T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
The Red Admiral
Member # 602
Still work in progress, but here's an early test render alongside the refit Miranda. All conjectural of course..
The Mighty Monkey of Mim
Member # 646
Not bad.
Member # 232
I think the deflection crystal is a refit characteristic, even in a more primitive form. So, I suggest a more TOS-style impulse deck. Also, the nacelle supports look too modern. Rectangular struts are older looking.
Member # 335
Nice work as always my friend. However, I think it would be much more interesting to see a pre-refit Soyuz-Class instead of a Miranda. This relates to the theory that the Soyuz came first and were refitted along with the Constitution. The basic gist is that Mirandas were actually new builds based closely off of the refitted Soyuz model so they never were built like the original Constitutions. This would be because the old Soyuz didn't hold up as well as expected, which is why they were eventually retired but the new improved Miranda worked wonerfully which explains why the Mirandas are still in service and they Soyuz aren't.
It's just a theory but personally I'd just think A TOS Soyoz would look much better ;-) After all, the Bozeman was originally intended to be a TOS design from what I've heard.
Member # 709
Love the model, hate the impulse crystal. could do without it, especially since its even distorted from the movie version.
Member # 6
Nice work. Well, we don't know exactly if the deflection crystal is so typical of TMP-style ships only. Maybe the TOS Constitution is actually the exception. But for consistency's sake, you may consider to get rid of it. Or you could move it and color it yellowish, so it would be a sensor dome.
Woodside Kid
Member # 699
quote: Originally posted by Masao: Also, the nacelle supports look too modern. Rectangular struts are older looking.
Actually, Masao, from that angle, the struts look almost identical to the struts on the SoSF Surya class frigate.
Balaam Xumucane
Member # 419
Excellent work as usual, RA. Very impressive. No roll bar, though? Alack!
The Red Admiral
Member # 602
Right. Well, the deflection crystal is something I played with for a while, rejected, then ultimately accepted. I myself was not sure about this in the technological sense, but I don't think it's beyond the realms of implausibility.
Reverend, I actually have a Soyuz, but it's an old model from two years ago, and is in dire need of rebuilding. It's the Bozeman-style Soyuz, a TOS Soyuz is also a possibility once I finish this Miranda, it wil be just be a case of amending and modifying the mesh.
In regards to which came first, I'm from the school of thought that says the Miranda came first, and it was of the cruiser-type. The Soyuz though (IMO) was more heavily armed Miranda variant, maybe a Heavy Destroyer, basically an offshoot of the refitted Miranda that was phased in, in perhaps the 2260's.
I speculate that there was only a very small Soyuz fleet, maybe 10 - 20 ships, and for whatever reason, during the 2270's and 80's they were all retired. Being originally TOS Miranda Classes, these Soyuz refits were pretty old anyway by this time.
The nacelle pylons on this Miranda will stay I'm afraid, I'm happy with them. Compared to the NX-01 this is still a very basic looking ship.
Bernd. I could make the crystal into a sensor dome, but I already have one on the underside of the saucer. I first put the crystal there because I wanted some feature on the aft end of the main hull.
There's a couple of other views here: http://www.trekmania.net/art/tosmir1.jpg
Also, Balaam, I think the rollbar is a refit feature, so I omitted it in this TOS version. [ March 05, 2002, 15:14: Message edited by: The Red Admiral ]
Member # 71
Erm. Any particular reason there are impulse engines where the shuttlebays should be?
The Red Admiral
Member # 602
Yes, it was part of the whole back-engineering process from the refit Miranda back to original, ie, the speculation that the orginal Miranda Class had two separate Impulse engines, and one central shuttlebay. Newer Mirandas built to the refit specifications had it the other way round - two shuttle bays, and one central impulse unit.
Member # 335
I'm not sure it's such a good idea to have that deflector crystal directly over the shuttlebay...at least make it smaller and a little more indented like the refit was...but not quite.