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Posted by Baloo (Member # 5) on :
It's a pre-TOS design. The nacelles are similar to those in one of the early sketches for the D-7.

More about this ship available here: .


In 1967 the New York Academy of Sciences devoted a two-day conference to
gastrointestinal gas.
...Ain't Science Grand?

Posted by deadcujo (Member # 13) on :
Very nice Baloo

The Unknown Vulcan


Posted by Brigman on :
Another nice one, Baloo. I would love to see ships like these on screen. Would be cool if they someday did another TOS era show, even if it was only a miniseries or TV movie...



Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
Not bad. I'm surprised you haven't done more. . . your, umm, angular design style obviously lends itself to alien craft. 8)
Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
I made a 3D model of this once, but I don't have the images online at the moment, so I'll have to post them later.

Quintesson: "You are the Autobot named Kup. You are Cybertron's chief of security."
Kup: "Nah, my name's Teaspoon, and I'm Cybertron's chief dishwasher."

Posted by Krenim (Member # 22) on :
Nice. Very nice.

*Waits patiently for Frank to show the 3D version*

Garak: Interesting. You saved the day by destroying the world.
Bashir: I bet they didn't teach you that in the Obsidian Order.

-Deep Space Nine, "Our Man Bashir."

Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Well, you'll have to wait until this afternoon...

Quintesson: "You are the Autobot named Kup. You are Cybertron's chief of security."
Kup: "Nah, my name's Teaspoon, and I'm Cybertron's chief dishwasher."

Posted by Federation Shipmaster (Member # 15) on :

It looks kind of like it's based on some early battlecruiser sketches.

What bloke invented signatures?

Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
I was indeed online, but I was looking on the wrong server:

Quintesson: "You are the Autobot named Kup. You are Cybertron's chief of security."
Kup: "Nah, my name's Teaspoon, and I'm Cybertron's chief dishwasher."

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