Constitution study I
Constitution study II
Enterprise Interior
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-And no-one even noticed the typo...
Titan Fleet Yards - Harry Doddema's Star Trek Site
jamesdwright, try looking on, uh... *thinks* Do a search for The IDIC Page, I think there are some pics of a model there, and there's also photos in The Art of Star Trek, and a more specialised book Phase II: The Lost Series.
I'm hoping to get hold of a rare collectible very soon - the Enterprise Flight Manual, which was the technical guide for Phase II writers!
"Replicate some marmalade, Commander - helm control is toast!"
20th century, go to sleep.
Read chapters one and two of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! Show no patience, tolerance, or restraint.
"Content, graphics, and design are © 1999-2000 by The Solareclipse Network"
-And no-one even noticed the typo...
Titan Fleet Yards - Harry Doddema's Star Trek Site
"One's ethics are determined by what we do when no one is looking"
You could probably try some of the trek news sites and search through old news...
"This is cooling, faster than I can..." Tori Amos "Cooling"
"Second star to the right, and then straight on till morning."
"Replicate some marmalade, Commander - helm control is toast!"
We attack tommorow, under cover of daylight!
"Replicate some marmalade, Commander - helm control is toast!"
Photos are hard to come by but I've just won an eBay auction for a copy of the "Enterprise Flight Manual", which was the writers' technical guide. Expect some interesting posts as soon as my exams are over...
"Replicate some marmalade, Commander - helm control is toast!"
As far as I can tell, the P II ship would have quite a bit smaller than the refit; The saucer is smaller - it would fit inside the last but one deflector grid from the refit the upper hull's curve is almost the same as the refit but the lower is more like the original E, the conecting dorsal between the 2nd and primary hull is longer and wider (the addition is the blue curved bit at the top of the Refit dorsal).
The secondary hull is shorter at the shuttle bay area(about an inch if you were looking at the ERTL kit), the warp struts arent as tall because the connecting dorsal on the refit is longer (see above) and the warp engines are about 15% smaller including length.
"Content, graphics, and design are © 1999-2000 by The Solareclipse Network"
-And no-one even noticed the typo...
Titan Fleet Yards - Harry Doddema's Star Trek Site
[Bart's looking for his dog.]
Groundskeeper Willy: Yeah, I bought your mutt - and I 'ate 'im! [Bart gasps.] I 'ate 'is little face, I 'ate 'is guts, and I 'ate the way 'e's always barkin'! So I gave 'im to the church.
Bart: Ohhh, I see... you HATE him, so you gave him to the church.
Groundskeeper Willy: Aye. I also 'ate the mess he left on me rug. [Bart stares.] Ya heard me!
The model seen on the Brick Price page... http://www.wonderworksweb.com/
...doesn't appear to be a Phase II model, it looks to be a small model designed for TMP. Comparing it to the photos of the under-construction Phase II ship, the engines are simialr, but not identical, the pylons aren't notched the same way, the neck is different, and the torpedo deck, saucer size, portholes and self-illumination features are definitely the TMP version. It's possible that the built a small minitaure early on and then revised it for use in TMP. Sadly, it's difficult to tell for sure.
I find it interesting that the photos of the under-construction model features no torpedo tubes nor any indication such would be attached, which makes one wonder at what point that feature was decided upon.
The two study models that are often identified as Phase II prototypes actually predate that project. These are the two ships with the flattened triangular secondary hulls. I believe they have been identified as study models for the aborted Star Trek: Planet of Titans feature that Phillip Kaufman was supposed to helm.
One thing that is very frustrating is that many times the books we must refer to are factually incorrect. A good example is where a Jeffries Phase II sketch landed in the Original Series Star Trek Sketchbook (the drawing is even dated 77!), on in the Phase II book where sketches labeled early V'ger concepts are actually the final design of that entity (I'd know a Syd Mead sketch anywhere).