T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 232
I'm looking for Star Trek fonts for the Macintosh (True Type). I need the TOS titles font and, in particular, the Movie and TNG starship hull font. Does anyone have these fonts or know where I can download them?------------------ When you're in the Sol system, come visit the Starfleet Museum
Member # 36
I have a program that will convert PC TrueType fonts to the Mac format, actually. If you find the PC versions I can just send the program to you.------------------ Frank's Home Page "Anarchias de meizon ouk estin kakon." - Creon
I have just about every Trek font available on the net, all in Mac format, and can send you whichever ones you need.------------------ The Starship Encyclopedia
Member # 232
The Shadow: Such a conversion program would be very helpful. I would appreciate your sending it. I have found the PC versions of both fonts that I need. My email address is okazaki@jikei.ac.jpLax1701: Just in case the conversion program doesn't work, I would also appreciate your sending the two fonts I mentioned. My address is as above. Thanks a lot. I was getting tired of drawing hull markings on my ships letter by letter. By the way, for those of you who think TOS was the best Trek, at TLai Enterprises (http://www.tlai.com/med_des/modeling.html#amarillo) you can download a font resembling that used for TOS Enterprise hull. This font has been used by the US military since the 1950s. Don't use the "Federation Hull" font or "Machine" font; they are much too fat. ------------------ When you're in the Sol system, come visit the Starfleet Museum
Member # 36
Actually, I managed to find the program's Web site...you can download it from there.------------------ Frank's Home Page "Anarchias de meizon ouk estin kakon." - Creon
Member # 232
Um... I have another problem. How did you unzip files on a Mac?------------------ When you're in the Sol system, come visit the Starfleet Museum
Member # 36
StuffIt Expander and, uh, whatever MindVision's program is called can unzip them.------------------ Frank's Home Page "Anarchias de meizon ouk estin kakon." - Creon
Member # 232
Hey! It worked! For some reason (stupidity, maybe) I was under the impression that Stuffit was unable to unzip zipped files. Anyway, the fonts have been unzipped, converted, and installed and are now functioning. Thanks! ------------------ When you're in the Sol system, come visit the Starfleet Museum
Black Knight
Member # 134
Ok, now E-mail me now please! I have mac too. (actually I have both, 3 Macs & 1 PC) If you could e-mail me, my address is at Omega884@aol.comThanks ------------------ Quark-"Stop. Or I'll disintigrate this hostage."
20th Century General-"With Your Finger?"
Quark-"With my death ray."
20th Century General-"Looks alot like a finger to me."