Basic knowledge of Cloaking technology that I remember: generates a field which absorbs light, not reflect it.
Anything else?
I can resist anything.......
Except Temptation
"I am greater than the stars for I know that they are up there and they do not know that I am down here." - William Temple
Megatron: "Waspinator, salvage Inferno."
Waspinator: "Inferno blow up, Waspinator must salvage. Waspinator blow up, nobody salvage. Why universe hate Waspinator?"
Everything in space vibrates in a 21 cm wavelength band. The radiation that the Enterprise gives off can be changed.
What this means that everything is visible since everything in space resonates in a specific wavelength. So when this wavelength is changed, the radiation that the Enterprise gives off is below visual range, which could render it invisible........
An interesting side effect: at a 21 centimeter wavelength, the ship gives off visible light. If this wavelength is decreased, the ship gives off microwaves. At the time, there was a lifeform attached to the ship that was draining the power from the ship's generators. Decreasing the wavelength runs the risk of toasting the entity with microwaves!!!
I can resist anything.......
Except Temptation
Neutron radiation emissions (ST:VI) - short-range only
Drive plasma exhaust gases (ST:VI)
Tachyon emissions (TNG, "Redemption")
Others I'm not sure of - spatial distortion (TNG, "Tin Man"); how did the Jem'Hadar in "The Search" find the Defiant? Was that their warp field?
I wanted to suggest four basic methods of cloaking and discuss their benefits and problems:
1. Just turning off the lights
2. Absorbing radiation
3. Bending radiation
4. Creating a holographic image
Maybe I'll try again tomorrow.
Early bird catches the gagh. (The Doctor to B'Elanna at 06:00, "Drone")
That 21cm thing isn't entirely correct. NOT everything in the universe gives off radiation at that frequency. The only thing that does is hydrogen. And not all hydrogen. Every now and then, the electron in a hydrogen atom flips, releasing energy. An individual hydrogen atom will only do this once in a million years or so. In a cloud of hydrogen gas, on the other hand, there are so many atoms that a constant and measurable amount of radiation is emitted.
"And though I once prefered a human being's company, they pale before the monolith that towers over me."
They Might Be Giants
I always thought the cloaking device created some sort of lensing effect close to the ship that bent light around the ship rather like a lense.
Nobody's perfekt.
"I prefer much more diplomatic ways of pissing people off."
-a certain anonymous administrator
Cloaking Device Technology by Stan Grinter.
I dunno how much of the above is "Canon", but he seems to have done his homework pretty thoroughly.
How do I do it?
I have an advantage.
I remember how to open a dictionary.
Light is radiation, radiation is basically a wave, and each wave has frequency and wavelength. So when a surface is visible to the naked eye, it is giving off photonic radiation (fancy name for light). So the object (theoretically) can vibrate at the same wavelength as the ray of light. Changing the wavelength also requires changing the frequency. Light, x-rays, microwaves, UV rays all have different frequency.
So if THIS wavelength is changed, you could basically allow a ship to emit a specific sort of light which is invisible, and cannot be detected by sensors, something similar to x-rays or microwaves, which cannot be seen by the naked eye.
I can resist anything.......
Except Temptation
IF is the middle word in Life.
--Appocalypse Now
That's only one part of what a cloaking device has to do, though. Trek sensors are going to be using all sorts of fancy subspace measurements, which aren't going to be blocked out by simply making the ship invisible. Plus, you need to make the cloak itself undetectable.
"I'm sick, like Nixon was sick, my defeated heart keeps beating on. I won't die, like Chucky won't die."
They Might Be Giants