Watching TNG while cleaning up my room (no comments, pease... ), I noticed that the Oberth-model had a four-digit registry (let's say 80% sure).
The former edition of the Encyclopedia said the ship was an Olympic class vessel, while the newest one corrects the error and says it's an Oberth. The Olympic + registry was obviously just one of Okuda's ideas because he didn't notice/remember the ship's appearance. But - did they just change the class designation or did they change class and registry for the third edition Encyclopedia? If they just changed the class, it seems we have an errendous registry here. This was a season 6 or 7 episode, as far as I know we're currently around season 5 (DVD releases), right? Seems we have to wait a little bit more until the problem can be solved.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
I just had a look at the 3rd edition and it still lists the Biko as being an Olympic-Class in both the main body entry and the starship chart.
Posted by Cpt. Kyle Amasov (Member # 742) on :
You're right, obviously they didn't. Meaning the registry is wrong.
Posted by Dat (Member # 302) on :
IIRC, foorage of the Biko was stock footage of the Cochrane(?) and recently we had finally accepted that the model at that point showed a five digit registry. Seeing as there was no new footage of the Biko and Okuda says it has a 50000 range number, I'm accepting that as such. I disregard the notion that it was Olympic class as we clearly have an Oberth class shot.
Posted by Felix the Kzin (Member # 646) on :
I think the "Olympic-class" reference was just a typo. As in, Trek only has two classes that bgin with the letter o, which are the Oberth and Olypmic. When okuda or one of his lackeys were typing up the book on their trusty Mac, they just mistyped "Oberth" as "Olympic." Has nothing whatever to do with the registry.