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Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
I'm not sure if this has been discussed or not, but I have something I thought might be of interest. (And yes, I know there's debate as to whether one should call it the Negh'Var class.)

In rewatching "Tacking Into the Wind" the other day, I noticed something... When Worf challenges Gowron, after they pick up their weapons and take their stances, the camera pans across the transparent tactical display. On the far left-middle (camera point of view), there are two ship which look like the Negh'Var does from the top. (But, as always, my eyes could be playing tricks on me.)

I don't have any pictures of them , however... *looks innocently at one forum member*

I was wondering if anyone else thought this might be possible "proof" of mroe ships like the Negh'Var in configuration...

Just a thought.

Elim Garak: "Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. Now, good day to you, Doctor. I'm so glad to have made such an... interesting new friend today." (DS9: "Past Prologue")

Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
Seems to me there was a thread about this back when TitW first aired..... The Negh'Var looks like the Voodieh-class ships from AGT, doesn't it?

"Timeline? This is no time to argue about time. We don't have the time!"
"Now what was I saying?"
-Counselor Troi, drunk on tequila, Star Trek: First Contact


Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
Well, yes...

Elim Garak: "Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. Now, good day to you, Doctor. I'm so glad to have made such an... interesting new friend today." (DS9: "Past Prologue")

Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
I'm the one who posted the original topic. I believe there were 4 Negh'Vars total shown on that thing.

"I am Sci-Fi"
-The 359

Posted by Dax (Member # 191) on :
The Voodieh class may never exist. The 3 nacelled Enterprise-D certainly will never exist.
Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
I had a look at the clip, and they certainly appear to be Negh'Var silhouettes.
Posted by warbird5 on :
i'm wonderin why in 'The Way of the Warrior" the Negh'Var looks a lot smaller and weaker than the one from the mirror universe. The one in the mrror universe looks huge and bigger than the larger Warbird. It looks close to 1500m while the regular Negh'Var looks close to 700m
Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
It is the mirror universe, isn't it? Things are different there.

"Reality is a condition that occurs because of a lack of alcohol."
- Albert Einstein


Posted by Obese Penguin (Member # 271) on :
Yeah by now the Klingons should have like 5 or 6 Negh'Vars they are probabley used as command ships during planetary invasions like the invasion of Cardassia.

"Marge .. Do you have other men in this House ? .. Radioactive men?"
~Homer "The Simpsons"


Posted by warbird5 on :
I remember at Utopia Plantia, it said that the Negh'Var has hangar bays to hold 8 BOPs and 2 vorchas, but Utopia does make some info up.

I ain't a New Member anymore

Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
IIRC, UP1's Negh'Var info was based on the ship seen in the mirror universe, and hence the enormous size and capabilities (Vor'cha storage.)

Of course, it was all speculation that became dated rather quickly.

"BTW, I've just made that Harry Potter/Alexander Pope quote my new sig. :-)"
-Tim Nix, December 31, 1999


Posted by Obese Penguin (Member # 271) on :
UP-1 's info wasent canon so im not sure what to believe about the Negh'Var but i am pretty sure there are more then one.

"Marge .. Do you have other men in this House ? .. Radioactive men?"
~Homer "The Simpsons"


Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Assuming that Klingons use literal graphics on their status displays, then yes, there are other Negh'vars. It was seen on an episode of DS9.

"20th Century, go to sleep."


Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Fabrux: the AGT model used to represent the Voodieh-like ship (or whatever it is called) was modified slightly for DS9 to represent Negh'Var models (if you didn't already know) hence the similarities...

Dax: the three-nacelled Enterprise will never exist but perhaps some bright SF ship designers will think "hey, what if we modify our existing Galaxies in the same way" (since Picard probably told SF about all possible future events, they would also know about these "Galaxy-X" ships (I got that designation from the ST:BotF computer game - little bit of advertising here))

"Cry havoc and let's slip the dogs of Evil"


Posted by Lt. Tom on :
I highly doubt this. Even if Picard remembered enough about the refit Ent-D to be of use to a ship designer, I doubt that he would have given this information to Starfleet. He could talk about the events surrounding the antitime anomaly (since it would not be created), but a detailed ship design from 25 years in the future contaminates the timeline no matter how you look at it.

This is not to say that the same person or people responisble for the Galaxy mod in the AGT future timeline will not have the same idea in the current timeline, though.

Posted by bonecrusher on :
I like the game BOTF, but are there any TNG-ST9 era games that have combat that you actually control, not turn based and is live???

Anyway, the Neghvar wasa the modified model from AGT, was the model ever used again agter the DS9 ep, Way of the Warrior?? I mean in the real Trek universe not used in the mirror universe. Was it used again in Real DS9's episodes?

Does anybody know if I can purchase the Ep Way of the Warrior here in the US???

I dont think that it can hold an Vorcha, but the small BOP that has a crew of 12 maybe, probably it could!

"I Got two words for you.. S*uck it!"-DeGeneration X
Oh Hell Ya there back!


Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I don't think you can say that the same person who thought up the three-nacelled Galaxy in the AGT timeline would think it up in the current one. The AGT timeline was a product of Q, not something that came about naturally.

Of course, this has been a debate for some time. It's just my opinion that the whole thing was put in Picard's head by Q. Some people think it was supposed to have really happened. Who knows...?

"...more people buy Harry Potter novels than the works of Alexander Pope, but that's no measure of their quality."
-Tom Aylward-Nally, December 29, 1999

Posted by Dax (Member # 191) on :
I reckon it's possible that the Voodieh-class and the Galaxy-refit may eventually exist. After all, the USS Venture already has the phaser arrays on top the nacelles - a feature of the future Ent-D. And beyond that, it is reasonable to assume that Q would have a sense of the future if not being able to see it directly. Am I making sense?

bonecrusher: The real Negh'var-class was only ever seen in "WotW" (I still haven't seen "WYLB" though).

"Forgive me if I don't share your euphoria!" (Weyoun to Dukat, Tears of the Prophets)
Dax's Ships of STAR TREK


Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Ok, so the future Picard was a bit senile Still, although that future will probably not unfold (Deanna didn't die in 2375, E-D destroyed etc), SF might yet come up with the Galaxy mods.

Bonecrusher: there is another game with controllable combat out due soon... it's called Armada. If you don't want to wait, you could check out Starfleet Command.

BTW, are any of you TOP members as well?
"Cry havoc and let's slip the dogs of Evil"

[This message has been edited by The_Evil_Lord (edited January 05, 2000).]

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Well, "Timeless" VOY gave us a peek (was it 15 years)into the future. We got to see a Galaxy Class from that period and still only two nacelles. This would be very close to the 25 year jump seen in AGT. Keep in mind too, that the only difference between the "Timeless" future and the one that will "really" happen is the fact that Chakotay and Kim never made it back and Voyager didn't crash. So I'd say the "Timeless" future is pretty close to accurate.

I didn't really like the 3 nacelled Galaxy anyway.

"A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx


Posted by KXZ (Member # 119) on :
The difference between the 'Timeless' and 'All Good Things...' futures was 4 or 5 years. So if the 'Timeless' future is pretty accurate we will have the current uniforms (DS9, FC, Insurrction) for another 15 years, but get the hollowed arrow version of the communicator soon. I think that we will have that communicator because we have seen it in 'Timeless,' 'The Visitor,' and in 'All Good Thing...' If they Galaxy class modifications happen, they will happen in that 4 or 5 year period so the Enterprise in 'All Good Things...' may have been newly refitted.

All hands, abandon ship! All hand, abandon...


Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Good point about the hollowed out arrowhead design. This would also apply to the not-so-great uniforms seen in AGT, The Visitor, and I think one other ep. They would have to come into use sometime after the future events we saw in Timeless, though.

"A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx


Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
Just to bring up a point about future commbadges, what about the TNG one seen in a few episodes? The one with the 4 bars to represent rank. I believe it was seen a couple of times though I can only think of "Future Imperfect". My question is what year would that commbadge come into use?

Sorry, I know this is completely off-topic regarding Negh'Var ships.

Calvin: "You don't think humans evolved from monkeys?"
Hobbes: "I sure don't see any difference."
Federation Starship Datalink - Starship site of the new millennium.

Posted by Black Knight (Member # 134) on :
Worf wore that combage, in that episode where he was jumping into different realities.

Quark-"Stop. Or I'll disintigrate this hostage."

20th Century General-"With Your Finger?"

Quark-"With my death ray."

20th Century General-"Looks alot like a finger to me."


Posted by bonecrusher on :
The Neghvar was used in the mirror universe, and I think that is it for other appearances other than Way of the Warrior.

What is TOP?

When is Armada coming out?

Again, what season is video sales up to on DS9?


"I Got two words for you.. S*uck it!"-DeGeneration X
Oh Hell Ya there back!


Posted by Obese Penguin (Member # 271) on :
I found some cool pics of the Negh'var if you wanna see um .

They are of the Studio Model , but there are a couple of them there which show it attacking an olympic class ship which shows 2 of the Negh'Vars attacking , i dont know if these are Real Screencaps of not , but the Olympic Class ships does have what seems to be its sheilds reacting to the Phaser fire from the Negh'Var which leads me to believe that they are screen caps.

Well Bonecrusher the only question that i can answer there is that Armada has no fixed release date .

I wrote a review of Armada you can check it out at
"Marge .. Do you have other men in this House ? .. Radioactive men?"
~Homer "The Simpsons"

[This message has been edited by Dhunter (edited January 06, 2000).]

Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
First, I don't know if it is allowed to "advertise" other Trek-related websites (official or un-official) so forgive me if I'm out of line.

Crusher: your question about Armada has already been answered but you can get tons of previews all over the web. Simply go to altavista or whatever and type in "Star Trek: Armada + games + reviews" or something similar and see the results.

TOP stands for The Omega Project which is a (very good I might add) site hosted by Star Trek addicts such as ourselves. There are many bulletin boards you can visit (which I'm not going to list) but they are all related to an aspect of Trek.
TOP is also the codename for a special project (hence the P) which is being worked on by members of that website; basically the team tries to iron out all the bugs in BotF and their goal is to release a patch (called the "co-op" patch for obvious reasons) in a few weeks that will turn BotF into the *sskicking game it should have been from the start.

Well that's it for the information I can give you on TOP except for the URL which I won't give until someone has assured me it's ok.

"Cry havoc and let's slip the dogs of Evil"


Posted by Curry Monster (Member # 12) on :
Dhunter - This is hardly a big violation of the code of use, however if you could restrict your links to sites or articles that are pertinent to the discussion at hand it would be great.

"That is the metaphorical equivalent of flopping your wedding tackle into a lions mouth and then flicking his love spuds with a wet towel".
- Rimmer


Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Dhunter: They are screen caps from All Good Things. However, since that ep took place (partly) in a future that has now been changed, the question has been raised whether or not this variation of the ship actually exists. We saw a similar one in Way of the Warrior.

"A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx


Posted by Obese Penguin (Member # 271) on :
If it is a Violation i am sorry i just tried to answer Bonecrushers question.

Anyway lets try and bring this thread back to its original topic.

Again I apologize if i did anything wrong.

"Marge .. Do you have other men in this House ? .. Radioactive men?"
~Homer "The Simpsons"


Posted by Curry Monster (Member # 12) on :
Don't sweat it You aren't going to be punished with death, or anything *L*.

"That is the metaphorical equivalent of flopping your wedding tackle into a lions mouth and then flicking his love spuds with a wet towel".
- Rimmer


Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
To answer bonecrusers questions:

TOP = Tears of the Prophets, the last episode of season 6

Armada: don't know, but this year

DS9 tapes: All episodes that exist are on tape as of 2 weeks ago.

"Reality is a condition that occurs because of a lack of alcohol."
- Albert Einstein


Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Well, TOP also means Tears of the Prophets but not in this context. Anyway, now that I know I won't be expelled to the Star Trek vault of eaternity if I include an URL I will give you The Omega Project's address:

Note: it is temporarily down at the moment but you can still visit the webboards.

"Cry havoc and let's slip the dogs of Evil"


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