T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 426
I watched an episode of TNG yesterday, but I didn't catch the name of the episode. It was the one where Miles O'Brian finally gets married to Kako and it was done mostly from Data's point of view. Anyways, in the very first seen where Data is talking to Kako there is what seems like a big ass chart of starships behind Kako's left shoulder. Her left I mean. Not yours. Does anyone have any insight to this one?
Member # 31
"O'Brien". And "Keiko".The episode was "Data's Day". I missed the first couple minutes, so I don't know if I missed the scene you're talking about. Is it when Keiko asks Data to tell O'Brien that she's cancelling the wedding? I saw that, but didn't notice the chart...
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411
If I recall correctly, that scene was in the arboretum. Strange place for a ship-chart.
Member # 426
Yeah. It was when Kieko asks Data to tell O'Brian that she wants to wuss out.
Member # 661
Someone must have a tape of the episode. I know some of you record every one...
Member # 31
Well, the scene MIB is talking about was in Keiko's quarters, which is also an odd place for a ship chart...
Member # 73
Although more sensible than an arboretum.And "Kako" is the best way I've ever seen of describing her.
Member # 245
I have the tape but not the means to make screencaps. I'll go hunt for the strange chart nevertheless. (Perhaps it's just a list of the plants in the arboretum or something?)Timo Saloniemi
The Red Admiral
Member # 602
I've looked at this scene interested in making a screencap, but it doesn't look like any ship chart to me. It looks more like a glass panel in the wall with a generic pattern[ November 07, 2001: Message edited by: The Red Admiral ]
Member # 44
I liked Terry Farrell asking Rosalind Chao (in an interview) when she was going to get her 'skinny ass back on DS9... must have been sometime during season 6.
Member # 245
Apparently, the thingamabob in the relevant scene is some sort of a work of art. It's not just a flat glass surface, but more like a series of glass disks stuck into a vertical glass element.It doesn't seem like a "storage shelf for multicolored glass disks", either, since the disks are at irregular locations. Or then this is an exotic type of plant. Perhaps silicon-oxide-based life? Timo Saloniemi