T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 661
*hopes no one will recognize this*I've got an interesting story. In the "Captain's Logs" book(the one from 1993), on page 250, there is a picture of the cover of the April 1993 issue of "Cinefantastique" magazine. On that cover, there is an Oberth-class ship flying, with the registry NCC-19002. That is the Yosemite's registry, I believe. Since this issue was published when DS9 premiered, this is probably supposed to be the USS Cochrane, although I don't know why they put it on the cover. Any thoughts? (Sorry, no pictures, I don't have a scanner or anything)
Member # 245
Well, the model used for the Cochrane did have a five-digit registry number, even if later reference works try to claim otherwise. Probably the ship still bore the labeling of the Yosemite at that time, and the Cinefantastique artist had witnessed the filming of the said model. He probably mistook it for a series-regular starship, perhaps thinking it would be the new runabout.Timo Saloniemi
Aban Rune
Member # 226
IIRC, DS9 was originally going to make regular use of the Oberth model until it was decided to create a new ship...the Danube Class. So I think Timo's thought is probably correct.
Member # 661
They were? I never knew the Oberth was to be a regular. This is better than the answers I got before, when I originally posted this (heh, this is a revised edition of my first post).
Member # 322
Don't you have a friend with a scanner?
pIn'a' Sov
Member # 293
Yeah, or just copy the damned thing in a colour-copyingmachine and send it via snailmail to someone who has a scanner, me fo instance
Member # 661
Arrgh! The link does not work. (I'm making use of this double post here, see other one below). I guess you'll just have to type it in yourself on Amazon to see the cover. It's Volume 23, #6 of Cinefantastique.[ November 28, 2001: Message edited by: Veers ]
Member # 661
I've got the picture from Amazon.com! You can't see the "NCC-19002" in this pic, only in the Captain's Log pic, but you can see the Oberth.Here it is: Cover [ November 28, 2001: Message edited by: Veers ] [link fixed -TSN] [ November 28, 2001: Message edited by: TSN ]
Member # 232
I don't have that issue at the moment, but I seem to remember there's a photo inside of the effects crew holding the Oberth model. The cover painting of the ship was based on that photo.
Member # 44
No, no not the Oberth, but the Sydney class - turned up-side-down was going to be the new run-abouts... but they decided to create a brand new ship.Andrew
Aban Rune
Member # 226
I remember the same picture that Masao's talking about and I'm pretty sure that the caption underneath says they were going to use the Oberth...This was evidently painted rather early in the production of the show seeing as the station isn't even being shown...the artist probably had no pictures of it to use. This could mean that it was early enough that the station model hadn't been built yet.
Member # 661
Thanks, TSN.
Member # 44
Well... *I* Distinctly remember them saying somewhere they were going to use the Sydney - but upside down! (Which would make more sense - an obscure ship from a season 5 TNG episode or an established Starship from 1984 and seen again in 1986, 1987 and 1988...Maybe the people visited the set when they were filming the scenes either for Wolf 359 or the arrival of the ship that Julian and Jadzia arrived on? Julian, Jadzia, Jake, Jennifer, Odo, O'Brien, SiskO, rOm, nOg, Opaka, wOrf, mOrn, Kira, QuarK, GaraK, DuKat, Kassidy, IshKa, Keiko Eddington, Ezri, Elim, Enabrin, hmm anyone notice the prevalence J, K, E and O in names on Deep Space Nine!?!
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411
I think you're stretching it a bit.
Member # 44
Snay... what - rearranged - do the letters O, K, J and E spell!?!