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Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Ok, I was just at starship modeller:

Where they have extensively reviewed the new NX-01 ship kit. Forgive me if this has already been discussed.

Anyway they said this about the included decals:

A fairly extensive waterslide decal sheet is provided. Markings are additionally provided for NX-02 Shenendoah, NX-04 Columbia, NX-05 Discovery, NCX-65 Akira, NX-103 Aniara. The decals are perfectly registered and of very high quality.
So how 'canon' are these registries!?! Did the model makers pull them out of the collective behinds or did they consult B&B?

Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
my guess would be that there was great anal pullage and much guffawing at making an Akiraprise ship the USS Akira.
Posted by aneurysm (Member # 906) on :
Well seen as its an aftermarket kit i would have to say i agree with the "anal pullage".
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I think this was discussed before, actually. I have two reasons for believing these names are totally pulled from the modeler's nether areas...

1) I can't imagine anyone at Enterprise has put time into deciding what any of the other NX class ships will be named, especially considering that, according to the show, the next several are still "on the drawing board". Enterprise seems to be the only one yet built.

2) There's no way that the modeler has any connection to Enterprise, nor is there much of a chance that anyone from the show would give inside info to someone who is making, essentially, an unliscenced product.

Just my thoughts... but I doubt there's any official backing to the names.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
I didn't realise that that kit wasn't an official release? Weren't they officially releasing an NX-E model kit?
Posted by aneurysm (Member # 906) on :
mid 2003 by a company called polar lights.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
Although I do recall mention of the Shenendoah in an episode. I don't remember though if it was implied to be an NX-class starship.
Posted by newark (Member # 888) on :
From memory-
In a first year episode, other NX-class ships were being built and the earliest one could be launced would be a year from that episode. This excludes the Shenandoah from the list of NX-class ships.

The list is conjectural by the modelmaker.
Posted by Dukhat (Member # 341) on :
To add to Aban's reply, any canon ship names would most likely stem from a script reference to them. To my knowledge, there has been no scripts yet which include any other NX class ships other than the Enterprise.

As for the Shenandoah (the only other Earth Starfleet vessel named in the show!), it was implied that it was at least an older ship than the Enterprise, since both Archer and Tucker seemed to have former knowledge of it.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
I also doubt that the Shenandoah is supposed to be an NX-class ship. The Shenandoah was mentioned in "Silent Enemy," which was only a short time after they said that the next three were still yet to come.

On the other hand, Archer and Tucker seemed to be concerned about running into the new captain of the ship -- which isn't too likely if the Shenandoah is restricted to Warp 3, and Enterprise is out there on a deep-range mission. (Of course, you'd think that they'd send the next NX-class ships in different directions on separate exploration missions, rather than retracing the path of the first one...)
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
My guess is that Enterprise is on some kind of a spiral course as opposed to being on a straight line away from Earth. Simply going in one direction would seem to make very little sense for a variety of reasons. If this is true, Enterprise could go hundreds of light years and still be only a few weeks away from Earth at any given time and still be exploring heretofore unknown areas of the galaxy.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
And a 720 degree spiral at that... what would that be called? A ball-of-wall?
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
Originally posted by AndrewR:
I didn't realise that that kit wasn't an official release? Weren't they officially releasing an NX-E model kit?

this one is actually an unofficial kit put out by the very very good thomas models.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Also, an NX-class ship wouldn't have a registry other than NX (NCX).
Posted by aneurysm (Member # 906) on :
it is also the thomas sasser of thomas modles who is oing the work on the official polar lights nx-01. just as a point of interest.
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
Uh, wha ... ?
Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
Actually, I believe any subsequent ships witnin the class would have NCC- regos.

Example: The USS. Excelsior (NX-2000). Subsequent vessels within the class were NCC-.

The NX- is reserved for the prototype (first) vessel in the class.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I don't think so. It's been pretty strongly implied that Enterprise is of the NX class, not that the NX stands for experimental. (Though of course the X could mean experimental, but it's still NX class, rather than Superfun class or something.)

Or has it?
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Well... that's the system with Federation starships... We don't know what the system will be with Earth Starfleet ships. Presumably, the NX in the registry is a reference to the Class of the ship. Other Starfleet classes could be other letter combos and have regos like "BE-05".

At this point, I'm assuming that the prototype NX rego system for Fed starships is an homage to the early days of Earth space exploration and the contribution of the NX class to that effort.
Posted by Dukhat (Member # 341) on :
Or we could just resign ourselves to the fact that this is probably just another thing that B&B didn't think through well enough.

Yes, I know that early TOS ship classes were referred to with letters ("J" class and all...), but do you really think B&B knew that? I personally think it's just a coincidence that the letter class system was used in Enterprise.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Well, seeing as how Enterprise isn't the only ship to be refered to as "letter" class, I'd say no, it isn't a coincidence.
Posted by Brown_supahero (Member # 83) on :
I thought 'Hornet' was the next ship after Enterprise to come out
Posted by Solommagnus de Pym (Member # 239) on :
Posted by Dat (Member # 302) on :
Where did you ever get the idea that a Hornet was to follow? The only time that has ever happened was in the USN with the Yorktown class carriers. Yorktown CV-5, Enterprise CV-6, Horner CV-8. Wasp CV-7 was a class of its own. She had no sisters.
Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
Horner CV-8
Named for James Horner? *g*

IIRC, Mayweather said in "Fortunate Son" that three more NX ships were on the drawing boards. That was in August 2151. I wouldn't expect any more of them until at least two years later. I hope that B&B can restrain themselves...
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
I think NX-class is a surprising attempt at continuity with previously known 22nd century ships. Like the DY series or the old J-Class, even the RT & BBI ships listed in the "Up the Long Ladder" display, although I doubt B&B are aware of that one. It's probably just a happy coinsidence.
Perhaps all Earth Starfleet classes are N*-class ships, so maybe the Shenendoah's registry is something like NW-09? Maybe the sucessor to the NX will be the NY-class, that is if the Federation Starfleet sticks to that system.
Posted by CaptainMike XXIII (Member # 709) on :
yes if i see a NCC reg before the advent of the Federation, i think i might cry. i'm just hoping to see the Dauntless on that day...

and the decals, as we have discussed before somewhere, were made in a fanboys basement, and probably not canon at all. the names of future NX ships will of course be left 'open' until they decide to reveal them on the show, or not.
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
The idea that NX-01/NCC-01 was the Dauntless was also made in a fanboy's basement.
Posted by Dat (Member # 302) on :
You know I meant to type Hornet. [Roll Eyes]
The "r" is right next to the "t" ya know. [Smile]
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
Originally posted by The_Tom:
The idea that NX-01/NCC-01 was the Dauntless was also made in a fanboy's basement.

Agreed. There is no connection between the fake ship fabricated by Arturis and any real SF ship. And as to why Voyager's people fell for it? Voyager people are stupid. [Smile]

And yes, the NX designation definitely means something different from later times, or else the Enterprise would be the first Starfleet ship ever built, which it clearly is not. "NX-01" clearly and very sensibly means "The first vessel of the NX-class."

I am completely convinced that ENT's Starfleet is the same organization as we've always known, just in an earlier form. (I'd wager a sizable amount that this is also how the show's writers are looking at it.) Clearly, it does comprise only Earth at present, but it will simply grow to include other UFP members/protectorates as they are founded. As to why it will be the Vulcan Navy that is assimilated into SF and not vice versa, don't ask me. It's just another symptom of the Earth-centric syndrome with which Trek is afflicted.

The switch from exclusive Earth management of SF to Earth-centered UFP management may be used as a device for explaining minor differences in the registry/class scheme, etc, but it is wholly unnecessary to promote the view that ENT's Starfleet is a completely different organization from the familiar UFP Starfleet.

-MMoM [Big Grin]
Posted by CaptainMike XXIII (Member # 709) on :
and of course, just because something was made in a fanboys basement doesnt make its a bad idea. the decals (and the Dauntless idea) are kinda appealing.. except that they dont much resemble whats going to actually be the canon truth of the matter.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
My guess is that Earth will be the big push behind the Federation, while the Vulcans will stubbornly refuse to be a part of it at first. They won't believe that Earth is capable of spearheading such a grand project. But, when Earth tries and its efforts meet with surprising success... Vulcan takes the "logical" route and joins the group. Thus, history records them as one of the founding members of the Federation while forgetting the nasty little bit about them trying to break up the whole thing before it got started. This would satisfactorily explain why Vulcan naval tradition doesn't get as preserved in the Federation Starfleet.
Posted by Dukhat (Member # 341) on :
Except for the fact that that totally denigrates a Star Trek race that we had the utmost respect for before Enterprise came along. And that sucks.

Honestly, this is not how I envisioned the events leading up to the formation of the Federation at all. As a matter of fact, the situation presented in Enterprise seems very reminiscent of the situation in the Delta Quadrant during Voyager's time there. Do you think that any Delta Quadrant races are going to form a cohesive union with one another anytime soon?
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
No... but remember, Humans are uber better than everyone else in the galaxy.

Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Oh sure, humans are perfect already. I'm sure that's exactly to sort of message that Gene would have approved of.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by Dukhat:
Except for the fact that that totally denigrates a Star Trek race that we had the utmost respect for before Enterprise came along. And that sucks.

Apart from the fact that they'd become snobby, arrogant bastards, you are right.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
I just found this knocking around my harddrive and thought I'd share it.


It basically illustrates my image of how the 22nd century class designations system is organised.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
And when they got up to NCC (i.e. around the alphabet just over three times?) they stopped?
Posted by CaptainMike XXIII (Member # 709) on :
um.. or it has nothing to do with that system.

letter classes in the 21st and 22nd centuries seem to be technical series 'J-class'; 'DY-class'; 'NX-class' with registries to match. kinda like the Navy, where class designation falls separate to type designation, CV-6; CVN-65, etc..

The Federation Starfleet doesnt seem to have an 'NCC-class'.. more likely it stands for something, like 'Naval Construction Contract' or the like. but its obvious that at somepoint between ENT and TOS that a separation is made between registries showing class, as all classes fall under NCC.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Yes Mike, I know that. I was trying to put forward a theory that might LINK the two. Wouldn't have to if B&B hadn't called it NX-01.

Maybe a refit of the NC class was dubbed the NCC class - and at that time it was the first of the Federation Starfleet Starships and thus NCC was put before registries out of tradition and thusly NCC isn't an Acronym.

Maybe it was the NCB then NCC as said before.

Maybe NAR got stuck at the beginning of the Federation too!?!

Or yes, NX and the NX, NCC and NAR have NO connection what so ever (seeing as people have suggested that at least the N points to it being a Federation registry.)

Are there any other registries that are specifically Federation but don't have an 'N'?

Posted by Dat (Member # 302) on :
Nice Rev, but you misspelled Endeavour.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Originally posted by AndrewR:
Are there any other registries that are specifically Federation but don't have an 'N'?

Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
FTP was used in generations I think.
NAR originates directly from earth as the Mariposa readout calls it a UN registry.
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
IIRC, "NCC" was established to mean "Naval Construction Contract" in TMP, when it appeared on computer screens based on Franz Joseph's Star Trek Blueprints.

-MMoM [Big Grin]
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
NCC isn't an acronym.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Where abouts did that appear?
I have the DVD and capture abilities so if you tell me I can confirm it.
Posted by CaptainMike XXIII (Member # 709) on :
Sol, theres no canonical evidence that it is an acronym or that it isnt an acronym. It very well could be.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
The creators of the show have said that it doesn't mean anything, from a production standpoint. I believe Roddenbury made it up by adding a second "C" to the "NC" found in the registry of his plane. Now... in the Star Trek universe, it could very well be an acronym for something... but they've never said it on screen.

Naval Construction Contract sounds darn good to me... but it's never been confirmed.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Though I should have been thinking about the ideal Greek state, or the best way to raise kids, or some such nonsense, I instead spent the last hour or so thinking about this. Hooray!

Anyway, reasons why NCC does not stand for Naval Construction Contract, and is indeed not an acronym at all.

1.) I find it aesthetically offensive.

2.) Number of times the word naval has been used to describe anything in Star Trek, much less Starfleet proper: 0.

3.) Number of Joseph speculations that have been adopted by Trek proper: maybe three. Probably less. And, of course, none of them actually important, in the grand scheme of things. You've got part of a ship design onscreen, and a couple names and registries.

4.) I think that an alternate explanation, namely that the (letter)(letter)(letter) registry system is a code fits the facts better. Consider: NCC, NX, NAR, NSP, NFT, NGL. While one could noodle around trying to create acronyms for each one, it strikes me as far more reasonable, under the proposed scheme, to simply identify what they have in common. All these ships belonged to the Federation or to Federation. Thus, it seems to me we can say that, whatever it may or may not mean, the N means "registered in the UFP." Active duty Starfleet ships all have CC attached, so it seems reasonable to say that this is what the CC means. The X, of course, appears to denote an experimental Federation ship. As for the GL, FT, SP, AR, and so on, we don't have many examples of each from which to derive anything conclusive, but we know that all of them were civilian ships.

As for the ships that have had registries that started with some other letter, (B and Y spring to mind) these would seem to be ships registered with other governments. So why would one alien world have a registration system that lined up so nicely with another? Well, we see something similar with vehicles that frequently travel from state to state, or country to country.

So, whereas Joseph's system imposes an unsupported registry framework on Star Trek, the one I've described is derived organically from it. It also benefits from not being 30 years out of date. This, of course, is not his fault. But it is, nevertheless, the case.
Posted by CaptainMike XXIII (Member # 709) on :
meh. your opinion is hardly definitive proof.

then again, neither is mine. i believe the trekkie handbook says that when an impasse such as this is reached, its time to masturbate.
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
He's right, you know.
Posted by CaptainMike XXIII (Member # 709) on :

now heres a few more thoughts on the matter:

why would there be a correlation between the military registration system and its civilian equivalent. in real life, the navy has its own registry systems based on ship type/number, and civilian/commercial boat registrations are wildly different.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Personally I agree with the code theory, it creates the least amount of problems.
Besides, "Naval" just doesn't sound right.

As for why a military code would be connected with a non-military one, that's simple; Starfleet isn't a purely military organisation, it is primarily a scientific and exploratory agency.
Remember that in trek the lines between the armed forces and the scientific community are considerably more blurred than they are today, so it's quite conceivable that all federation agencies have a unified registry system.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
YLT - wasn't that supposed to be Yridian Light Transport!! (I suppose it looks different in the original Yridinese, and there is just a direct translation by the UT.

IKC - Imperial Klingon Cruiser? weren't there two types of these pre-fixes for Klingon Ships? Was the IKS?

NCC - invented by Matt Jefferies by taking the NC of US craft and adding another C. As it happened the Soviet prefix was CCC. So it was a nice joining of the two.

If N = FederatioN then we can do away with Naval.
Posted by CaptainMike XXIII (Member # 709) on :
fine.. FederatioN Construction Contract...
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
The only YLT was indeed attached to a Yridian ship, but, for reasons I've already gone into, while having the Y reflect "Yridian" is ok by me, having the whole thing be an abbreviation is no good. (Keep in mind that I'm not, like, serious about any of this. I mean, I think that, in "real" Star Trek, whatever that might be, the things aren't acronyms, but it isn't like it really matters one way or another. I scare myself sometimes.)

Also, I think you're confusing registries with know, I do not know what they are called. Anyway, the name of the ship is the USS Enterprise, while the registry is NCC-1701-E. The USS stands for something, presumably. United Star Ship, according to Kirk, I think. Perhaps something like United (Federation of Planets) Star Ship. IKC or IKS do indeed stand for Imperial Klingon Cruiser/Ship. But these aren't related to the registry prefixes (which Klingon ships don't seem to have, or at least don't have Federation-style ones, whereas our Yridian ship did. Curious? Yes. But: I would guess that only ships which are going to be doing a great deal of travel within the Federation need their registration authority to assign them a UFP-compatible registry prefix. Presumably merchant ships from the Empire which do business across the border have one.)

An official Romulan abbreviation showed up in late-DS9 okudagrams, but I don't recall what it was, or what some of the ideas for what it might stand for are. IRW, or something?
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Oops yes that's right the IKC/IKS = the USS.

Have we seen any Federation ship that didn't have USS? OK the SS's. But they are still presumably Fedeation ships are they not?
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Originally posted by Sol System:
An official Romulan abbreviation showed up in late-DS9 okudagrams, but I don't recall what it was, or what some of the ideas for what it might stand for are. IRW, or something?

One would assume, Imperial Romulan Warbird!?! Of course it could be nothing.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Sorry for the triple post! [Smile] These thoughts just come to me.

Is there any possibility that the Yridians belong to the Federation!?! And that is why they needed a Prefix and registry?
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Mr. Mandel seems to think so, though I haven't the slightest clue why. Timo?

If the Yridian ship was registered in the UFP, though, it should start with an N. NSP, for instance, I think, was how the registry for the T'Pau, a Vulcan ship, began. So, perhaps, each member world gets its own two letter code. At that rate, the UFP would have enough space to quadruple in size before worrying about adding another letter.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
The S.S. Santa Maria had a BDR registery.
Perhaps the "N" regiteries are only for vessles attached to the federation government and institutions.
Or perhaps the owners of that ship were big Blues Brothers fans. [Wink]
Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
An official Romulan abbreviation showed up in late-DS9 okudagrams, but I don't recall what it was
That was PWB.

The Klingon Toron-class shuttle had NCD-31775.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Originally posted by Sol System:
2.) Number of times the word naval has been used to describe anything in Star Trek, much less Starfleet proper: 0.

Not so... When Worf was explaining the need to assign a captain the same accomodations as an admiral he said ... ahem... "It is naval tradition."

I believe there have been a couple of other similar instances of that kind of correlation as well... oh, and there's the fact that the entire rank structure is based on the Naval structure.
Posted by Dat (Member # 302) on :
My takes:
NCC=Newbuild Construction Contract

NX=Newbuild Experimental

NXP=Newbuild Experimental Prototype

USS=United Starfleet Ship

It seems the best to me.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
The Klingon Toron-class shuttle had NCD-31775.
That's a new one on me, where did that show up?
Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
From that picture:
Posted by J (Member # 608) on :
YLT = Yridian Light Transport

[Big Grin]
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Originally posted by Spike:
From that picture:

I don't think that's the Klingon shuttle.
While they did reuse that basic design for several different ships, that doesn't look like the exact configuration of the Turon-Class.
Looking at the Turon Class schematics, it doesn't have the same large P/S engines and it dosen't appear to be quite as long.
I think it's actually the Iyaaran shuttle from (TNG" Liaisons").
Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
Agreed with the above - that's the Iyaaran shuttle. Still not a Federation member race, but perhaps they bought their shuttle from a UFP vendor?

The Yridians don't appear to be a member race, either. In the Charts, they were simply dropped in an empty spot somewhere in between Klingon, Cardassian and Romulan space, to retain full liberty in positioning the Carraya camp somewhere within Yridian intelligence reach. There are plenty of other non-members scattered around the blue-background areas - one can assume they are either surrounded by small bubbles of independent space, or located above or below UFP territory.

As for the deeper meaning of NCC, here's hoping it will remain a mystery forever. So far, there hasn't been anything in ENT to explicitly contradict the idea that she's NX class and other ships in the fleet are of AF or H or GGD classes... I personally hope this idea will be reinforced later on.

Timo Saloniemi
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
I like the happy parallel between Matt Jeffries' 'NCC' prefix and the 'CC' prefix of the U.S. Navy's cruisers. After all, Gene did maintain that the Star Ships were Starfleet's heavy cruisers. It's a nice fit.

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Jeffries wanted NC and added another C. (I thought the US prefix was NC?) And that as it so happened the Soviet prefix was CCC. So it was a nice combining of the two.

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
NC was written on his plane, as I recall.
Posted by SoundEffect (Member # 926) on :
Originally posted by AndrewR:
Have we seen any Federation ship that didn't have USS?

What about the Raven from Voyager? The dedication plaque read "The Raven" and had an NAR registry. Then, it suddenly was addressed as U.S.S. Raven. I don't know if NCC was ever applied, though.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
The S.S. Beagle was a vessel in the Federation merchant service. I'm sure there have been others, though none are springing to mind.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
The Artemis, the Beagle, the Odin, the Raven, the T'Pau, the Valiant, the Vico... Many more that are conjectural...

Posted by The Mike from C.A.P.T.A.I.N. (Member # 709) on :
silly question.. every single Federation ship that wasnt part of Starfleet lacked a U.S.S. prefix to its name.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
It's not a silly question. Why would a 'U' - presumably "United" denote Starfleet status? Hmm? The S.S.'s aren't "United". [Roll Eyes]
Posted by newark (Member # 888) on :
S.S. was short for steam ship. Steam ships were in use from the early 1800's to the mid-1900's. One of the more famous of these steam ships was the S.S. Great Eastern which laid the Atlantic telegraph cable in 1865.

There was no evidence in Star Trek that every ship with Federation registry and not of Starfleet had a S.S. prefix. This prefix may be used only for a specific agency or consortium. My conjectural opinion was the S.S. may be short for space ship.

We have another prefix which was only used once in Star Trek. In "The Corbomite Maneuver", I heard the prefix "United Earth Ship Enterprise", or U.E.S. Enterprise. A very minor continuity error.
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
Well, since U.S.S. stands for United Space Ship, as per "The Cage," I say S.S. simply stands for Space Ship, and that's why I use it as a placeholder prefix for ships with unknown prefixes in my Federation and Pre-Federation shiplists.

-MMoM [Big Grin]
Posted by The Mike from C.A.P.T.A.I.N. (Member # 709) on :
is it so hard to accept that some ships just might NOT have prefixes? i think assigning an arbitrary designation to ships that canonically should have none is a disservice to the research-oriented theme of your list.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
Hello? The T'Pau? I already mentioned one that -- according to the only information available -- has no prefix.

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Controversial but... Raging Queen?
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim:
Well, since U.S.S. stands for United Space Ship, as per "The Cage," I say S.S. simply stands for Space Ship, and that's why I use it as a placeholder prefix for ships with unknown prefixes in my Federation and Pre-Federation shiplists.

-MMoM [Big Grin]

The Cage also has a hemlsman who indicated the speed the ship had reached by the professional method of holding up his fingers. And Spock shouting "THE WOMEN!" I think it's safe to ignore bits of it.

And anyway, Kirk called it the "United Star Ship Enterprise" on at least two occasions, and since he's more "recent" it makes more sense to take that as the meaning.

Although a thought strikes me. The usual "open hailing frequencies" greeting goes something like:

"This is Captain James T Kirk of the USS Enterprise"
"This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation Starship Enterprise."

Did anyone ever say:

"This is Captain Poopoo Blahface of the Federation Starship USS Enterprise"?
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
I'm sure they have at least once.
Posted by Starship Millennium (Member # 822) on :
There are the "Starship U.S.S. Enterprise - United Federation of Planets" hull pennants on the 1701-A and later ships, which would somewhat count. In retrospect, if U.S.S. does mean United (FoP) Star Ship, those signs are pretty redundant...
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
The Cage also has a hemlsman who indicated the speed the ship had reached by the professional method of holding up his fingers
Well, he had too. Otherwise, the background music would have drowned him out...

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