T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
The Mighty Monkey of Mim
Member # 646
Who is the author of "Fitz's Canon Ship List"? I need to ask him about the alleged Excelsior-class U.S.S. Kongo. I emailed him a couple days ago but haven't got a reply.
Vogon Poet
Member # 393
Oh, he'll turn up. Knows his stuff. Does food scans too. I really MUST get round to putting the phaser shots he's done for me on my site. . .
Member # 504
Round and round we go... "Fitz" is Patrick Kovacs (sp?), who got the info from me, and I got it from a phone conversation with Mike Okuda some two years ago or more, as elaborated in another thread on the Excelsior-class Kongo elsewhere in this room. Do the research.--Jonah
The Mighty Monkey of Mim
Member # 646
I know, Peregrinus.What I want to ask him is if he just made up the reg or if it comes from another source.
Sol System
Member # 30
Member # 504
Yeah, it comes from another source -- me. That's what I was saying. But don't ask if it was me making it up out of the air or something Mike arbitrarily tossed at me. I don't remember. --Jonah
The Mighty Monkey of Mim
Member # 646
Okay, person whose name comes from a biblical figure who got trapped in a whale digestive tract. I'll just quit. But don't expect the Kongo to be on my revised shiplist if I can't prove it's canon.