate to the Xindi arc.
Posted by Pwesty (Member # 1035) on :
Hi Guys I was just wondering just how dead the Defiant really was in Friday show. I though that T'Pol said that all major system where off line or something like that. Also what did Tucker do to jump start Defiant so fast, I thought it took 30 minutes to restart a cold engine.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Ask the folks in the Tech thread. They're really smart.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
quote:I was just wondering just how dead the Defiant really was in Friday show.
They didn't say how dead the Defiant was, but the landing party made clear that the ship was being gutted. How gutted she was by that point wasn't said.
quote:Also what did Tucker do to jump start Defiant so fast, I thought it took 30 minutes to restart a cold engine.
The warp engine takes 30 minutes to restart. This comes from "The Naked Time", and the Enterprise still had all systems (except for the propulsion systems) online, powered, and operational. What Trip did, apparently, was just flip the on/off switch for the fusion reactors or whatever the original Constitutions used for a second power source.