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Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
Well, here it is. Please don't hold back on the comment

(No need for a top view, it's exactly the same as the Akira.)

"Isn't Y2K year 2048?? I mean last time I checked 1K was 1024.
Now that Y1.953125K, that's where the real problem lies..."

[This message was edited by Altair on May 17, 1999.]

Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
Ah, er, umm...

Well actually, the first thing that popped into my head was that the water below the half-submerged Akira should be blue, and the reflection a little more shimmery...

You're just JEALOUS because the little voices talk to ME!


Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
*opens Windows Explorer*
*holds down the left Shift key*
*presses the Delete key*
*clicks on the Yes button*

"Isn't Y2K year 2048?? I mean last time I checked 1K was 1024.
Now that Y1.953125K, that's where the real problem lies..."


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