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Posted by Niytaan (Member # 820) on :
Hello, I'm new here, but I thought you'd like to see the Enterprise-B that I'm working on. This is my first time modeling(started Tuesday). The link will bring you to a page showing my progress so far.

Enterprise-B WIP Progress
Posted by YrdMehc (Member # 417) on :
Welcome to Flare....

Hope you lurked before jumping in.... Why?? I dunno....

So far so good.....
Posted by Niytaan (Member # 820) on :

Yeah, I lurked for a few days. Had to wait for registration confirmation anyway. [Big Grin]
Posted by Fedaykin Supastar (Member # 704) on :
Welcome Niytaan!

[Razz] great one more Flare dude who can do something wit the computer that i cant do~! hehe
keep up the work, cant wait to see the finished product.

Posted by The Red Admiral (Member # 602) on :
Looks nice so far...
Posted by Niytaan (Member # 820) on :
I've added another image, but on a new page.
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
I'm pleased to see you're one of the sensible ones who realize that those are impulse engines and not shuttlebays... [Wink]

Nice work.

-MMoM [Big Grin]
Posted by Niytaan (Member # 820) on :
Actually, the schematics call those "impulse exhausts," which sounds like a fancy word for impulse engines, but they're not the impulse engines. Anyway, who ever heard of 4 shuttles bays? [Big Grin]
Posted by Nim Pim (Member # 205) on :
They're not the impulse engines? Please explain?
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
There are a few who believe that the added saucer extensions on the Enterprise B are shuttlebays, not impulse engines. Apparently, the MSD in the movie, or some other graphic has them labeled as such.

I think they're impulse engines...but I don't want to fight about it.
Posted by Woodside Kid (Member # 699) on :
I'm from the other camp, and we could make the same comments about you impulse engine folks, but it wouldn't change the fact that those are gorgeous images, Niytaan. I'm a pen-and-paper man; I wish I could do work like that.

And you're right, Aban. Let's leave that particular corpse in its grave.

[ May 10, 2002, 07:31: Message edited by: Woodside Kid ]
Posted by Niytaan (Member # 820) on :
This MSD said that it is a "vectored exhaust drive assembly," which to me just sounds like a fancy phrase for RCS thrusters. [Big Grin]
Posted by Nim Pim (Member # 205) on :
That MSD also labels the added exhausts as "Impulse Reaction System", so both engine-pairs must be involved in the impulse drive system. The "old" impulse-pair looks to big to be thrusters, anyway.

When Voyager was inside that big space-worm they couldn't use the impusle engines becuase it hurt the worm, so Paris went with thrusters and said "all of...300 Kph".
That's not a lot, and Voyager was the fastest ship at the time, so the former ships probably didn't go faster than that.

[ May 12, 2002, 05:26: Message edited by: Nim Pim ]
Posted by Niytaan (Member # 820) on :
Ok, I got a little sick and frustrated with the saucer so I'm going to try and get the secondary worked on a little.
Posted by Niytaan (Member # 820) on :
Another update. I think I'm closer to the basic design for the secondary hull.
Posted by Niytaan (Member # 820) on :
No comments? [Frown]

Another update. I'll try to connect the secondary and the primary hull by tomorrow.

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