T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Guardian 2000
Member # 743
Sorry to even mention Star Trek V, but I'm trying to round out my page on photon torpedo shield glow growth. That's the only one I mention that I'm missing, and it's a pain in the posterior to find anything on The One We'd Rather Forget.
I know that images of the ST5 torpedo being fired are out there somewhere . . . I used to have a perfect one, showing the torpedo moments after it was fired, but I don't seem to anymore.
In case anyone's interested, the page it will be a part of is www.st-v-sw.net/STSWtorpglow.html
Member # 44
Don't worry The Final Frontier is no-longer the 'bad-egg'. That title is now bestowed on Nemesis.
Member # 73
I'm still sticking in the "I'd rather have bad than boring" catagory. TMP makes me want to kill.
Member # 73
One quick comment about your very interesting site: The later TOS stock photon torpedo effect is not the same as the phaser effect from BOT. In that episode, the effect was spherical, rather than the more tube shape effect used for later torpedo shots. It was also much less sophisticated looking.
I've actually always wondered what was going on with the phasers in BOT. There were episodes before it that used normal looking phasers. There were episodes after it. This was the only time they looked like, well, torpedoes (and the only time the SFX was used as well). What madness was it?
Sol System
Member # 30
"There were episodes before it that used normal looking phasers."
I'm not certain there were. The Enterprise blew up the First Federation probe in "The Corbomite Maneuver," but were there any weapon effects to go along with this, or did the probe simply explode on the viewscreen? I'm reasonably sure "Balance of Terror" was the first time we saw the ship's phasers in action.
Member # 73
But what about...er...
Okay, what episodes came before Balance of Terror, in both production and air date order?
Member # 504
"Balance of Terror" was production number 009 ("The Cage" being 001). But airdate order is waaay different:
"The Man Trap" "Charlie X" "Where No Man Has Gone Before" "The Naked Time" "The Enemy Within" "Mudd's Women" "What Are Little Girls Made Of?" "Miri" "Dagger of the Mind" "The Corbomite Maneuver" "The Menagerie, Part 1" "The Menagerie, Part 2" "The Conscience of the King" "Balance of Terror"
Member # 1024
Here are some vidcaps.
Note I skipped a small scene right after the torpedo was fired and before kirk pushes mccoy and spock into cover.
Also, the funky pulse proximity phaser fire was used in DS9's Adversary (IIRC). Its just another mode thats there but not often used (or remembered.)
Guardian 2000
Member # 743
Whoah! Sweet! That was way more than I was hoping for. Thanks!