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Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Okay, now that most of us have seen the premiere, let's try to assemble a list of all the stuff we've seen on the show that has been seen on previous Treks. Mind you, "Enterprise" seems to be doing a pretty good job hiding them. Add to this list with all the stuff you've found.

-The Suliban hand weapons have been seen before on Voyager, and probably DS9 too.

-The rifle the crewman was wielding in Sickbay was never clearly seen, but it looked a whole lot like it was modified from the Jem'Haddar rifle (especially the stock and handgrip).

-The tube Tucker is seen going up when he goes to find Mayweather looks like the Jefferies tube set from "First Contact", flipped vertical and adding a ladder.

-The ship that knocks T'Pol off the pod (which is odd, since the snow was hardly affected by the backwash) is a Voyager guest ship modified to add the thrusters & backwash. There's another ship on the lower level that I can't make out, but looks like another Voyager guest ship.

-The pointless little fence-like things the Suliban duck behind in the same scene are the pointless little fence-like things in the E-E corridors that Picard & Lily walk around in "First Contact".

-The console that was used to operate the forcefield in the Rigel basement has been seen on the Defiant and likely on Voyager more than once, as a Starfleet console with different backlit graphics.

That's all I can remember from last night. Anything else?


Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
The 'woman' next to Tucker when he was sitting on the bench (with the moving box) on Rigel was wearing a J'naii costume from 'The Outcast' (TNG) Didnt see if her makeup was J'naii though. Probably a lot of those costumes were reuses.

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