T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 343
I was poking around the Starfleet Museum the other night as I'm wont to do because I love the artwork, especially the badges...& for the hell of it, I copied the UESN & Starfleet charts into Word & printed them out on the library's lovely color laserprinter.
Afterwards, I went out to get some poster frames to complete the decoration of my apartment before this Chinese New Year's party we're having & I saw on sale this lovely rounded-style black high-gloss frame measuring 11� by 36 inches. Immediately I snapped it up.
The next day, I printed out more images & bought a second frame & it all looks spectacularly gorgeous. The nice thing is that they're those easy-to-reopen frames, so as Masao edits & updates the charts, I'll be able to update the picture, too.
See for yourself: UESN & UFP. Shitty pictures, yes--no idea how to make the flash go away--but they look great in person.
Member # 779
Wish I had access to a decent printer. Not that it stops me from having printouts from the museum all over my room, but it'd be nice to have better quality.
Aban Rune
Member # 226
Ok... on the UESN pic... there's an Enterprise looking patch at the top right of that section. I have not seen this patch. I *must* see this patch... It looks sweet.
Member # 444
Aban: http://www.starfleet-museum.org/torsk.htm
Member # 232
Wow, that's very cool, Shik. But the tribute part makes it sound like I've died or something! (at least you didn't say 'memorial.'
Gee, I wish I had one of those color laser printer things! I used to have a color inkjet, but all I've got now is a BW laser.
The Navaga patch (along with the Archer class) is the only acknowledgement in the Museum of the existence of series 5.
Aban Rune
Member # 226
Dang, that's just cool. The ship is sweet as well as the patch. I tip my cap to thee once again, sir. Well done, I say!
I really hope we get to see Starfleet patches from other ships sometime during Enterprise... it would be a nice little extra harking back to the days when we got ot see different insignia on uniforms in TOS.
Member # 265
The crew of the Fortunate had patches. I don't know if they were really new ones though.
Member # 322
Reed's friend had a different Starfleet patch in "Silent Enemy".
Aban Rune
Member # 226
Ahhh... haven't seen that one yet.
Nimrod Pimding
Member # 205
Masao: You do realize Torsk means cod in swedish? It's also doubles as a derogative term for prostitute customers, teehee.
Shik: How about standing anywhere else than right in front of the reflecting surface, say 10-20� to the left or right? Although I realize the need to get the perspective right. Glass-reflection was hell during the Star Wars exhibit in London.
Member # 6
I only hope you won't change the class name, Masao (webmaster's nightmare).
Member # 232
Blame the US Navy for the name Torsk. I named it after one of their WWII subs (and swiped the patch). Didn't know about the prostitution thing, but it's probably fitting for the crew on shore leave.
About the patch for Reed's friend. I emailed Geoffrey Mandel about it. He said that the art department wasn't asked to design a new patch, so speculates it was something the wardrobe department had on hand. He thinks it might have been the Earth Cargo Service patch from Fortunate Son.
I wasn't considering changing the class name until you mentioned it, Bernd...
First of Two
Member # 16
I'll take one of each.
Member # 322
Does Mandel have a photo or graphic of the freighter patch?
BTW: The freighter patch is a circle, the one from "Sleeping Dogs" is a square.
quote: Masao: You do realize Torsk means cod in swedish? It's also doubles as a derogative term for prostitute customers, teehee.
Could be worse. Mitsubishi named one of their cars "Pajero", which means "wanker" in Spanish.
Member # 71
I think companies really need to research their product names when exporting to different countries. Like when Chevrolet exported their best selling car at the time, the Nova, into Mexico, it hardly sold at all. Nova (no va) in Spanish => "it doesn't go"