T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 71
Here's another design to wow you (yeah, right, as if anything I produce could possibly wow anyone). I had drawn this on paper, then scanned it and traced over the pencil in MSPaint (yes, MSPaint). I then added color and the funky dark blue grid in the background. It's one of the best designs (if not the best) that I've drawn and then scanned and cleaned up. Here it is in all it's glory, just like it's namesake Donovan-class Fast Frigate.Criticism welcome, but please don't be too hard on me. I can only take so much......  ------------------ Fabrux's Starship Page [This message has been edited by Fabrux (edited June 29, 1999).] [This message has been edited by Fabrux (edited July 02, 1999).]
Member # 45
Not bad at all! Not a lot of square-noses out there.------------------ I was right in the middle of a f*cking reptile zoo. And somebody was giving booze to these goddam things." Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Elim Garak
Member # 14
Nice, nice!  It's a bit "blocky" but I like it. ------------------ Doctor: "Run along. I'll reattach any severed limbs. Just don't misplace them." (Voyager: "The Killing Game")
Member # 48
I like it. The naceles especially.------------------ Brandon "Enterprise" Grasmick Commanding Officer, USS Sovereign (NX-74222) "Captain, the Sona crew are willing to negotiate a cease fire. It may have something to do with the fact that we have 3 minutes of air left." -- Worf Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges -- In time of war the law falls silent.
Charles Capps
Member # 9
Very Very Interesting...------------------ Charles Capps Cheif Administrator, the solareclipse network "I do whatever the voices in my head tell me to do."
Nice ship, Fabrux. I like it, seems like a sibling of the Intrepid class.One thing though. Have you checked out the "Red Alert For Geocities" thread in the Officer's Lounge?? You may want to... ------------------ Peace! Brigs
Member # 71
Yes, I've read the thread in the OL. I think I'm going to move my site to Virtual Avenue.------------------ Fabrux's Starship Page
Michael Dracon
Member # 4
I think you'd better read this.------------------ Wanted: Experienced Kamikaze Pilot
Member # 71
It's amazing how things can get twisted....------------------ Fabrux's Starship Page
Member # 40
Evil GeoCities... It's a very nice ship. Don't usually see them that angular, but it's a nice departure that still conforms to standard Starfleet design. I like it.------------------ "I see you have the ring. And that your Schwartz is as big as mine! -Dark Helmet, Spaceballs
Member # 77
OoOOoOoooOOh! I like it! A bit angular, but I am sure that that is only because of MSPaint's lack of features. ------------------ "Just remember...you're the queen!" Tom Paris to Janeway, "Bride of Chaotica"