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Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
[announcer speak]
From the 'Life Line' promo, the Voyager type speedboat shuttle and... Jupiter station!!
[/announcer speak]

Either that is proof of the fact that the speedboat shuttle is NOT made on Voyager for the first time. Or Seven has got that warp 10 plothole sealed...

Meddle not in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!


[This message has been edited by Altair (edited May 09, 2000).]

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Wow. Those do look like Ambassador saucers...

"The search and the arrest provided several hours of entertainment in the neighborhood."
-"Worm Suspect Arrested", Wired News

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I never thought that the speedboat shuttles were designed on Voyager. I just figured that that's the first time we got to see 'em. I've seen cutaway posters showing them on the Ent. E too.

"A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx

Aban's Illustration


Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
In the promo we can see the shuttle even closer then that, but unfortunatly it's hard to read the registry. It looks to me like it just says NCC-74656...

"The things hollow--it goes on forever--and--oh my God!--it's full of stars!" -David Bowman's last transmission back to Earth, 2001: A Space Odyssey

The 359 Webpage


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Was that Shuttle ever CGIed?

or are they still using motion control models?

If they can do Jupiter station - what is wrong with an orbiting Ambassador...!?!

"Who wouldn't be the one you love
Who wouldn't stand inside your love." - Stand Inside Your Love, The Smashing Pumpkins


Posted by Mikey T (Member # 144) on :
Maybe they are too lazy to make one? And Jupiter Station has components of the Regula/Orbital Office Complex. How strange looking...

"Life's a bitch, then you die"
-USS Luzon, Vanderbuilt Class starship


Posted by Dat (Member # 302) on :
After seeing the episode, I think the station looks cool. Also, the "saucers" are not Ambassador saucers or anything similar. It's custom designed. And it looks like the station has escape pods (on the saucers). The first I've ever seen on a Starfleet station.

And if they're up to the Mark IV EMH, does that mean the E-E no longer has the Mark I? Or the Prometheus no longer has the Mark II?

Wonder if Starfleet will ever decide to use the Mark I for medical use again?

7 alarm clock: "Do not touch me."
Dilbert: "Then how do I turn you off?"
7: "Believe me, I am plenty turned off."


Posted by Justin_Timberland (Member # 236) on :
I doubt it... the only EMH Mark I that's going to remain a doctor will be Voyager's. The Doc has the holo-emiiter, a now complicated program that even will give that EMH Mark VI a run for it's protons, and of course the fact that the Doc will be recognized as a lifeform like Data if Starfleet decides to analyze him.

Jupiter Station looks cool though... but where is the cafe? And when did Dr. Zimmerman visit DS9?

"Life is like a dick, sometimes you just wanna f**k it"
-Yun Zhu
USS Vanderbilt NCC-73121, Vanderbilt Class Starship


Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
Justin: That's mark IV not VI. And Zimmerman visited DS9 in the episode 'Doctor Bashir, I Presume', where he wanted to use Bashir as template for the EMH Mark II. In this episode we came to know that Bashir is genetically enhanced (which is why he did not became the template).

Meddle not in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!


Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
Regarding Zimmerman, he certainly got a lot older since "Doctor Bashir, I Presume". Also I assume that Zimmerman dropped out of Starfleet since he wasn't wearing his gold uniform. But if Starfleet used something I was very proud of to clean waste that had my face on it I'd hand in my resignation too.

"If at first you don't succeed, skydiving isn't for you."
Federation Starship Datalink - On that annoying Tripod server.

[This message has been edited by Hobbes (edited May 11, 2000).]

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I think it was the LMH (Longterm Medical Holographic Program) that he wanted to model on Bashir. And I was really hoping they would explain why he looks so much older. I haven't seen the ep yet, but that little detail is going to bug me I think.

"A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx

Aban's Illustration

[This message has been edited by Aban Rune (edited May 11, 2000).]

Posted by The Vorlon (Member # 52) on :
Regarding Jupiter station, Rick Sternbach recently said the following:

Bingo! Sort of. Sharp eye, but those aren't Galaxy saucers, but more like Ent-C hulls with mods. They're not detachable, but they do have all the right parts, like phasers and escape pods. It's a nicely armed station, what with the amount of potential military threats and sci-tech espionage. These are ship hulls that aren't worth repairing for high warp after long periods of wear, so they jammed six of 'em together.


Sheridan: "Well, as answers go, short, to the point, utterly useless and totally consistant with what I've come to expect from a Vorlon..."
Kosh: "Good."
Sheridan: "I REALLY hate it when you do that..."
Kosh: "Good."

SapphireEclipse Productions

Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Ooh, great!
Now they make crappy stations out of old saucers.

Seems like Starfleet has a complete and total lack of budget. They use 100-year old Excelsiors and Mirandas and still have those *** horses in San Fransisco instead of fancy ST-style cars!!! The 'no-money' economy is probably not working (looks like the communism-idea that went totally wrong in Russia)!

If you want to get your soul to heaven,
trust in me.
Don't judge or question.
You are broken now,
but faith can heal you.
Just do everything I tell you to do.
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow.
Let me lay my holy hand upon you.

-Tool, "Opiate"
Prakesh's Star Trek Site


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Well, there is such a thing as not SPENDING EVERYTHING YOU HAVE ON THE BIGGEST AND BEST THINGS RIGHT NOW NOW NOW! MUST REPLACE EVERYTHING A DAY OLD! I mean, seems like the Excelsiors and Mirandas are perfectly adequate. What horses are you referring to?

Frank's Home Page
John Flansburgh: "This song is so old that it's actually featured on our brand new record."
John Linnell: "It's one of those year 2000 problems."

Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
Exactly Frank, as Geordi put it, "Just because something's old doesn't mean you throw it out", or something along those lines.

The Excelsior and Miranda classes have been around for a very long time, but they still work and are useful. Infact it would make less sense just to scrap them simply because they're old.

As for the horse-drawn carridges which I think you were referring to, I admit, I'd like to see some sort of 24th century car. However most people probably use transporters or shuttlebuses for long, even short distance travel.

"If at first you don't succeed, skydiving isn't for you."
Federation Starship Datalink - On that annoying Tripod server.

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
I gather The Federation got out of the whole after 5 years it'll break design - like we've got now... Our first video player from 1982 lasted until 1994... ok it had a few 'clean ups' but that is about it - It was working fine... our new video - hits the five year mark and becomes... stuffed... I guess the Federation builds things that last.

"Who wouldn't be the one you love
Who wouldn't stand inside your love." - Stand Inside Your Love, The Smashing Pumpkins


Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
We have seen 24th century "cars", though. One was puttering around Cambridge, for instance, in "All Good Things...".

I wonder how much action Jupiter Station would see. You would think that if enemy forces were routinely showing up in the solar system, we might have heard something about it. On the other hand, it does appear to be the home for some sensitive research, so maybe they're just being understandably cautious.

"Oh, it's an anti-anti-WTO song. It's essentially a pro-Starbucks song. I saw this picture of a guy sticking his foot through a plate-glass window in a Starbucks in Seattle, and he was wearing a Nike. Man, couldn't you just change your shoes?"
M. Doughty


Posted by Gaseous Anomaly (Member # 114) on :
two Borg incursions in 6 years
*clears throat*

Remember December '59
The howling wind and the driving rain,
Remember the gallant men who drowned
On the lifeboat, Mona was her name.


Posted by Jim Phelps (Member # 102) on :
As far as Starfleet not having enough money is concerned...funny how the number of kitbashes and rescaled/reused designs has decreased in the last couple of years.


Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Ya know what I just realized. Jupiter Station looks a HELLUVA lot like the space station seen in the painting in Picard's Quarters! Maybe Jupiter Station has been around since the beginning of the Federation, and just got expanded. Instead of just a single lower part and one saucer, it's expanded to 2 lower parts and 6 saucers!

"The things hollow--it goes on forever--and--oh my God!--it's full of stars!" -David Bowman's last transmission back to Earth, 2001: A Space Odyssey

The 359 Webpage


Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Erm... The painting in Picard's quarters was of Spacedock (or one of the stations of that design).

Oh, and as for Zimmerman's age... He didn't really look that old. He just had grey hair. If you were his age and dying of an incurable (as far as you know) and terminal illness, don't you think your hair would go a little grey?

"The search and the arrest provided several hours of entertainment in the neighborhood."
-"Worm Suspect Arrested", Wired News

[This message has been edited by TSN (edited May 15, 2000).]

Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
To go on about the theme of reusing old vehicles...

The hovercar at Cambridge could easily have been the equivalent of a horse-drawn carriage today. That is, an outdated piece of technology used for its antiquity value. Cambridge would be JUST the correct place to find something like that.

According to "The 37s", hovercars were used in the mid-21st century. The ep made it sound as if they disappeared soon thereafter. Perhaps transporters were invented in that timeframe (or introduced to Earth by Vulcans and other aliens who began pouring in after 2063)? In the 24th century, vehicles would probably no longer be used much, and transporting would be the standard method of moving around (as some lines from "Realm of Fear" suggest).

Of course, there would always be antique vehicles for enthusiasts and traditionalists, including the horse-drawn carriages and conventional trains of Paris, the hovercars of Cambridge, and the air trams of San Francisco.

Timo Saloniemi

Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
As for the Type-9 shuttle, there is nor reason to assume they were built *on* Voyager, although they look a lot (too much) as if they were designed *for* Voyager. So no matter what the odd "Class 2" actually refers to (this very shuttle or a generic term), the shuttles should exist elsewhere too - only with a different registry than 74656.

I would love to see old saucers being reused. After all that's better than store them at Qualor II.

"Species 5618, human. Warp-capable, origin grid 325, physiology inefficient, below average cranium capacity, minimum redundant systems, limited regenerative abilities."
Ex Astris Scientia

Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
As far as Starfleet not having enough money is concerned...funny how the number of kitbashes and rescaled/reused designs has decreased in the last couple of years.

Well, it is known that war is good for the economy (especially military industry), so maybe the Federation could have used a little refreshment with the Dominion Wars

If you want to get your soul to heaven,
trust in me.
Don't judge or question.
You are broken now,
but faith can heal you.
Just do everything I tell you to do.
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow.
Let me lay my holy hand upon you.

-Tool, "Opiate"
Prakesh's Star Trek Site


Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Prakesh, I don't think that's universally true by any means. War is all well and good unless you're fighting it in your backyard.

"Oh, it's an anti-anti-WTO song. It's essentially a pro-Starbucks song. I saw this picture of a guy sticking his foot through a plate-glass window in a Starbucks in Seattle, and he was wearing a Nike. Man, couldn't you just change your shoes?"
M. Doughty


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Actually the picture in Picard's quarters doesn't look like the Spacedock stations...

it does look more like the jupiter station with only one saucer and the bottome part...

Maybe Picard served aboard one of those stations??

Maybe its Starbase Earhart?? To remind him of his stabbing!?!

"STAB HIM! STAB HIM! - ahhh! I'd like you to meet my good friend... stabhim." - Arnold J. Rimmer Red Dwarf "Conscience and Paranoia".


"Who wouldn't be the one you love
Who wouldn't stand inside your love." - Stand Inside Your Love, The Smashing Pumpkins


Posted by DARKSTAR on :
It could be one of the shuttles that didn't make onto Voyager before it left for DS9. With the Dominion War Starfleet may have simply forgot to cahnge to registry on the shuttle.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
After 6 years? And the registry of a ship thought lost for most of that time? Bit insensitive.

"Businesses used to be like Christianity; if you were faithful and obedient, you could obtain bliss in the afterlife of retirement. Now it's more of a reincarnation model. If the worker learns enough in his current job, he can progress to a higher level of employment elsewhere."

- Dogbert

Posted by Dat (Member # 302) on :
I would surmise that when a ship is finally commissioned, it already has all its needed equipment and supplies, and that includes any shuttles and other small craft. The crew always comes later as individual members are picked up from wherever. And I think Voyager's aerowing shuttle is complete unless Voyager was rushed into service, but there's been no evidence to suggest that.

[Bart's looking for his dog.]
Groundskeeper Willy: Yeah, I bought your mutt - and I 'ate 'im! [Bart gasps.] I 'ate 'is little face, I 'ate 'is guts, and I 'ate the way 'e's always barkin'! So I gave 'im to the church.
Bart: Ohhh, I see... you HATE him, so you gave him to the church.
Groundskeeper Willy: Aye. I also 'ate the mess he left on me rug. [Bart stares.] Ya heard me!


Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
I think scientists found a small connection between hair loss and excessive production of testosterone, for some of those that don't inherit baldness.
That, coupled with the facts that his is a stressed-out line of work, and that his first EMH earned him utter humiliation, and that Doc Zimmerman is an arrogant, easily aggrovated and unloved man that for a time had a terminal illness explains the gray hair nicely, methinks.

Here lies a toppled god,
His fall was not a small one.
We did but build his pedestal,
A narrow and a tall one.

-Tleilaxu Epigram


Posted by Toadkiller (Member # 425) on :
Instead of 'old worn out saucers" I'd like to see a modified saucer design that was meant to be a station (or station part) from the begining. What I mean is: hook a "station saucer" temporarily onto a Galaxy stardrive section - warp out to the system that you want the station in and drop it off. Repeat as needed for a multi-saucer station like Jup. Since the galaxy doesn't need a saucer to go from point to point, you can outfit it with anything you want....

Maybe it is a prototype?



Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
Actually, assuming that an Ambassador-class saucer which is no longer warp-worthy (cracks in the spaceframe?) is routinely utilized for space station hulls solves a problem/question posed in another posting, where someone queried the lack of Ambassador-class vessels seen in the Dominion Task Force.

Lets face it, replacing worn/warped/destroyed hull plating is probably routine for the Corps of Engineers, but to replace a frame member would entail the virtual deconstruction of the entire saucer.

Look at the unmentioined perils of a Jupiter-orbit station: radiation belts, tidal stresses, micrometeor impacts... A proven design such as the Ambassador-class is to good to scrap.

Plus, the built-in thrusters and impulse drive make for a high safety-factor in that tidal nightmare (how many moons are we up to?)

Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
Then again, Ambassadors don't have built-in impulse engines in their saucers - and the picture of Jupiter Station doesn't seem to show any RCS clusters, either.

Timo Saloniemi

Posted by DARKSTAR on :
Deep Space Nine had lifeboats left by the cardassians. These were used in emergencies to land on Bajor if the station was threatened with destruction

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