Topher's Nova write-up is next, accompanied by Black Knight's diagram.
---------- NOVA CLASS ----------
A. Conjecture
I. Design History
The Nova class project was started in 2363, originally as a replacement for the Galaxy class of explorer at the end of it's lifespan. It was later decided instead that the Nova class name would be given to the name of the replacement for the Oberth class.
The Oberth class was becoming more and more expensive in materials and resources to continually upgrade to current specs. The original project draft called for a ship of a compact size, extensive sensor equipment, long-range capabilities and better defences.
II. Construction History
A design engineer from the Defiant project was transferred to the Nova project, and he brought his Defiant Pathfinder computer model with him. It was decided to modify the Defiant Pathfinder to fit the requirements for the Nova class. The two forward saucer torpedo emplacements were replaced with a secondary deflector array and sensor equipment. After trimming down the other weaponry, the Nova class was left with two torpedo tubes and eleven phaser strips. It was also decided to give the Nova the capability of planetary landing, which would greatly enhance its geological scanning capabilities, befitting of a planetary surveyor. Sensor palettes were added to the saucer and a large atmospheric shuttle was placed on the underside of the saucer, to aid in planetary scanning. Small fins were added to the nacelles to increase atmospheric stability. The Nova class was equipped with a small shuttlebay that could hold two specialized shuttlepods that were also equipped with powerful sensors.
Due to the general purpose of the vessel and the size, it was decided that speeds higher than warp 8 were not required, and as space on the vessel was at a premium, the Nova class was made a short-range vessel.
Construction on the prototype, hull 72374 began in 2364. The spaceframe was completed and computer cores added in June of that year. It was decided to implement the new bio-neural computer circuitry being tested on the Intrepid class for the Nova, as it would increase computing capability. The warp core used was a modified version of the GFX-40216 model being used on the Defiant project. The nacelles were attached to the spaceframe in October of 2364. Low-power tests were performed on the warp core in December.
Several impulse engine designs were tested for the Nova, but it was decided that a single impulse engine on the ship's spine would be most efficient. The impulse engine was installed in February of 2365. A temporary bridge module and engineering compartment were installed and the spaceframe was towed into Jupiter space were trials were performed. The engines performed flawlessly and the hull was brought back to graving dock 14 at Utopia Planitia for fitting with sensors and interior modules.
The Nova class was equipped with the best laboratory facilities at the time. The new EMH was installed on the Nova class, with holographic emitters in sickbay and the primary laboratory, to assist the CMO and the CSO.
The hull skin for the Nova class was completed in August of 2365 and the USS Nova NX-72374 began it's shakedown cruise. The warp core was properly balanced and on November 26, 2365, the Nova entered warp for the first time. The Nova was all it's designers could hope for. COnstruction began on the Nova's sister ship, the Equinox, and two other hulls, the Solstice and Eclipse.
The USS Equinox was completed in March of 2366 along with the Solstice and Eclipse. The Equinox was lost on its second voyage which resulted in the recall of the Nova, Solstice, Eclipse, and a halt on the construction on the Apogee and Perigee. It was feared that there was a design flaw that caused the Equinox to be lost. After extensive examinations including an almost complete teardown of the Nova, no flaws were found. The Nova, Solstice and Eclipse were returned to active duty, and construction continued on the Apogee and Perigee.
After contact was established with the USS Voyager in 2376, it was discovered that, like Voyager, the Equinox had been transported to the Delta Quadrant by a being known only as the Caretaker. The Equinox had sustained heavy damage but could still function, and they had increased their warp core effiency by an unknown method. Upon receiving this news, the Nova design team was insufferably proud for a month.
The Apogee and Perigee were completed in 2368 and construction began on the next batch of Novas, the Azimuth, Zenith, Pathfinder, and Ecliptic. The Azimuth and Zenith were completed in 2370 and the Pathfinder and Ecliptic in 2372. During the Dominion War, the Novas were used to scout out enemy installations, and only 2 vessels were lost.
III. Refit and Upgrade
During the Dominion war, the need for a small vessel with extensive sensor capabilities and enough armament to fend of attacking Dominon ships if necessary became apparent for scouting out borders of Dominion-held space. Due to time restrictions and budget concerns, it was decided to modify the Nova-class USS Maine, which was currently being constructed at the San Francisco Fleetyards.
Upgrades to the Maine included a smaller secondary sensor assembly on the saucer's top in order to accomodate two extra torpedo launchers, a dome-style bridge section with more escape pods, relocation of the impulse engine to accomodate more weapons storage in the ship's spine, and modifications to the nacelles and warp drive, increasing the top speed to warp 9.
The internal arrangement of the Maine was significantly different to that of a regular Nova-class vessel. The many science labs were removed in favour of increased torpedo magazines and more specific long-range and short-range sensor equipment.
The Maine was launched in mid-2374 with two more Nova variants, the New Hampshire and the Vermont, under construction. By the end of the war, the Nova variant included five vessels, with an additional 6 planned. Refitting of existing Nova class vessels is under consideration.
IV. Current Status
The following is a list of Nova class vessels and their status
USS Nova NCC-72374 Status: Active USS Equinox NCC-72381 Status: Destroyed USS Solstice NCC-72395 Status: Active USS Eclipse NCC-72413 Status: Destroyed USS Apogee NCC-72437 Status: Active USS Perigee NCC-72471 Status: Active USS Azimuth NCC-72523 Status: Active USS Zenith NCC-72557 Status: Destroyed USS Pathfinder NCC-72561 Status: Active USS Ecliptic NCC-72608 Status: Active
The following is a list of Nova class variants and their status
USS Maine NCC-72613 Status: Active USS New Hampshire NCC-72648 Status: Active USS Vermont NCC-72673 Status: Destroyed USS Massachusetts NCC-72698 Status: Lost USS Rhode Island NCC-72701 Status: Active
B. Canonical Appearances and Information
The only known Nova class vessel is the USS Equinox, seen in the Voyager episodes "Equinox, Part I" and "Equinox, Part II". It was established in these episodes that the Nova class is a planetary surveyor with a small crew and atmospheric capabilites.
The Voyager finale "Endgame" established the existance of the USS Rhode Island, a variant of the Nova class. The Rhode Island was able to successfully engage and destroy Klingon vessels equivalent to the known Negh'Var. Although this episode was set in the future, it is possible that the Rhode Island variant actually exists due to the low registry of 72701.
C. Bibliography
Star Trek: Voyager episodes 220 and 221 ('Equinox, Parts I and II') written by Rick Berman, Brannon Braga, and Joe Menosky. Teleplay by Brannon Braga and Joe Menosky. Directed by David Livingston
Star Trek: Voyager episode 271 and 272 ('Endgame, Parts I and II') written by Rick Berman, Kenneth Biller, and Brannon Braga. Teleplay by Kenneth Biller and Robert Doherty. Directed by Allan Kroeker.
Star Trek: The Magazine, June 2000 issue. Article "Designing the U.S.S. Equinox" written by Rick Sternbach.