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Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
Now that we've seen a detailed pic of the new ship, I'd like to know how many of you think this is the right ship for this series. Just vote yes or no; don't give any reasons or attempt to persuade the other voters, please.

I vote: NO!!!!!

[ July 09, 2001: Message edited by: Masao ]

Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
As if there was any doubt about your vote, Masao...

I say, absolutely not!

Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
Do I honestly have to say it?

(Actually, I'll be pretty amused to see who says 'yes.')

Posted by Daniel (Member # 453) on :
No. *buries face in hands* God no... *goes off to cry in a corner*
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I give a resounding YES.
Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
I second Siegfried's vote...yes.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
There is not enough information for me to draw a conclusion. I require more information about the ship.
Posted by Jeff The Card (Member # 411) on :
It's named Enterprise.


Posted by MIB (Member # 426) on :
NO!!! However, it is hard not to give any reasons for my response.

[ July 09, 2001: Message edited by: MIB ]

Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
Y'know, this is just getting pathetic. What's the point of this anyway? Is there a master plan afoot to take a poll of this ever-so-highly representative sample of Enterprise's viewing audience and send in the mob vote to the producers, declaring loudly that the fans clearly want them to change the ship? Or hell, stop making a prequel altogether...
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Well, we all know that Internet polls are highly inefficient ways to collect information. After all, most of the poll systems I've seen in place have no way of safeguarding against someone voting multiple times. Add to that, I'm always seeing people offering little programs that'll ping a poll every so often. This is largely the truth for Internet and email petitions as well.

To be honest, I think it's a wee bit too late for Paramount to halt production on Enterprise.

Posted by Ryan McReynolds (Member # 28) on :
Depends on exactly what the question is...

Is this the ship I would design for Enterprise? No.

Do I have any problem with the ship they've designed for Enterprise? No.

Do I think they've designed a ship that fits anyone's expectations? No.

Do I think they've designed a good-looking ship that fits in with the timeframe? Yes.

So, is this the ship for Enterprise? Yes.

But, could there be a better ship for Enterprise? Yes.

Choose whichever question was actually being asked and take the answer from above.

-=Ryan McReynolds=-

Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
Hey! Some of you are making this difficult. I just want to know whether you think, based on the information at hand, whether this ship is appropriate for a prequel series.

Disclaimer: This information will be used to decide who will later be stood up against a wall. Nothing personal. I also guarantee your safety until that time.

Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
The Tom and Siegfried: I don't sign petitions and have no other agenda than finding out how many people actually think this ship is all right (that wall stuff was a joke, by the way). It's too late to change the design, anyways. The trouble with the other threads is that you have to wade through all the arguments to get an answer. (I actually think the ship is good looking, but not for this time period)

So just a simple yes or no, please

Posted by Ryan McReynolds (Member # 28) on :
In that case, I simply answer "yes," put on a blindfold, and grab a smoke.

-=Ryan McReynolds=-

Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
But, Masao, dozens of people have already registered their opinions in, what, six? seven? individual threads? Threads in which they can explain how they feel and more importantly why? Beating the dead horse again and trying to divide the forum into two camps is stunningly counterproductive.
Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
Counterproductive, divisive, and pointless?: granted. But I still want to have everything in one place. I know! Let's vote anonymously!
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Well, we might as well have everyone's basic opinion recorded in one place. That way if the show actually turns out to be halfway-decent, you can laugh at us; on the other hand, if it makes Voyager look watchable, every time you lot complain about it we can throw this in your faces. 8)

No, by the way.

Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Geez, people, the ship is perfectly fine. (That does count as a YES vote).

You honestly expect Paramount to produce a series with ships that look like the Daedalus? Yeah, that'll really attract viewers...

And if you think the ship looks "too modern", then need I remind you of the SABER, AKIRA, STEAMRUNNER, and NORWAY classes we all had to bitch about when First Contact came out?

Honestly, think about it. What was the ONLY Federation starship class we saw in TOS? The Constitution. NO other classes was seen. Therefore, where do you people suddenly get the idea that EVERY TOS ship should look like that? Just because all the RPG groups designed ships that were almost exactly the same, doesn't mean they are right! That's why they aren't canon in the slightest!

Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
Fuck no!

Stylistically, I don't mind as much as many in here (although the manymanymanymany specific Akira-details make me twitch). But generally, the ship is way to frikkin' big and way too frikkin' flat. I know we weren't supposed to elaborate, but that's as close to a one-word answer you're going to get from me on this travesty.


Posted by NightWing (Member # 4) on :
All other pre-TOS ships were pretty flat. And this is an expirimental new ship, it's bound to be different. Also it has a crew of about 60 to 70. What's wrong with a starship in that time that is shorter than 300 meters? They have build hundreds if not thousands of seaships that are much larger than that already...
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
Name me a flat pre-TOS ship. The Phoenix was cylindrical. The Daedalus class has a spherical primary hull attached via a cylinder to a cylinrical secondary hull. If the Oberth's registry is anything to go by, they were up to flattened hemispheres some time before TOS, but the further back one goes, the rounder the ships get and the smaller the ships get. To see a fully-realized disc-saucer primary hull of comparable size to the Constitution class on a ship that supposedly predates the Daedalus class is -- in a word -- wrong.


Posted by NightWing (Member # 4) on :
Also the Enterprise looks absolutely great to me. I think taking the Akira design was an excelent idea.

Could they have gone for a totally different design? Yes.

Could they have gone for a traditional Enterprise design? Most probably no.

Does this look like a predecesor (sp?) of the TOS Enterprise? Yes.

Does this design fit the time period? Yes.

I don't care much about it having much more detail then the TOS Enterprise. I care more about the Klingon heads than the details of the pre-Enterprise. But if you explain it like "It was what Gene intended to be, but he had no resources to do it", that's fine by me

Put me up for a big fat 'I love this ship, it fits in the period'

Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
I hate it. I also think the Daedalus wouldn't look to good there, either. My feelig is that the designers were drunkat the time. Or doing drugs. The Akira is a modern class.
Posted by TheF0rce (Member # 533) on :
I hate it!

I was wishing and wishing for the series to take place in the future after Voyager and we get an akira like ship...

but this took that and turn it into a nightmare
honestly i didn't mind seeing crude box like ships like the Botany Bay for the series---so many other sci fi series have ships like those...

Its like the producers are trying to satisfy both crowds by giving a pre TOS series yet including a modern looking ship.

Posted by Ace (Member # 389) on :
It just seems very unimaginative to me. It seems like something a fanboy could come up with in a few minutes...

...and the whole NX-01?!

Oh well, I can live with it, but I was expecting something more...creative.

Posted by NeghVar (Member # 62) on :
Actually...we did get to see another Starfleet starship...anyone remember the "Aurora?" You know, the Tholian ship flying backwards with Starfleet warp nacelles strapped to it?

Frankly, the NX-01 Enterprise looks a hell of a lot better than the Aurora, the Daedalus, or anything else they might have envisioned in the 60's when TOS was being conceived (with the exception of the big three; the Constitution class, the Romulan BOP, and the Klingon D7).

Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
I can live with it too, but that doesn't mean I like it.
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Geez, you people. You want a starship to look as extremely cheap and plain as possible. Lets make a plane, small saucer, attach an engineering hull to it with a neck, and put on two simple nacelles. Yeah, that'll really help it in the ratings against shows like Andromeda or FarScape.

And as for the ship having a flat saucer in a pre-TOS timeline....doesn't the spherical saucer of the Olympic sort of stand out in the 24th century? But I don't see you going and saying that's wrong, Peregrinus.

Do you people SERIOUSLY think that everyone who works at Paramount is retarded? I mean, these guys were hired FOR A REASON. Obviously they thought this was the right direction and the right design for the show, and since they make the bloody show, IT'S THEIR CHOICE. Just because it doesn't fit OUR views of what the pre-TOS period should look like doesn't mean theirs is the same. We have to adapt ours to fit theirs, since they are the ones making the story.

Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
No and Yes (sorry).

Would I have picked this design out of a hat? No. I find it loks too post-TOS.
Will I be doing deck plans? Yes - it looks good and is complex.

Posted by USSdefiant (Member # 655) on :
Wow, he wanted this thread to be just yes and no, but by the second page, we are already having a real discussion about this. Ok, we now pretty much know that they screwed up from the point of view of a true trekkie/trekker. We all love the show a little bit too much, but it is not a bad thing really(every human has to love something a little too much). I think that we would all love for this to be real somehow(I am pretty sure that there being alternate quantum universes is a real theory, although I did like the movie Galaxy Quest), but we really do have to remember sometimes that they have to stay in business. We the trekkies and trekkers of Startrek have to remember that we do not make up much of the viewing population that contrubutes so they people at Paramount Pictures can get paid and feed their family. Sometimes we will just have to deal with a small error that will make enough money for them to keep the show going. Other viewers will love the new ship and we have to accept that. We should either stop getting pisted at this small problem because we know they won't change it or we can admit that we are just doing this to let out some steam.
Posted by Delta Vega (Member # 283) on :
*registers vote*
I think it's alright. Not the best, but it'll do.
*thinks the vague answer may spare him*
Posted by Dukhat (Member # 341) on :
In one of the Enterprise posts, I had originally said how disappointed I was at the design. On reflection, however, I think I was a little too harsh. I was basing my thoughts on The_Tom's blurry scan, which actually made the ship look WAY more like the Akira then the TV Guide poster did.

In retrospect, looking at the poster, I can actually see that it does look more like a pre-design (Check out some of the 22nd century ships at Steve Pugh's site and you'll see what I mean). I'm still not happy that it's shaped like the Akira from above, and I still also think that the "pod" thing at the rear of the ship looks too anachronistic. But I'm starting to like the design a little more. And who knows? Since this ship seems to be a prototype, any other Starfleet ship we see should be a different design anyway. So maybe we will get to see a plethora of "new" ship designs which have been badly lacking in recent years.

[ July 10, 2001: Message edited by: Dukhat ]

Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
Don't get me wrong, I think it's a kickass design -- for a contemporary of the TOS Constitution!


P.S. I don't have a problem with the Olympic class having a spherical primary hull because the Daedalus already established that as a possibility two hundred years before. Everything in canon and fandom up to this point, however, indicates the perfected disc-saucer was a product of the 23rd century.

Posted by J (Member # 608) on :

too bad I can only vote once

Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Peregrinus, what canon says that no ships in the 22nd century had saucers? Just because Daedalus had a sphere doesn't mean EVERY class at the time had a sphere...
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
I said I didn't like the "Akira connection." I didn't say the class should be boriing or that the Akira design wasn't cool.
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :

Just who the hell's side are you on, anyway?

Posted by Stingray (Member # 621) on :
Do you people SERIOUSLY think that everyone who works at Paramount is retarded? I mean, these guys were hired FOR A REASON.

I'm bettin' you're not a big fan of Dilbert.

Oh yeah, and I say NO

[ July 10, 2001: Message edited by: Stingray ]

Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
Just who the hell's side are you on, anyway?

If one phrase summed up the problem with some of the people here when it comes to talking about something rationally, that's it.

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