here is a sketch of an pre- galaxy class starship:
cya Lobo
Posted by Jack_Crusher (Member # 696) on :
It looks like a kit bash of an Excelsior, an Ambassador, and a refit Constitution class.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Well, Mr. Crusher, it would appear as though either you need to get your eyes checked or you don't know what an Excelsior, an Ambassador, or a Constitution II looks like, as this ship doesn't have any of these in it. A very good design indeed!
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Needs a little nutmeg.
Seems to fit as a smaller support ship between the Amb and Gal. eras.. perhaps a heavy cruiser? (i say support because we all recognize the whole fleet cant be explorers, right?)
Posted by Jack_Crusher (Member # 696) on :
Okay, I do know what those starships look like. I meant that it looked like a refit Constitution class ship in the sense that that little indentation in the neck of the ship where it meets the engineering hull looks like the torpedo launcher pod on the refit Const. class ship. And I thought it looked like an Excelsior in the sense of how the aft part of the engineering hull curves down steeply to make more vertical room for the warp drive core and the navigational deflector. And its nacelles look similar to those of an Ambassabor class, with those square things on top of them. Otherwise, it looks just like a regular old Galaxy.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Umm... No. It looks nothing like a Galaxy. Nothing at all. It's as I suspected - you need to get your eyes checked.
Posted by Lobo (Member # 669) on :
hi sure the ship it's an ambassabor/galaxy mix(Ambassabor like warp nacells) it is only a study modell for the famous galaxy class starships.
cya lobo
[ December 22, 2001: Message edited by: Lobo ]
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Well then. I guess I've been mistaken.
But, Mr. Crusher, you make it seem like a bad thing...
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Ooh, a CapCom. 8)
Ambassador-class: "I'm melting! I'm melting! Oh, what a world!"
Posted by Jack_Crusher (Member # 696) on :
As a matter of fact, I am near-sighted, and I have to either wear my glasses or contact lenses, and I looked at the drawing without my glasses on, and it looked like a swan or something. And What the hell does Cap Com have to do with this?
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Ohh, one of those people who only goes to the tech Forums, obviously. Well, bear with me, this may be difficult to explain. . .
Believe it or not, there are some very strange people who don't come just to talk about Star Trek. Crazy, huh? Well, these weirdoes have been known to make things called "jokes." One variety of such jokes involves the posting of a picture and inviting people to suggest humourous captions to it. We call this a Caption Competition, or CapCom for short. Therefore, my previous post, done in the style of a CapCom, was intended to convery my opinion that, while technically very well done and hinting at greater things to come, Lobo's effort looks a bit like a slightly-melted Ambassador. Capisce?
Not exactly the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, are we? 8)
Posted by Jack_Crusher (Member # 696) on :
*holds pinky finger to mouth* Riiiiiiggghhhht. Can you back that up with paperwork?
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Down boy, down.
Posted by Lobo (Member # 669) on :
here an another pic:
[ December 29, 2001: Message edited by: Lobo ]
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Much better, Lobeychops. 8)
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
You might want to try a lighter shade of grey, that one looks a little too heavy.
Posted by Lobo (Member # 669) on :
quote:Originally posted by Reverend: You might want to try a lighter shade of grey, that one looks a little too heavy.
Posted by Dat (Member # 302) on :
I noticed you labelled the ship as USS Galaxy NCC-1701. Being nit-picky here, but I think you should change the rego. You can keep the name, just say it's the immediate precedessor of NX/NCC-70637 and of a different class.
Posted by Lobo (Member # 669) on :
hmm this ship has no name or rego. i had written the name "uss-pregalaxy ncc-34017" for a joke not more. cya lobo
Posted by Dat (Member # 302) on :
I meant the touched up and colored version, not the original sketched version. I hadn't noticed the rego on the original. Well, you can keep the original rego from the sketched version and the USS Galaxy from the revised version. The whole ship looks good. I've done sketches, but they're not as detailed as yours...or any good for that matter.
Posted by Lobo (Member # 669) on :
ok the ship name is "U.S.S. MINERVA NX-61424" ok its not the best name but i dont know any good names for starships. cya
Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :
Of which many of these names have been used on existing starships and even fan-ships. I myself have used Antietam, Archer, Ares, Ark Royal, Armistead, Atlantis, Bishop, Black Hole, Brodd, Castro, Chamberlain, Coral Sea, Dean, Democrat, Flamingo, Fort Wagner, Gettysburg, Gladiator, Glory, Guadalcanal, Indefatigable, Kathleen Mavourneen, Kiev, Kratocki, Maine, Mallory, Mariner, McLachlan, Meade, Minsk, Oslo, Patriot, Popmaze, Pride, R.G. Shaw, Rigel, Sacramento, Spear, Taryn Dodd, Tobey, Vang, Velazquez, Villarreal, Vincennes, Virginia, Winchester, Exodus, Hopson, Kathmandu, Topaz, Voltaire, Fiscus, Pioneer, Atlas, Shokaku, Westphalia, Byzantium, Warspite, Hornet, Nimitz, Forrestal, Tarawa, Midway, Sloane, Honorius, Minerva (yes, I've used this too!), Gallant, Defence, Montezuma, Zuikaku, Tirpitz, Bismarck, Bogue, Shinano, Ranger, Wasp, Kaga, Soryu, Hiryu, Albuquerque, Sisko, Mir, Concordeski, Sputnik, Nemesis, Insurrection, Contact, Generation, Country, Frontier, Voyage, Spock, Wrath, Motion (notice a pattern there?) T'Pol, Kirk, Clayton, Bajor, Bellau Wood, Bono, Brazelton, Brittanic, Cayuga, Congress, Defender, Edge, Escher, Flying Dutchman, Hammurabi, Hawking, Herodotus, Indus, Jay, Joshua Tree, Mullen, Libra, Loki, Mandelbrot, Mother Theresa, New Ironsides, Potomac, Roddenberry, Sagan, Silent Bob, Thucydides, Titanic, Triangulum, Tunguska, T'Veri, Utopia, Van Diemen's Land, Vink, Virgo, Wanderer, Winslet, Wright, Nostradamus, Trinity, King, Lincoln, Nietzsche, Chichen Itza, Daystrom, Machiavelli, Hannibal, Harbinger, Avenger, Nimrod, Argus, Kirov, Xerxes, Rice, Amargosa, Pompeii, Herculaneum, Pliny, Star Empire, Attila, Keel, Timbuktu, Krakatoa, Netherlands, Ironclad, Barrett, Canberra, Austen, Kitty Hark, Indomitable, Terrell, Excel, Pulsar, Seminole, Oberon, Talos, Artesia, and Realm. Now that's a list of names. And feel free to use any of them.
[ December 30, 2001: Message edited by: Dat ]
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
If everyone who made a starship sketch went to the trouble to use a name that has not been used before ever on anything, official or fanbased, then I think you'll find that there aren't enough words in the dictionary.
So who really cares if U.S.S. Bastard Cutthroat and Dribble NCC-54321 has already been used by some obscure fan design, which is actually a crude cut & paste of a Danube and Mr Blobby?
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
And now for something ... to take this thread completely off-topic: Vogon: where was that line from:
"I'm melting! I'm melting! Oh, what a world!" ?
(Not "Who framed Roger Rabbit" by any chance?)
Of course I DO know, where the line about the "backing something up with paperwork" originated, obviously...
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Gosh. Um, I believe it's partly a quote from The Wizard of Oz. . .
Although personally I wouldn't bother using that link, the IMDB has become so riddles with adverts it's functionally impossible to use.
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :