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Posted by steamrunner2000 on :
Hello to all! Its been some time since my last posting, had to take care of some business. But, my question here is does anybody have a complete ship list for both canon and non-canon starships!! I just recently started updating my list, so I was just curious!

Has anyone seen any swallows around???

Posted by Identity Crisis (Member # 67) on :
Such a list would be bearly impossible. It would have to include every ship invesnted for a piece of fan finction, for a sim group, etc., etc.

No list can be complete you have to set limits on which sources you're drawing from.

-->Identity Crisis<--


Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
Tell that to James Dixon

I don't know if he keeps updating his ship list, but it ought to contain *all* the ships (with registries!) from all the RPGs, episodes, movies, books and comics
from the mid-sixties on, although he probably doesn't read the online fanfic which of course features another gadzillion ship names.

How to find Dixon's online list? I honestly don't know where it is today. Try AltaVista on "James Dixon" and
"timeline", and you'll get some pages which feature this other masterpiece of Dixon work. One of the pages might also contain the ship list. "James Dixon", "timeline" and "Dave" might also work, since one Dave once maintained the list... I'm sure you search engine wizards can dig him out in no time.

Timo Saloniemi

Posted by Identity Crisis (Member # 67) on :
Dixon is rather picky about what he includes. No comics, only selectively from FASA and SFB, no computer games.

I haven't seen a version of his NCC list since the one dated 9501.11. Which is available at along with a whole load of Dixon's other files.

-->Identity Crisis<--


Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
I didn't include any FASA ships or SOTSF ships in mine.. it would just have made the list too damn long. I am considering adding from the computer games though. Right now, I've got:

Canon (much scavenged from other canon sites)
Fact Files (again, all I can scavenge)
LUG Trek (Last Unicorn Games' RPG)
Books (I own nearly every Pocket Book Trek novel ever published, and I gleaned all the ships from all of them but I didn't think to cross-reference ships with books)
And some ones from one of the early incarnations of Utopia Planitia. (Like the Sovreign Class USS London)

Calvin: "No efficiency, no accountability... I tell you, Hobbes, it's a lousy way to run a Universe." -- Bill Watterson

Ballo and I have been reading the same books :)

Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
I have his list. It's 132 pages long in Word97...

Fabrux's Starship Page

I am Canadian


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