If I understand this correctly, this company produced manuals for a star trek roleplay game. In these manuals they had drawings of starships. Quite a few of these can be found on the starshipschematics website. However, the orion wanderer-class blockade runner that we have seen on tng isn�t there. I mailed the webmaster and unfortunately he hasn�t any plans to post that ship for a while. So, I�m wondering, anyone else got those manuals, so they can post those pics here? I tried finding them and buying them myself, but no one here in Sweden seems to have them.
------------------ "The Starships of the Federation are the physical, tangible manifestations of Humanity�s stubborn insistence that life does indeed mean something." Spock to Leonard McCoy in "Final Frontier"
Posted by Laz1701 on :
Most of those FASA ships are uglier than the ugliest kitbashes. They consist mostly of Starfleet primary hull saucers and nacelles attached to horrendous, alien-looking secondary hulls and nacelle pylons. For that reason alone I've kept most of them out of my website.
On the other hand, some of the Klingon and Romulan designs are not half bad. Unfortunately, their Starfleet designs look like Klingon/Romulan designs with Starfleet saucers.
I remember one design in particular whose name I don't remember which was absolutely unbelievable. The secondary hull and pylons stretched downward so far that the whole ship must be the equivalent height of over a hundred decks. I'd like to see that thing try to enter spacedock.
I remember that ship, I think.. wasn't that from the TNG game?
Anyways, I thought the Thufir, Remora, and Kiev Classes were rather nice, and the Northampton would have been, had they not made the pylons ridiculously vertical but rather put them straight back from the primary hull.
------------------ "Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi
Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
I agree, some of the ships were quite nice. I liked the idea that they had some Andorian-designed ships with the trademark design feature of closely paired nacelles. (I don't know if this made sense from a engineering perspective.) However, they made the kitbashers mistake of mercilessly resizing the Constitution (or Enterprise)-class primary hull, without even changing the size of the bridge. The horror!!!
------------------ When you're in the Sol system, come visit the Starfleet Museum
Posted by Starship Freak (Member # 293) on :
Are the pics in the manual black and white? I have the lotus flower class neutronic fuel carrier in b&w and if it exists in coulour, I would like it. Can anyone identify this: http://w1.314.telia.com/~u31412332/star-trek/conunknown1.JPG I know it�s mostly a blur, but it�s the best I have.
------------------ "The Starships of the Federation are the physical, tangible manifestations of Humanity�s stubborn insistence that life does indeed mean something." Spock to Leonard McCoy in "Final Frontier"
Posted by nx001a (Member # 291) on :
I have one of the TNG manuals from FASA and some of the ships looked very horrible although i did like the wellington class. However most ships were mainly kitbashed ones.
------------------ "We set sail on this new sea because their is new knowledge to be gained and new rights to be won" John F Kennedy