T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Mark Nguyen
Member # 469
Member # 62
Nevermind my original post...As for this book, I hope it elevates itself above the drivel (and inconsistencies) on ships found in the DS9 Tech Manual. [ August 27, 2001: Message edited by: NeghVar ]
Member # 265
Mr. Bonchune is involved, so they must have some access to the 'Ships of the Line' calendar CGIs, I guess, which is a good thing.
Mark Nguyen
Member # 469
I guess we'll have to hold a poll for who'll be closest to *which* thirty ships will be selected for this book. Mojo's in on it, so we're probably to assume that most of the models available to them will be used. We also know the Sovereign, Defiant and Klingon BoP will be there. There will doubtless be some new renders in there, but it really depends on how daring they really are with the canon. Also, since the book is "set" in 2383, you can bet some Voyager guest alien ships will be in there too.Mark
Member # 232
It's available for pre-order at Amazon, so I guess it must be on schedule. link[ August 30, 2001: Message edited by: TSN ]
Sol System
Member # 30
There are books available for preorder on Amazon that have slipped their publishing date by years. The publishing equivalent of vaporware.
Member # 232
Hey! I'm trying to be hopeful and optimistic here!
Member # 144
Any chance we may see some of the Wolf 359 ships or is it going to be the same old ones? Besides, which book has the pic of the Chekov and the Ahnnewhe in it. I remember seeing it in Ex Astris Scientia and it's been copywriten by Pocket Books.
Member # 661
I hope it has a list of ships for a certain class, such as listing the Sao Paulo & Valiant for Defiant and the Intrepid and Bellerophon for the Intrepid class. Hopefully, it will be like the Star Wars Vehicles and Vessels guide, except with better pictures. Maybe they'll all by Starfleet ships... Probably not, but I'll be buying it.
Member # 245
The Chekov/Ahwahnee pic may end up not being used in any of the upcoming books. It's simply something out of the archives of Mike Okuda, and he just wanted to make it clear that it's not really in public domain yet. But Okuda is not involved in any of the book projects, so he's not pushing this picture into any of them. Nor the pictures of the Excelsior study models, for that matter. Okuda might plan on doing a book of his own later on, or perhaps using the photos in a new edition of the Chronology when Pocket Books gives the go-ahead for it (the way the New Orleans images were used, with a little manipulation). Alas, I think PB has shown no interest in a new edition yet. Timo Saloniemi
Member # 265
Wasn't Mojo the guy who told us that that Nebula ship was called U.S.S. Bonchune? And isn't he a member of this here forum? Maybe someone could send him a PM about this ?. All we need is his member number.
Vogon Poet
Member # 393
November, member, number, trips, Capps, flips, slaps. . . what are these, the Flare Seuss Forums? 8)
Member # 212
I really dont know exactly what this is. Pictures of starships with thier facts?
Member # 661
One ship, two ship, red ship, blue ship... That's what I'm hoping for, Wes, although someone's going to make up some info that screws up canon stuff forever. I just know it. The November Member got a letter that said "Don't dismember, Return to Sender." That was lame.
Member # 232
I actually sent Mojo an email a few days ago asking him to reply to me or to post here, but nothing yet.
Member # 37
Maybe Mojo is under stipulation not to reveal anything...
Jim Phelps
Member # 102
[ August 31, 2001: Message edited by: Jim Phelps ]
Member # 661
What the hell was that post for?
Member # 518
Actually it is not at all surprising He hasn�t replied, after all the two times I have seen him post he was blasted very severely on his credentials by people who just couldn�t believe that he was who he said he was. If I were him after that roasting, I would just forget this URL even existed except to burn it. So hold your breath for a reply but you probably wont get it.
Member # 31
Erm... As I recall, there was some question as to his identity the first time he posted. (And why wouldn't there be?) But we eventually determined that he was for real, and he's posted since.More likely, he doesn't actually read the boards. He probably just posts when he wants to say or ask something, and then checks that thread.
Member # 536
Hi guysI'll try to answer any Starship Spotter questions you may have! As far as the ship stats go, I had some VERY dilligent friends help us out with those. Big Trek fans. The kind of fans who would be pissed if they read the wrong stats in a book. I can't be 100% certain eveything is absolutely correct (keep in mind that stats for a lot of these ships do not exits and had to be invented based on the best material that could be found) but I think they did a job as good as anyone could have. Mojo
Member # 661
What? What's this about Jim Phelps? What is his identity? Jon Voight?