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Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
OK, I finally picked up my copy of the Ships of the Line calander!

Just a few things...

Its beautiful... altough its still looks a little CGIish... It still boils down to the fact that 'real life' things aren't perfect and that they need to incorporate more 'defections' in the ships hull etc.

Anyway a few tech?? things...

The front Galaxy class is called Enterprise on the neck but look at its registry... you can make out an NCC-70*** !?! Maybe this is its prior registry!?!

In the "Sisko's Run" picture - what is with those wonky windows on the underside... they are oblong not square and they are all not straight but higgledy-piggledy!

That is a sweet picture of the Prometheus... its nice and detailed (although a little more on the nacelles wouldn't hurt) BUT! What is with the 'pennants' on the tops of the nacelles... why is there that 'oval' on them... that isn't the pennant of the times - its just the delta symbol painted yellow...

Why change the UP space stations to Space docks!?! Those space docks don't have much detail on them either... not like the model version.

I'm pretty sure that both of the easier to see Akira's have the same registries... what is the registry of the Thunderchild again?

What is the "Star Trek: The Unseen Ftonier" Declassified Images from the History of the Federation?? I hope this isn't a rehash job of old pictures!?!

The landscape of the BOP's is VERY CGIish... reminds me of the disgusting new covers to the Kim Stanley Robinson Mars Trilogy.

The 'Farragut' well the ship says Bodue... not Bogue... that HAS to be a D... Once again a little more detail on the hull plating please... if we are going to get in THIS close...

Thats a LOVELY DS9 CGI image...

That is the Briar Patch the E-E is in... look that HAS to be the Bak'u planet.

A little more CGI detail on that cover space dock would be nice too...

LOVELY pics...

Maybe we should collate all these problems and present them to the good people at Simon and Schuster... WE'RE the ones buying these things anyway...


"I threw bitter tears at the ocean
But all that came back was the tide..." 'I Will Not Forget You' Sarah McLachlan


Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
The 'Farragut' well the ship says Bodue... not Bogue... that HAS to be a D... Once again a little more detail on the hull plating please... if we are going to get in THIS close...

Bodue? Can you make a scan of it?

[This message has been edited by Fitz (edited August 26, 2000).]

Posted by Dax (Member # 191) on :
I picked up this calendar today too, Andrew. It must have just been released in Australia because I hadn't seen it earlier.

Here's a few things I noticed...

The cover Galaxy (labeled Enterprise) rego seems to read NCC-710xx. It would seem they left the rego from when this CGI appeared as the Challenger in "Timeless".

I agree that the Ent-E pic must be based on Insurrection even though the caption alludes to First Contact.

The Defiant looks horrible in both of its appearances. I've always despised the Defiant CGI - it's really flawed. DS9 does look nice in the pic though.

I really like the Voyager picture - very nice. It reminds me of "Equinox part II".

The Nebula has a different rego on the saucer than everywhere else *groan*. The text on the pod does look like "BODUE".

The BOP landscape does look horribly fake but the ships themselves look pretty good here.

Those spacedocks (central pages) do look crap.

The Prometheus pic is one of the best but that annoying rego on it just spoils the whole thing for me. I never noticed before how the escape pod hatches were such a unique shape - very cool.

It's nice to see the Chaffee again. A simple but effective pic.

I like the Voyager pic from "Timeless" mainly because I liked the episode. Unfortunately, like the BoP pic, the mountains do look fake.

Overall, I'd have to say I'm disappointed that they didn't use any real models photography in the calendar. I've always thought that motion control looked heaps better than CGI - especially for stills. Oh well. I noticed that the cover of the DS9 calendar has a new picture of the physical (real) Defiant - now that looked sweet.

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Dax's Ships of STAR TREK


Posted by USS Vanguard (Member # 130) on :
Bodue? I wonder what that means

"Life sucks, then you die"


Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Maybe an idiot's way of trying to spell Bod�?

"There are three things I HATE, Jet: kids..pets..& women with attitudes. So WHY do we have all THREE on BOARD?!?"--Spike Spiegel


Posted by Dat (Member # 302) on :
It does look a little like Bodue, but I still think Bogue would be better.

1. I did a search on Bodue and came up with a typo for Bogue. Same thing could have happened here.

2. At that angle, the D could actually be a G instead.

Teddy Roosevelt: "Speak softly and carry a big stick."
Yosemite Sam: "Well, I speak loudly and I carry a bigger stick...and I use it too!"

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Have you noticed that the better ships in the calendar have the more detail... The Voyager has brilliant Detail... except is that correct having exactly the same 'lights' in both the ready-room and conference room windows?? Shouldn't we see a couch in Janeway's ready room.

What IS that book that is coming out going to be.

I hope it has more physical models... although I did get into a bit of a spat with Margaret whats-her-name from Pocket Books about new effects shots for their publications. I was getting SICK and TIRED of seeing the same old DS9 shot rehashed again and again and again... you all know the one... It was the original pic promo from SEASON 1... its just DS9 and stars... they 'mixed it' with the wormhole for the cover (well the one on the net) for the DS9 companion...

She said its hard to film it at different angles... I think that is CRAP.


"I threw bitter tears at the ocean
But all that came back was the tide..." 'I Will Not Forget You' Sarah McLachlan


Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Maybe the mystery book is the Okuda book about W359?

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Posted by Dat (Member # 302) on :
This was already answered in my original Ships of the Line thread. Anyway that book is not Okuda's book. It's just a book showcasing more ships that were done by the CGI folks. IIRC, Okuda is still trying to get his book out of the initial stages.

[Bart's looking for his dog.]
Groundskeeper Willy: Yeah, I bought your mutt - and I 'ate 'im! [Bart gasps.] I 'ate 'is little face, I 'ate 'is guts, and I 'ate the way 'e's always barkin'! So I gave 'im to the church.
Bart: Ohhh, I see... you HATE him, so you gave him to the church.
Groundskeeper Willy: Aye. I also 'ate the mess he left on me rug. [Bart stares.] Ya heard me!

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Well, if they're going to release more pics, why can't they fix up the details like having a Nebula (with not much detail) being called the Farragut, Having the name Honshu, and the Bo*ue on the sensor pod, with an unknown? registry...

They can't make things look cartoony - like the Spacedock on the front, and the spacedocks at UP...

Detail people.


"I threw bitter tears at the ocean
But all that came back was the tide..." 'I Will Not Forget You' Sarah McLachlan


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Has anyone managed to work out what that registry is on the 'Enterprise' on the cover... it says NCC-710**


"I threw bitter tears at the ocean
But all that came back was the tide..." 'I Will Not Forget You' Sarah McLachlan


Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
It most definatly says USS CHALLENGER NCC-71099 on the bottom. Remember, the Challenger was odd because it had the name stuck on the bottom. I can also make out most of the letters in the word Challenger.

Also, regarding Utopia Planitia, the docking structures HAVE to be scalable. I mean, in the TMP-style docks we have a Miranda, Akira, Galaxy, and Steamrunner (notice the upper Steamrunner has no Bussard Collectors). These ships are obviously all different sizes. The spider docks are DIFFERENT though. The one holding a Saber has no "tail" end, just the circular part. I also noticed the Akira on teh right is not in her dock, she's actually leaving it, since the "arm" on the inside is located BEHIND the Akira.

"The things hollow--it goes on forever--and--oh my God!--it's full of stars!" -David Bowman's last transmission back to Earth, 2001: A Space Odyssey

The 359 Webpage

[This message has been edited by The359 (edited September 04, 2000).]

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Ahhh, yes Challenger, thanks.

Yeah, they have to be scalable. (its just sloppy on their part though)

Can anyone tell if the 'arm' is in scale to the 'arm' say in Generations with the E-B?

That pic with the Bussardless Steamrunner... don'y you think they could have made the bit where there is no Bussards a little less... fake? Its just like they've repeated a pattern of lines on it!

Yeah, that Akira is also moving out in Relativity, but of course there was no E-D there, it was that Excelsior... and there weren't the dinky looking Spacedocks either...


P.S. Look at where the typeing is in the bottom left hand corder... and then look at Mars behind it - part of the planet is in darkness, and you can see lights on the surface!

I think they have really... fucked things up in the scaling department... cause look to the right of the E-D and in the distance is a Miranda?? being built... anyway - theoretically at that size the Miranda AND the construction assembly should be NEXT to the E-D, not in the distance as the bluring has made it.


"I threw bitter tears at the ocean
But all that came back was the tide..." 'I Will Not Forget You' Sarah McLachlan

[This message has been edited by AndrewR (edited September 05, 2000).]

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