T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Well, he's really starting to take shape now, even if he is a little cross-eyed for the moment!  
Still to come: middle horn, texturized skin & dramatic shadows... stay tuned! ------------------
Member # 31
Doesn't look cross-eyed to me...Has anyone figured out yet if that's supposed to be his real face, or some kind of disguise? ------------------ "You! Are you smarter than this one?" -Ambassador Byleth to LaForge regarding Worf, TNG's "Liasons"
I read in an interview with Rick McCallum that he didn't want to reveal that at this time... so if it is a race marking, perhaps we'll see more Maul-like creatures in the next 2 episodes...
Member # 29
Whew! That's one hell of a disguise if it is.------------------ "Some people call me the Space Cowboy. Yeah! Some call me the Gangster of Love. Some people call me Maurice. Whoo hoo! 'Cause I speak of the Pompatus of Love!" - Steve Miller Band's The Joker