It looks like LUG is coming out with "The Starfleet Starship Recognition Manual, Vol. 1" due out in Q3 2000.
This will be interesting. Has anyone heard details about it yet? Any comments on LUG designs/speculation in general?
"Don't hide your tears. They were sent to wash away those years."--Creed
The web page is not completed yet, but come by and check it out. :)
Quantum Threshold
REDESIGNED!!!!!! Avalon Sector
"Huh. An intelligent guard. I never would have guessed."
-Preed, Titan A.E.
1. Paramount is dragging their heels approving the various games and supplements
2. LUG was recently acquired by Wizards of the Coast (Of the Magic card game fame, and who recently purchased TSR and with it, the Dungeons and Dragons franchise), and controversy is raging over whether they're going to convert all the current Trek games (playes with 6-sided dice) over to WotC's standard, which is played with 20-sided dice (like D&D 2nd edition)
Wait and see. Personally, I really REALLY hope they don't change, as I've just gotten used to the 6-sided style and like it very much, plus it's push back the games MUCH farther for rewrites.
"Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi
"I just measured him. He's about 21"."
-Chris Martin, 14-Jul-2000
Having information that we already know in a handy reference book is helpful. And the information "they pull out of their asses" as Tim so eloquently put it is interesting most of the time.
"Huh. An intelligent guard. I never would have guessed."
-Preed, Titan A.E.
IMHO, starship recognition manuals are best based on painstakingly researched and detailed pictures of the studio models and their appearances in the episodes. If the pictures are off, then the manuals aren't much good either. The text part can give the Miranda sixteen gatling disruptors and make the Sabre transwarp capable, and see if I care. But if the length of an Excelsior's nacelles is off by two centimeters in the picture, I'll yell bloody murder.
Timo Saloniemi
Actually, the construction manual sounds more interesting. It might have many suggestions, although I probably won't agree with everything. The same goes for the time travel book.
BTW, that's not the Intendant, but "our" Kira, when she first was in the Parallel Universe and had to dress so to please the Intendant...
"Species 5618, human. Warp-capable, origin grid 325, physiology inefficient, below average cranium capacity, minimum redundant systems, limited regenerative abilities."
Ex Astris Scientia
The first publication in this range will be Spacedock, which will contain ship consturuction rules, an advanced ship-to-ship combat systems and several ships from the main TNG powers.
LUG have a year's worth of publications lined up so any switch over to the WotC d20 system won't happen for at least that long, and probably longer. Delays in LUGs schedules are mostly Paramount's faut, though lately the senior staff have been tied up with paperwork due to the takeover.
-->Identity Crisis<--
"If I knew you were coming I would have baked a cake...learned to sing....stop me Gage!"
The Journeyman Project 3
"I just measured him. He's about 21"."
-Chris Martin, 14-Jul-2000
"Species 5618, human. Warp-capable, origin grid 325, physiology inefficient, below average cranium capacity, minimum redundant systems, limited regenerative abilities."
Ex Astris Scientia
-=Ryan McReynolds=-