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Posted by aneurysm (Member # 906) on :
just returned see my other thread about the wolf 359 lcars display. random points of interest....
>the excelsior model was labelled ncc-2000 underneath and Ncc-42111 on top, uss fredrickson.
>there was a model of a type 7 shuttle craft from voyager, apparently a "magellan" but you couldnt see if it was labelled this or the shuttle number.
>there was a cgi sequence on the enterprise d bridge of a battle with a borg cube. one unnamed akira, two miranda's (one named as the intrepid) were destroyed. one excelsior was destroyed as it crashed into the cube. there was also a sovereign class named the "exeter". it kicked the cubes ass.
>there was various models, including a 1:1 scale scorpion from nemesis. i tried to work out its length. its just over 6 foot tall and is about 15 foot long.
>the model of the borg sphere is far superior to that of the borg cube.

all in all i think it was a brilliant exhibition, far better than anything we've had in england before. it goes in a couple of weeks but if you live in the uk and havent checked it out yet then i recommend you try it.
Posted by Dr. Phlox (Member # 878) on :
I went there today and I've come back very, very happy. They should do these things more often. [Big Grin]

Did you notice a new type of shuttle shown on some of the displays? It was obviously made up just for the show, but it was a nice touch. It looked kind of like a runabout from above but with a pod attached directly to the top. The title said it was a Starfleet Transport - Class III. [Smile]
I think the Excelsior in the Bridge segment was called Achiles.
I can't wait to get my photos developed, it was a really great exhibition. [Smile]
Posted by aneurysm (Member # 906) on :
i didnt see that shuttle. where abouts was it?when i was having my photo taken in the captains chair a kid knocked he top of the conn station off. people weren't impressed. the part that i thought was best was the studio models. admittedly most were hung from the ceiling but it was still amazing to see them.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Dammit man! POST PICS!
Posted by Dr. Phlox (Member # 878) on :
It was in the first section that had the big Ent-A model, there were some LCARS panels on the far wall and this animation was playing on a few of them. It might've been shown later on as well. The shuttle turned around and then it displayed the warp drive and the seating areas on a cutaway.
You can see the top view in this photo, it's the screen on the right, you can't really make it out properly.

I was impressed with the models as well, there were a lot of them, I'm sure I missed some. I think I got some nice pics of the Nebula class though, you just had to make sure you used the flash. Shame I don't have a scanner. [Frown]
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Mail them to me.... scan them, I will! [Smile]
Posted by Identity Crisis (Member # 67) on :
The impression I got was that the shuttle in the LCARS was the same as the one used in the Shuttle Ride Simulator, i.e. something made up just for the exhibition.
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
This one? With the U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74659 registry? [Eek!] [Roll Eyes] [Razz]
Posted by Dr. Phlox (Member # 878) on :
It did look quite similar to the ride shuttles, except for the pod on the top being missing. Seems likely that that was it. I thought about taking a pic of it, but I decided it was too ugly. [Wink] Someone else might've taken one though.

Originally posted by Aban Rune:
Mail them to me.... scan them, I will! [Smile]

�7.99 they do cost, have them yet I do not.
Posted by Dr. Phlox (Member # 878) on :
I finally got some of my photos from the exhibition developed and have put them up on my webpage. There are a couple of nice shots of the Starfleet training craft and a concept sketch of the ship seen in the Enterprise intro.

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