T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 71
Alrighty. So some of you may remember my alien race that I work on in fits and starts now and again. But this might be new to some people. Anyways, once again I'm attempting to flesh them out some more. I asked a friend of mine to draw some character sketches of what I envision the Elani to look like. My original plan was to colour the drawings with Paintshop Pro, but I don't think I can ever figure it out without getting extremely frustrated. So, I photocopied the original drawings and coloured them with pencil crayons. Not having access to a scanner I took pictures of them with a digital camera (I'll most likely scan them in Monday when I'm on campus again).
Here they are...
Elani female in an alternate uniform Elani male colonel Elani female in skivvies Elani male in skivvies [ January 15, 2006, 05:20 PM: Message edited by: Topher ]
Member # 1782
That second Elani female in the skivvies scares me! *G* You should also make a webpage for them, or some outline (of course if you have not already) and describe their physiology, culture, history, species.
Member # 1782
Ooow, I also like what you and your friend have created so far by the way... With the slight noduals from the chin, they seem like a formerly aquatic species- perhaps they could have a different skin texture, somewhat scaled- to make them even more alien?
Jason Abbadon
Member # 882
So...are the Elani from Iceland or Finland? I always get those mixed up.
So far they're tan, green/blue haired humanoids with pointy ears and (possibly) some real anatomical diffrences from most Trek humanoids.
Kinda "super-hero" looking from there rough ideas, but no moreso than any other Trek comic aliens.
Got any ship designs or ideas to make them stand apart?
Member # 71
I have a website for them here.
As for their physiology, I'm still working on that. I read up blood and there's a possibiliy for iridium-based blood, in which case they would either have to have dark skin (which they sort of due in my colourings) or be from a low-light environment.
Jason Abbadon
Member # 882
Or their chemistry relies more on sunlight to process vitamins and minerals than ours does (hence the darker color).
Or it's natural camofaluge with their planet's flora.
Or a fashion trend- they might change skin color yearly to suit some calander (year of the Thorkie means red skin for example). It would be cool to see a seven year run of a show where a character kept changing colors with each season.
Member # 44
The first one looks like Paula Abdul!
Member # 1782
Or if they change color with thier mood, I have a speices that does that- it happens in the animal world, heck even a Terran can turn red when they get embarrased. Perhaps in their ancestoral roots they were an animal with great color change abilities, that used it to communicate, but now it's less pronounced.
Member # 71
Er, I kinda forgot about this. Scanned the coloured drawings in.
Elani female in an alternate uniform Elani male colonel Elani female in skivvies Elani male in skivvies [ January 15, 2006, 05:20 PM: Message edited by: Topher ]
Member # 31
Wow. That second "Elani female in skivvies" needs to lay off the testosterone.
Pensive's Wetness
Member # 1203
Just looks like elves in space. nothing original about long ears either...
*rolls eyes and otherwise keeps shushy*
now for the artist aspect of critque... it's ok for free hand stuff. better than mine, certainly...
Member # 71
quote: Originally posted by TSN: Wow. That second "Elani female in skivvies" needs to lay off the testosterone.
I never even noticed that typo...
Jason Abbadon
Member # 882
quote: Originally posted by Pensive's Wetness: Just looks like elves in space. nothing original about long ears either...
*rolls eyes and otherwise keeps shushy*
now for the artist aspect of critque... it's ok for free hand stuff. better than mine, certainly...
Oh fuck that- it's awful.
Really, the description sounds enough intresting though.
Member # 1782
*ponders something more diplomatic* I think it's a very good start... there is certainly a toon-superhero aspect to the drawings- Perhaps in a second version of them you could try for less idealized forms- no super thin waists or bulging muscles, and try to bring out more alien features.
Jason Abbadon
Member # 882
I say grab Aban and twist his arm to sketch something.....more alien than the "super-elves" look.
Do you have any particular physical characteristics other than the hair, skin color and ears?
Something definitely non-human (dual spines, triple joints, longer than adverage jaws, torsos, multijointed legs, detatchable penis, etc.) [ January 15, 2006, 10:56 PM: Message edited by: Jason Abbadon ]
Member # 71
Well, I did suggest to my friend that he draw them in comic-book style.
As for the alien-ness (or lack thereof)...gotta make it easy on the makeup department, y'know.