T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
The Mighty Monkey of Mim
Member # 646
When Garak was captured by the Jem'Hadar in "Rocks and Shoals," he told them a story and claimed to be someone from aboard the U.S.S. Centaur. What did he say?
Thanks, -MMoM
Member # 31
KEEVAN (pained) How many... others are there in your unit?
NOG Nog. Cadet Third Class. Serial Number CX dash nine three seven dash --
GARAK Shut up. (to Keevan) As I tried to explain to your men, my name is Kamar and I am a member of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau -- what used to be known as the Obsidian Order. A week ago, while performing my duties in the glorious service of the Founders, I was captured by the USS Centaur. I was being held aboard one of their shuttles when we were forced to hide in this dark matter nebula by the unexpected appearance of a Dominion battleship. The shuttle was then hit by--
KEEVAN Excuse me, Mister Kamar -- if that's really your name -- but if you're one of our allies, why were you wearing this?
Keevan produces the Starfleet combadge that the Jem'Hadar took from Garak. Garak reacts with a resigned sigh -- he never really expected to get away with this.
Member # 265
Held aboard a shuttle? That's pretty silly. It's like locking someone up in a speedboat on Alcatraz.
Sol System
Member # 30
Well, perhaps, if Alcatraz were mobile, armed with killrays, and powered by a matter/antimatter furnace. You aren't going to outrun a starship in a shuttle.
That being said, it is a pretty silly cover story, as was tacitly acknowledged by all concerned.
Vogon Poet
Member # 393
quote: You aren't going to outrun a starship in a shuttle.
The only choice for a sensible Trekkie in today's world - to convince oneself Voyager never happened. 8)
Aban Rune
Member # 226
Oddly enough... I just started watching the episode right before "Rocks and Shoals" this morning, so I'm going to get to see the Centaur this evening
Member # 44
Killrays, Furnaces!?! LOL! Sol, are you sure you aren't Mr. Burns?
Oh and Aban, say "hi" to the Centaur for us!
Professor Chaos
Member # 621
Timmy, where are you getting these DS9 scripts?
Sol System
Member # 30
Presumably he's a proud owner of a copy of this.
Member # 31
Indeed I am.
Member # 341
You'd think that Garak, being a former spy, would have come up with a better story. Hmm.
David Templar
Member # 580
quote: Originally posted by Dukhat: You'd think that Garak, being a former spy, would have come up with a better story. Hmm.
Hey, cut him some slack. How many times did Bond pretend to be a business man and fail?
Professor Chaos
Member # 621
Mmmmm...Well Written Star Trek Series Companion... *Homer drool*
CaptainMike: Director's Edition
Member # 709
the centaur, not being a ship of the line, might have lacked brig facilities.. especially if it was a wreckbash as DS9 TM claims (*ducks*)
Aban Rune
Member # 226
She wasn't. And she says "Hi", by the way. She still looks fine.
Edipissed Wrecks
Member # 510
did you get her drunk and take her to a cheap hotel for some wreckbash play?
Aban Rune
Member # 226
No... Andrew told me to say hi to her (back on page 1) since I mentioned I was about to watch a tape of the episode with her in it.
I've always liked that ship. I remember seeing that ep for the first time and going "SWEET!"
I'm a pretty easy date...