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Posted by Nimrod Pimding (Member # 205) on :
Does anyone here know if James Dixon has updated his Star Trek Timeline document recently?
Last time I checked, last year, he was at the 14th Edition.
Has he gotten tired and stopped updating after Voyager ended?
Posted by Nimrod Pimding (Member # 205) on :
I ask you again, Captain, how many updates are there?
Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
I thought this thread was about Nixon or something pornographic.

Anyway, Dixon just posted at TrekBBS to say that he just finished Version 15. You need to email him. See this thread:
Posted by Nimrod Pimding (Member # 205) on :
Thanks! I'll check it out!

Out of curiosity, what is considered the "latest" timeline in Trek nowadays?
Nemesis? Or are there any comicbooks that take place even more recent?
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
definitely Nemesis, with its 2278 date.

no comics have been produced in 2 years, and the novels are all pretty much confined to 2376 (immediately after the end of the Dominion War).. the only post VGR "Endgame" book due is the Voyager 'season 8' series which they are taking their damn sweet time coming out with.

roughly put:
2373 -- "First Contact", DS9 season 5, VGR season 3
2374 -- "Insurrection", DS9 season 6, VGR season 4
2375 -- DS9: "What You Leave Behind", VGR season 5
2376 -- DS9 "Avatar" books, DS9 "N Vector" comics, DS9/TNG "Divided we Fall" comics, VGR season 6
2377 -- VGR: "Endgame"
2378 -- expected post-Endgame VGR books
2379 [thbbt!] -- "Nemesis"
2380 -- Captain Riker & Ezri, Bashir, Worf, Tom Paris join together on the uprated Akira-class Titan, which has an extra 30 torpedo tubes, and future-VGR-batmobile shielding. Scotty guest stars. Then Braxton shows up, assimilated by the Borg. everything in starfleet must now be referred to as 'transphasic', 'multiphasic', quantum', 'adaptive', 'transadaptive', 'multiquantum', transmultiphase adaptive tricorders, for example, and so on. with special effects to match

[ December 21, 2002, 09:15: Message edited by: CaptainMike ]
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Nemesis is 2379. Thus the 568xx date.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :

My date was figured on the Encounter at Farpoint (2364) + youve been by exec 14 years line from the script i read. so he rounded down. yay.
Posted by Styrofoaman (Member # 706) on :
Originally posted by CaptainMike:

2380 -- Captain Riker & Ezri, Bashir, Worf, Tom Paris join together on the uprated Akira-class Titan, which has an extra 30 torpedo tubes, and future-VGR-batmobile shielding. Scotty guest stars. Then Braxton shows up, assimilated by the Borg. everything in starfleet must now be referred to as 'transphasic', 'multiphasic', quantum', 'adaptive', 'transadaptive', 'multiquantum', and so on. with special effects to match

Please tell me that's a joke! [Eek!]
Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
Wasn't Insurrection in 2375?

2380 -- Captain Riker & Ezri, Bashir, Worf, Tom Paris join together on the uprated Akira-class Titan, which has an extra 30 torpedo tubes, and future-VGR-batmobile shielding. Scotty guest stars. Then Braxton shows up, assimilated by the Borg. everything in starfleet must now be referred to as 'transphasic', 'multiphasic', quantum', 'adaptive', 'transadaptive', 'multiquantum', transmultiphase adaptive tricorders, for example, and so on. with special effects to match
Sounds like a Shatner-novel.

*lol* Dixon can't write a post without mentioning Okuda.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
i dont remember there being a stardate in Insurrection.. but i remember having a discussion about whether it would make more sense for it to be before Jadzia's death or after, and pretty much everyone I talked to said before. is there any more official word on the subject?
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
Originally posted by Spike:

2380 -- Captain Riker & Ezri, Bashir, Worf, Tom Paris join together on the uprated Akira-class Titan, which has an extra 30 torpedo tubes, and future-VGR-batmobile shielding. Scotty guest stars. Then Braxton shows up, assimilated by the Borg. everything in starfleet must now be referred to as 'transphasic', 'multiphasic', quantum', 'adaptive', 'transadaptive', 'multiquantum', transmultiphase adaptive tricorders, for example, and so on. with special effects to match
Sounds like a Shatner-novel.

It is a Shatner novel.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
naw even Shatner (i.e. the Reeves-Stevens) arent that bad.. i even find their novels to be enjoyable, if not entirely pleasant to the canon ecology of Trek...

the only stories that are like that, usually begin with
Posted by Nimrod Pimding (Member # 205) on :
CaptainTheMike: " youve been by exec 14 years"

Did he have a cold, when saying that? Or was that a homage to his Shakespearean dry pronounciation? :.J

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