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Posted by Laz1701 on :
I'm posting this because this is the umpteenth time I have visited a link provided in one of this forum's threads only to discover that yet another Trek website uses images from my site without permission.

The latest offender is the Ares Expanse SOTF website, a site I like very much and find very informative. But the fact I like it and find it informative doesn't quell my outrage at its use of many of the drawings created by me and by John T. Moltz. I am not even talking of kitbashes made with the ship kits that include components from my drawings and the drawings of John T. Moltz. I am talking about images lifted straight from my site - including images of ships I invented and designed, such as the Perseus, Odysseus, and Icarus classes. Then I looked at the collection of links at the site, and of course, there's no link to mine included... even though the webmaster visited it to obtain the images.

The copyright notice on my site is very explicit and very simple. It states I have no objection to my images being used on other sites - as long as permission is asked, credit is given, and a link to my site is provided. I have yet to deny permission to anyone who's bothered to request it and fulfill the terms of my notice, and I don't intend to. Those terms don't seem like much to ask, but many webmasters seem to think they are, apparently. When I wanted to include Fabrux's Molson class on my site because I liked it very much, I asked him for permission to include his kitbash - a kitbash made with components I had drawn. Yet webmasters of starship sites can't even be bothered to ask for permission to use my images, or to meet the requests of my copyright notice.

When Paramount started cracking down on Trek sites, I thought they were being anal, and I still do. But I am not a billion-dollar corporation jumping on fans or other individuals. *I* am one of those fans and individuals myself, and I find this kind of behavior by other fans and individuals discourteous and offensive in the extreme. But I have no other recourse than to notify the offenders and ask for simple courtesy, to post something like this here... and in the end, perhaps, remove my site from the web so that it cannot be pilfered any longer.

The Starship Encyclopedia

Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
I don't exactly see why this is here. Why not Officers Lounge or Flameboard?

"The things hollow--it goes on forever--and--oh my God!--it's full of stars!" -David Bowman's last transmission back to Earth, 2001: A Space Odyssey

The 359 Webpage


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
You can email whoever is hosting the sites, also. They can usually take care of the problem.

Frank's Home Page
"So, anyways, this is the 24th century. Starfleet officers have injections once a month or so so that they don't go getting each other pregnant. How would it be a problem for my character and Joral to be rocking the casbah?" - Fabrux

Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
To be honest, when I first started posting your images on my site, I had thought of crediting you, but I saw that so many sites out there didn't, and for some reason I thought I didn't have to either. But then you contacted me and asked me to credit you. I now credit you and every time this comes up I apologize for not crediting you in the first place. So, once again, I'm sorry for not crediting you in the past

Star Trek: Leeds
Creator, Producer, Only Writer

Posted by bonecrusher on :
Shut up, email the guy that did, we dont care, people take stuff from my site and I dont bitch about it!

"I Got two words for you.. S*uck it!"-DeGeneration X
Oh Hell Ya there back!



Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Well, just because you don't doesn't mean that everyone shouldn't.

Frank's Home Page
"So, anyways, this is the 24th century. Starfleet officers have injections once a month or so so that they don't go getting each other pregnant. How would it be a problem for my character and Joral to be rocking the casbah?" - Fabrux

Posted by Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs (Member # 239) on :
bonecrusher: There's nothing on your site that anybody would want to steal anyway.

Laz: E-mail the guy. Make him give you credit or a link or whatnot, or tell his provider and get them to shut him down.

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."
-Mark Twain

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
What ever happened to the coalition that the BG was gogin to form to crack down on this stuff after UP1 got ripped off by the "Antaries" site? I'm thinking this is something that needs to be resurrected.

And Starships really is the wrong Forum for this. Probably the OL is the best place for it. *moves it there*

"To make the merry-go-round go faster, so that everyone needs to hang on tighter, just to keep from being thrown to the wolves."
-They Might Be Giants, "They Might Be Giants"

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