T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Aban Rune
Member # 226
Post-Daedalus, Pre-Constitution
This is just a quick sketch I did last night of a ship that was inspired by an empty French's Yellow Mustard bottle.
The primary hull is a slice of a sphere, so picture it being perfectly circular. The nacelles (I didn't draw them because I was too lazy to go get my straight edge) would be a combo between the E-Nil's and the NX-01's...
Tell me...when I start seeing household objects as parts of starship models I could build...does that mean I've gone over to the bad place...?
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411
Well, when you post the USS Saltshaker, we'll let you know.
Sol System
Member # 30
Keen! Though it shouldn't necessarily have phaser emitters. Looks a bit...dare I say it, Enterprisish, too.
Sol System
Member # 30
Mind you, I think that's a feature, not a bug.
Vogon Poet
Member # 393
This could start a trend, Trek designs influenced by everyday household objects. Indeed, my new roll-on deodorant stick looks like a phaser, I've been zapping things with it all week. When there's no-one looking, that is. 8)
Aban Rune
Member # 226
Well, I wanted it to be a combo of Kirk's ship and the Daedalus...mostly because that's what the mustard bottle reminded me of. Also, this is something I actually want to try and build... so the main structures have to be fairly simple...
I'll probably try to find a TOS Enterprise model and modify the nacelles...
Oh yah...And I was actually wondering about the phaser emitters...I didn't think the two point emitters were right, but what should it have in stead? Just little holes like on the Pre-E...does the Daedalus have anything? [ January 09, 2002: Message edited by: Aban Rune ]
Sol System
Member # 30
Well, depending on your primary influence, it would probably either have little holes (Enterprise) or no visible feature at all (TOS). Of course, in "reality" there should be something there to indicate a weapons port.
Member # 31
I designed a ship and didn't realize until afterward that, from the top, the saucer was shaped like a toilet seat.
Member # 232
Welcome to the Pre-TOS club, Alan!
That slice-of-a-sphere idea is a good approach to making the transition from full sphere to disc. A lot of people (like me) have used a gradually flattening full sphere, so this is a nice contrast.
Nothing wrong with making household objects into starships. Whenever my wife drags me to the home appliance department, I pass the time staring at the shapes of hand vacs and mixers, etc. In my mind, I attach nacelles to everything. One time, I even tried to get my wife to.. (too personal)
If you go to Starship Modeler, you'll see that a lot of guys actually build ships from discarded shampoo bottles and disposable razors. I haven't seen a Trek ship like that though.
Member # 31
Watch Reading Rainbow. The episode about TNG showed a shuttle they made using disposable razors.
Member # 256
quote: Originally posted by Masao: One time, I even tried to get my wife to.. (too personal)
I'd start to get a little worried about my relationship at that point.
Aban Rune
Member # 226
Masao: BWAAHAHAHA! Yes...I tend to view everything in terms of how it could be made into either a Starship or a lightsaber. I've given up on trying not to. By the way, I've always loved your stuff, especially your Pre-TOS stuff, so I count your post as high praise indeed
I think I'm going to go with little holes for the phaser/laser/pulse canon emitters. I actually like the way they look on the NX-01.